Dreading on Life and Zombies | Teen Ink

Dreading on Life and Zombies

December 21, 2012
By Drew Dagostino BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
Drew Dagostino BRONZE, Exeter, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

November 13, 2012
Dreading on Life and Zombies
How long did it take to spread, a week? A couple of days? Maybe even just a day. No one knew what to do since the military wNouldn‘t talk about anything. The government said, “There would be a cure in no time, it’s just a disease.” Well, there was no cure found for the Zombies. They came from the ground, looking as if knowing exactly when to strike or where to do it. All across New England the infection spread, not knowing when it would stop or even if it would stop. The government quickly set up military outposts around New England, shooting anyone or anything that would come near them. Half of the population in New England was gone in three days, leaving the scared and helpless to fend for themselves.
One 17 year old boy, Thomas Greene, was vacationing in Miami, Florida when it all happened. Him and his 15 year old sister, Ashley Greene was with their dad for a while. They both looked like their dad, medium height, deep blue eyes like staring at the ocean, and black hair. The hair would make them look pale even though they weren’t. Since the infection, many arguments broke out about getting Tom’s mom, if they should get her or leave her. His dad always had the final decision, no. “Dad, I know you still love her and you want to save her. I can see it in your eyes.” His dad said, “I know I do son, we just have to live with it. Were not even aloud near New England, how would we get in?” Ashley was never in the arguments. She wouldn’t come out of her room except for dinner or the bathroom. Thomas would try to comfort her, by telling her it would be alright or by saying he would get her back no matter what.
It was 9:27 at night, just a normal night in front of his dad’s T.V. He saw his dad and said, “ Hey dad, are there any snacks I’m starving?” His dad said, “Yeah son, there’s some-” Then there was screaming and growls of hunger and anger. His dad looked through the peep hole in his door to see what was happening. Tom raced to get Ashley who was listening to her iPod on full volume. She acted as if he wasn’t there, until he pulled out her headphones. She started to draw a fist until her ears adjusted to the noises that were going on. Her face grew pale and she quickly recognized what was happening, the zombies were in Florida.
Tom's dad was looking out the window and realized the brawls against the undead and living. This time he went into his closet in his room and pulled out a safe. Tom and Ashley ran in to his room just as he was getting it out. “What is that dad?” said Ashley. “It’s a gun safe, I keep it just in case anything happens.” Tom heard a quick click and the safe popped open. Inside the safe were revolvers and boxes of ammo. “Tom take this gun and ammo, protect your sister, even if I’m caught behind.” They got as much food they could and jammed it into backpacks they found in the house.
Sam was the first to notice, “Dad there's no more screams. Is that good or bad?” His dad said, “ I don't know son. Just hurry up so we can leave.” Tom grabbed all he could, anything from ships to canned ham. His dad went to the door and checked the peep hole again. He came back into the kitchen and grabbed his backpack. “Lets go, now.” Tom got his backpack and headed toward the door, he opened it and quickly checked the street. The house was a four room house two story house. When he started to walk out of the house a zombie walked out of the side of the house. It was going straight for him, starting to run. It reeked of rotting corpses. It caught him off guard so he was stunned for a second. The second was all the zombie needed and it was on top of him.

The zombie had beat red eyes, like staring into a fire that was just lit. He tried getting it off but its strength kept him pinned to the ground. It was going to bite him, sink its black and rotting teeth into his flesh when something hit it. It rolled off and his dad stood there with a mettle baseball bat, ready to strike again. The zombie got up slow but was quick to realize that there was more food to be eaten. It started walking toward him again, but was hit back to were it had fallen before. His dad helped Tom back inside, letting him calm down as he handled the zombie. It was about two minutes after his dad came back into the house with the baseball bat covered in blood. “Now are we leaving?” Tom said to his dad. “Yeah we are, get your sister so we can go.” Tom walked over to Ashley, she had a look of panic and fear on her face. The look of a lost puppy trying to get home. He went to talk to her but she cut her of f, “I know were leaving, I just want to go.” Tom said, “I know Ashley, we all do.”

The left the house at 11:13 pm. The only lights they had were flashlights and the lights from the moon. The street lamps went out because the power lines were tipped over. Fires started to break out in houses, from stoves left on or matches that were lit for light. They got in their car, Tom's dad grabbed the keys from his pocket and turned it. The cars engine roared to loud, with no other sounds canceling out the engine. Tom's dad started to drive away when Tom saw three dark figures coming toward the car. The way they walked made it obvious they were infected, they walked with a limp and they rocked side to side. Before they could even reach the drive way though, they were at the end of there road getting out of Florida.

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