Alien Population in our Schools | Teen Ink

Alien Population in our Schools

January 8, 2013
By eshan0814 BRONZE, Cary, North Carolina
eshan0814 BRONZE, Cary, North Carolina
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Lately many students have been put in overpopulated schools. In many schools there would be students that would have to sit on the ground and work because there were not enough desks and chairs.

What will happen in the over populated schools? The government set aside a couple million dollars so they could fund aliens and everything was happy. Well..... NO! The government refused to set aside millions of dollars and banned alien children from school. So guess what? America falls into a war with the aliens. Now it looks like the aliens are not as nice as I thought they were. This is where the story starts.

As the wind silently blew me and Pop sat in the abandoned house. “Are they gone”, asked Pop.

“Yah I think so”. As we came out of the building we looked at all of the homes that were ruined.

“Everyone’s gone”, I shouted. Next thing I know Pop is observing a green like jello substance. “The aliens have come”, said Pop.

“What do we do now”?

As we continued trotting farther and farther down the bright, narrow road we come across an abundance of bodies that are stacked up on the top of each other. As the shines on the red dripping blood no one moves or says anything. The next thing I notice are the abandoned guns that were once owned by the public dead. Pop approaches the guns and pick up the first one he sees and back hands me one.

“We will need them”.

“It’s getting dark”, lets find a camping spot”, I said.
As the day came to an end the bright sky became into a pitch black dusk. We found a firm safe spot in a ditch. Warble there on the hard rock ground and surprisingly fall right to sleep. As I woke up Pop was standing there looking at the glorious sunrise. Next thing I know I am focusing on vrooming sound. It gets closer and closer and


I brake for my weapon and dart away with Pop from the aliens. As we start depleted in strength we find a hiding spot under sawed of pieces of wood.

“Are they gone”?

“Yah I think so”, exclaimed Pop.

“We Have to fight back!”, said Pop. “How can we?”. “I have an idea”, I said. “We can travel from town to town and gather different people”. Are you sure?” “Yah”. “Then lets go!” As we rambled from town to town we gathered many people such as army veterans, the middle class, lower class and lastly amish people. As we all gathered in roadside ditch the army men taught us how to use our guns. One of the men suggested we get help from the actual military. As we lit the furiosus fire we taught about it should we try to even try to fight the aliens off? Everyone of us knew that if we win or lose we will still have many casualties.

As everyone was sleeping I decided to go to the nearest military base and check it out. As I reached there I stepped in this gooey substance. I seen this somewhere I thought but I could just not remember. As I entered the base I came across the head quarters all I saw was dead military men and the aliens. The aliens have took over the base!

As I start running the aliens see me and say, “rorororororororororo”. I guess thats their warning call and then I start shooting. Bang boom bang boom Shuch. I feel my stomach and on my hand I see a dark red substance on my hand. BLOOD! I drop my weapon and fall to the ground as I get hit with more and more bullets and the last thing I remember is me taking out my device and signaling the group. Before I die I see planes overhead as they vroom across they drop a big bomb like thing over us and all I see is bright light and boom gone they were dead. But so was I.

It’s been a great life. I grew up in a good family, I never starve nothing. At the age of 13 the aliens came friendly ready to learn. At the age of 14 those aliens almost took over us but because of me America will go back to normal and I will be put in all of the history books as a hero.

This is why I think it will be a problem in the future. In the future aliens will find out about the earth and live on our planet. They will not take over us but they will try to fit in with us. Soon enough alien children will come into our schools and they will get overpopulated.

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