The Island | Teen Ink

The Island

January 12, 2013
By Anonymous

BOOM! I open my eyes and see a peaceful blue sky with slow moving clouds floating across. BOOM! What is that sound? Where is it coming from I wonder? It sounded far off, but I feel the ground shake as it sounds a third time. Suddenly, I realize I am laying down, and I sit up only to be surprised. I am in the middle of large grassy meadow it looked like, with big boulders spread around. There is a bright horizon and beautiful ocean not far away. How did I get here? The last thing I can remember is a sunny park, riding my bike. My mom calling out to me...what was she saying? “Julia! Julia!” Then blackness was all around me, and I was suddenly falling, and now here. Where is here? I stand up, shakily, and am surprised to find I feel a bit nauseous. I look around, still astonished to be in this strange meadow. Hearing my stomach growl I realize I am very hungry despite my nauseousness. I look around me some more. It takes longer than it should for me to realize I am on an island. Surrounded by water. Oh god. Stay calm Julia, I tell myself, stay calm. I will just find some people, and get some food then get back home. No need to worry about the water, or what lurks in it. I have always been scared of the ocean. When I was little my dad was killed by a shark when my family was on a vacation in Hawaii. I had been only four then. After that I have been quite happy in pools. I squinted into the bright sun. I could see a sandy beach, with swaying palm trees and a humongous black bolder, not too far off. If this is an island, there must be people on the beach. So, I start slowly walking towards the sunny beach. My queasyness didn't speed my pace. I realized, as I was walking, that this is a very flat island, with only a few skinny palm trees around the edge. For some reason, I keep finding my mind wandering back to those survivor shows, that me and Mom would watch Friday nights. Don't worry, you won't have to “survive” out here on your own, once you find some one to help you, I assure myself. Half way to the beach, I see a glint of familiar blue metal. Could it be? I jog up to what looks like my new bike, misshapen, and chipped. It looked like some one dropped it five stories. Ok, this is too weird. I wake up on a random speck of land with my bike all crapped-up, after just riding through a park with my mom? I just stand there for a while thinking though all of the Sci-Fi books I've read, or movies I've seen. I've never heard of anything like this. I pick up the remains of my thirteenth birthday present. I can't just leave it there, maybe when I get home me and Mom can get a refund on it. Finally I reach the beach, I didn't think dragging my bike around would wear me out so fast. Then again, I was pretty hungry. Maybe I could find a snack before I find people. I started to look around. The only food that I could find was some coconuts still attached to the tree, and a mysterious berry bush. So it was either eat the unidentified berries or risk my life on a 9 foot tree. I sighed, knowing it was smarter to take the coconuts. I didn't really want to eat poison berries today. I try to scale the tree with just my hands, but the bark is smooth and slippery. For a minute I stand there thinking about how to get my snack. Lightbulb! I take off my blue Aéropostale sweatshirt and try using it to shimmy up the slender tree trunk. The sweatshirt helps, but it still takes me a minute to get up there. I twist off one hairy nut, and drop it to the sandy beach below me, then reach up for a second one. I get two more off when I drop my sweatshirt. Great. I try to back down slowly, but end up sliding down most of the way and scraping the insides of my arms. My arms burn and begin to turn bright red, but I'm not bleeding, so I decide to eat. I have never tried to open a coconut before, I've only seen them in the grocery store. I try slamming it's hairy surface against a rock, but it only dents it. So I grab a dark, dense stone the size of my hand, and put the coconut on a another big rock, then slam the smaller one down on the hard shell. After a few swings I find a long crack with whitish water seeping through. I quickly drink all of it. It has a really strange taste, like coconut, but in liquid form. I keep banging on the now empty shell and get it all the way open. After I crack open the other coconuts I have a feast of white coconut flesh, and juice. As soon as I finish eating my make shift lunch, I start trekking the flat circumference of the beach. If I walk all the way around I will have to find some sign of people. As I walk I begin to see that there is no litter on the beach, or anywhere. That's strange. Another thing I realize is that, from what I can see, there is a massive piece of black metal in the distance. When I spot it I start running towards it. No way, I think.  It's a dumpster, two cars long, full of stinky trash bags. The left side is warped and dented. Half on top of a rock, and half way on the beach, it looks pretty tippy. I guess that's why there is no litter around, they must have just thrown it all in here. In a way I was relieved to find this oddity here, it means there has to be someone else here, with a way to get off. I continue walking, and start getting hungry again. Then I see the gigantic boulder again, and the remains of my coconut meal. I have walked around the whole island already? I guess I over estimated it's size; it's even smaller than I expected. Panic bubbles through me. There HAS to be people in the middle of the island, and if there isn't...Oh god, don't even think that! I don't think that I have enough energy to walk for that much longer. If I could just see the whole island...I climb up the huge rough boulder. I look out over the sea, and turn around. "No." I whisper. My eyes tear up. All I can is vegetation, rocks, and trees. No people, no houses, no camp sites, nothing. I sit down and burst into tears. I have been holding it in all this time, and now I just lose control. I'm not sure how long I stay there, sobbing. But eventually I just lay there, thinking about my house, my mom.  A small swirl appeared in the sky. What the...? A dark purple vortex seemed to have opened up in the sky. Suddenly a red truck literally fell out of the vortex and plummeted towards the earth. If I was even on Earth anymore. I watched it hit the ground with such force that I felt the ground shake. A puzzle piece clicked together in my mind. The dumpster. This rock. Could it be that they came out of the sky too? But what was the third sound? I didn't have much time to ponder this because I heard a...I turned around, there low in the now pinkish sky was a black helicopter. For a moment I just stared, wide-eyed at this miracle. I took a deep breath of salty air and screamed "Hey!" as loud as my lungs could handle. Praying that they saw me, I jumped up and down widely, and waved my arms around, while screaming. It started to circle around me! They were coming for me! I saw a man in black clothes open the side door. He unraveled a rope ladder and another man started to come down. And then I felt myself falling, blackness closed around me once again. I screamed and grabbed at nothing to stop my fall. Now I'm waking up, and I feel rain against my face. I open my eyes.

The author's comments:

I wrote this a few years ago. I was inspired by an interesting photo of a sunset. The picture was bittersweet, even though it was of paradise.

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