The Road to Our Fate | Teen Ink

The Road to Our Fate

January 8, 2013
By the_wallflower SILVER, Raleigh, North Carolina
the_wallflower SILVER, Raleigh, North Carolina
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself": FDR

The Legend
There is a place where history is lost. It is to be rediscovered one day, by someone who wants to know their history for the history, not to gain from it. Someone who will use it for the betterment of their people then and for those before them. So, because of that, it is all in a room to be found by the man who will change everything.

Us Today
The world has become Not one land but people as one. You would call it religion, we call it a way of life. I can’t tell you when this is or who I am, but nothing in life is the same.

We have a bio-- (skin, shell, … suit) bio-suit. It replaces all of your daily technology use, and is a part of us that we can’t live without. It has an intelligence database that can tell us anything at anytime. Anything from someone else’s favorite color to pie’s one hundredth decimal. Well, anything other than something “lost” to mankind or undiscovered.

The bio-suit also has another feature. You can change how you look (things like gender, race, age, hair, height, and body build). The one problem is that people can overuse it.

I can, like everyone else, check on other people that I know. Almost like a cell phone, but mind chat with each other. So, we see who people are when we mind chat even when we changed.

With everyone having a bio-suit, everyone is the same. So I’d know the same information, I could see what different ideas my friends are thinking, and what they are going to do, or the information they have. That means we don’t need to have many things that are a part of your daily life that controls you. This world is just a self sustaining way of life, where we look out for everyone, they look out for us.

We have jobs but it is just computer work. It’s not fun, but with the bio-suit we can multi task with only having a part of our mind doing our job. I mean, we have full control of our mind not just the 10% of your brain you use.

All labor and work that requires movement and full thought has been taken over by machines. Not machines moving on their own accord, doing only one action, but ones who are a little more complex than machines during your lifetime. (So they can do more work, more types of work, have better efficiency, and have less maintenance work and problems.)

Kids are different. They have enough knowledge to be the “perfect child” but not enough to overload them. So they are nice to each other and to adults. There is no school either, because the knowledge is already there for their us. They don’t work, their life is all play and having a good time.

Adults are able to spend time with their kids because of being able to multi task. That means there are better families and family relationships.

So life is good and everyone is happy. That is until someone questioned how good it is: ME...

I feel different, even as a child I did. I want more than instant gratification. I want to feel like I will accomplish something, not just have things given to me on a -- “silver platter” (platter- what is the meaning of this saying I don’t fully get this?)

I even change myself differently. I don’t change how I look, but I change important aspects of myself. Like making it easy to build muscles, making it so I enjoy eating healthy foods.

When people do or react to something, I like to ask them how they accomplished, what they did to accomplish and theey accomplished it. So that doesn’t makes me the most popular person, but it does make me one of the most caring people.

I don’t care when my friend does something wrong. That’s because I give affection for what my friends do and say. Not that they did something wrong but how and theey thought it for the right purpose. I share with my friends what I thought was good and bad about what they did.
I give my opinion based on the information I have and that the person I’m talking to understands where I’m coming from. The problem with that is, not everyone will let you know they follow you. Even though sometimes they have more information to change my view. They might even cut me off, but I just want to get my point across and that never ends well.

The biggest thing is I love reading. I read for the feeling of suspense and mystery. Unlike everyone else who could just touch a book and they know it word for word. The down side is that there are no real books. Just files people download and then know for the rest of their lives.

There are a few books that do exist (on a computer). There is one that is supposed to have been written in our beginning. After reading it I don’t believe it. No one would write like this with what we have and how we live.

The book is called Fahrenheit 451. The book’s world is like ours but we’re on opposite sides of the spectrum. They are denied almost everything and we have everything. We are both a utopia world but it shows in the book that utopias are never perfect. Something always makes them fall an idea, an item, or even a person.

Now that I have become “17 and crazy” (not that it ever goes away) I’m whole or so I think. I have become of age and I’m allowed everything. Not the world, but the knowledge and freedom to be what I want (though not to do what I want).

Life is good. I have my brother, just a year or two younger and we are closer than anything. No love life just living the good years but...I don’t know, but there feels like there is something more, but do I want to know this. Know if it might affect me and my life.

Chapter 1: The room
Day 1:

The door is locked. It is in the never ending hallway. That door is the only door in this hallway. People said that it was fate for the chosen one to find that door.

I don’t believe the legend is true. I do believe that the room is our past that will change our future. That’s why I’m here, to find out why. My thoughts were strengthened when the door said “the fate to our past.” I do not understand this.

Day 8:

I spent a week to get into though locked door in room. When I finally walk in all I see a vast room with shelves of software. It is what I think you call a warehouse?

I start walking around. I see docking stations everywhere and it leads me to believe of an idea. I would be able to store all the history in my database. Starting from the beginning to the start of the rebirth.

Day 9:

As I start exploring more, I hear something. So I start bobbing and weaving (right?) through the rows of shelves. As I stop, I come up to this wall with only one thing up against it. It is a machine I have only heard rumors about.

There is this screen on top of a base that has these panels with tons of buttons. There is only one lit up, but faintly, like it has been lit up for years. It has the word start on it, so I press it (not giving another thought).

The screen lights up pointing to a panel on the end with a download station flashing. There is this female voice telling me to download. She reported, she was my guide to this old world of mystery.

She informed me, she is the helper of fate. I think that’s a load of baloney (is that how the saying goes?). She convinces me to write this. To help change the rebirth into something good. It’s also to tell you what happen and that you can help change it too...

Chapter 2: Split Second
Day 11:

I spend weeks in that room. I’m in there reading and understanding my heritage. Naturally learning and changing, I like it that way. With T.H.O.F. (The Helper Of Fate) I could find anything and everything. I have to start with the 1900’s, so I can understand enough but not spend a lifetime there.

I can’t shake a feeling. It’s that there is a reason to this, not just to write a story. I mean how will she get this story to you and why did I have to learn your history?
Day 27:

Ok I read up to just learning everything leading up to the rebirth, but why did I have to? The rebirth is when you end and we start. I can’t tell you how but something happened and it changed this world for ever.

Day 28:

What’s happening? I found this book, the one that I’m writing. Everything up to this point is the same, but after, it’s different. It’s not me writing just facts no personality to it. That can’t be, how can it? She keeps saying my time here is ending. I can’t do this I need to get away.

Day 35:

I’m back from reading the book and I understand some things now. Things like why we never knew our past. We couldn’t, not with how we live. We have all the time in the world to do anything. So we spend all that time thinking of our past. We wouldn’t let go.

I guess that is the cost of a utopia. That you live in the present with no past worries, of the future, Just being in bliss. That’s not me anymore I’ve changed, but I don’t like this new me. I’m losing something that I’m not getting back. Well I’m gaining something too, but is it even worth it at times? Even the book changes as I write thing down.

Day 37:

It hurts to know and understand everything. Why did some many people want power? It’s useless no happiness comes from it.

Day 38:

Why? Why did this have to happen to me? Why did I want this? When did this become me? I wanted a happy life. A place where I can do what I want be what I want. Was that too hard to ask?

Day 39:

Am I really supposed to be the new him? That man from the Bible? Am I supposed to sacrifice myself? I have realized I had a decent life but do I want to give it up? No I was always different, and I must leave.

I had that last supper, but with my brother. When I told him I had to leave he asked why.

I told him “To be reborn in our past to change this world for the better.” He wanted to come but I said “no, you're not ready”.

I explained it to him, find “the fate to our past” because your fate can change if you know and accept your past. He realized I found the room.

His eyes welled up with tears and said to me, “I will find you brother. I love you and I will miss you.”

I answered him by saying “We will see each other again, but” I handed him my book to him, “think of this as me writing to you what happens to me. As I write my story it will appear there.” I walk away crying.

Day 40:

Let me explain some things. I knew:
I would time travel to your time
My brother would find this room to the past
I must forget to remember

I mean when I leave (in the next few hours) I cannot deal with this burden alone. So I will forget, not why I’m there and who I am, but what will happen. Until I can find someone who can handle this and share my old life with me. So I have another biosuit to bring with me.

My split second:
The T.H.O.F. is a part of me now so I guess I am fate. I am the one who changes fate. Wait, do I want to do this, do I want to change my fate? Lose my brother, my life. I can’t run away this time, can I go through with this. Yes, to make this world better and to become who I’m destined to be. A person who will be changed for the better, but I will see my brother again, it’s fate...

What I will do will change your future from the one where technology is a crutch that people can’t stand without. Oh and my name is Brice, Brice Farrell. It’s nice to meet you, I hope you like my story. It will change your story or maybe your kid’s.

The author's comments:
I did this for school but I wanted to do something more with it. I based it off me. Who I am and what I want.

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