Blank Canvas | Teen Ink

Blank Canvas

November 16, 2012
By PancakeBossMan BRONZE, DeKalb, Missouri
PancakeBossMan BRONZE, DeKalb, Missouri
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Chocolate Milk. I like chocolate milk!" -Cheese
"Bazinga!"- Dr. Sheldon Cooper
" Rio Vista!?!"-anonymous

Wednesday, March 20th, 2014
Is there a reason the government made us all the way we are today with no emotions. Because we have no face, people aimlessly walk through the streets not doing a thing with their life. The weird part is that the people can see what others are doing ,but yet, they have no eyes. Although there are a few like me, still bright and colorful in this blank canvas some call a world. I’ve been on the run because in this new world if you have imagination or if you are creative you are an outcast and the government will hunt you down. This is coming from the pen of Bradley Davis, an outcast in the world, and hopefully the man who makes the world bright once again.
My recent life has been a sad one because of what the government calls “creatures”. These creatures were once creative people, but they were captured, and now they are morphed into a person to look just like us, but then turn us into the government. Recently I have been sleeping in trash bins, in the sewers and, well, any possible place that I can sleep and rest. I have met with people like me, but they said they once had a creature with them and they are afraid they are being followed. So I soon left and got as far away as I could as fast as I could. Right at this moment I am high up in a tree hoping nobody will notice me.

Thursday, March 21st, 2014
This is one of the days I hate most in the year, my birthday. I’m only 13, so about two of my birthday’s have been in this world. Now I sit alone trying to be cheerful, but I can’t even get a little smile out of myself, no matter how hard I try. The worst part is my family and all of my friends are like the rest of the world: gray. I am sitting and slowly savoring a turkey sandwich, bag of potato chips, and an apple, my first and only meal of the day. Getting food is hard because I have to get in and out of places fast or someone will realize that I’m not “normal”. So I must ration my food and slowly eat as I sit alone in the bottom of a dumpster. The only companion I have right now is a lowly dumpster rat in the corner nibbling on a chunk of bread I gave him. As I finish eating I get out my backpack and look through all of my supplies and I make a list
“List of Supplies”




Reading Book



Picture of Family


Flash Light

Drawing pad

Markers and colored pencils

Spray Paint
Those last three items alone could just get me killed if someone gets my bag. The reason I could get killed is because you’re not supposed to have them because of the law against being creative. Suddenly I hear a rustling outside of the dumpster. I slowly and cautiously lift the lid of the dumpster and look carefully. I see a group of five people that look just like me. Looking closer they are typing a code into a hidden panel on the brick wall. How did I not see it before? While wondering that, I looked even closer and tried to memorize the code one of them was typing in. When he finished I sat in amazement at the code. The code was “12345”. When he was finished, a panel in the corner slid open and the group of five went inside quickly. After the hatch closed, I darted from the trash can and bolted straight to where the key pad was. I felt around slowly and with a light touch. Then I felt buttons with numbers imprinted on them. Slowly and carefully I typed in the code and I looked in the corner where the panel was opening. I check for lasers and trip wires, because some of the people that are like me rig the entrances to a hideout. Nothing is there, so I start going in.

Friday, March 22nd, 2014

Well, my plan didn’t go so well. First I was going to go in and observe these people. Then I was going to go and look around and try and find a kitchen. Then I was just going to wing it, but I didn’t even make it past step one. When I was walking down a long corridor I got clothes lined in the throat and then a felt a pinch in my arm and I saw only black. Then I woke up in a pure white room with a dart in my arm. I guess they knew I was there because I would have figured they would have been in a different room by the time I got the door opened. Through a speaker in the wall, they were asking me questions, because I guess they thought I was a creature.

So for hours I have been drawing in my note book. I thought they would have let me out by now, but I’m wrong. Finally, through an opening in the door, I get a slice of pizza. Well, at least I know they have a kitchen. As I gobble up the pizza, the door bursts open and a tall guy in black clothes stares me down. I sit perfectly still as he slowly walks towards me. He grabbed me and pulled me in to the hall way. He then hooked me up to a lie detector test. He asked me the simplest question ever, “Are you a creature?” With an angry look I shouted no, ripped the wires off my face, punched him in the stomach and bolted. Soon after I got out of the room I was greeted with 3 other people. I tried to run again but a tall, blonde guy with glasses and headphones grabbed me and pinned me to on the wall. Then the guy in black came out of the room and said, “Look I just want to ask you some questions.” Slowly the tall blonde backed off and pushed me into the room.
Many, many questions later, I found out all about this group. The guy in the black, who is the obviously the leader is Johnny but they call him Smash. The blondes name is Arnold, who is second in command. A really happy girl with red hair and a stocking hat is named Kelly, and depressed looking girl with her hair dyed to look like a rainbow and goggles has the name Shauna. I told them my story and my name and I asked if I could join their group. They walked away and whispered to each other. I heard a lot of angry whispers, but finally they come back over. They asked me to be in their group. After that we ate pizza while watching recorded episodes of Big Bang Theory. Then they all told me their story. All of them were worse than mine.
Shauna’s parents died when she was only 4, and she lived in a foster home most of her life. She was always treated like dirt. Now she’s 14, and she has been with Johnny since she was 12. Johnny was abused as a kid, and he ran away from home. He’s 16. .When he was 14 he thought the world would get better, but it only got worse.
Arnold and Kelly turn out to be twins. Kelly dyed her hair when she was 8, but she is only 10 now. Arnold is older only by a few minutes but he is really tall for a ten year old. Their life beforehand was bad because their parents always worked, leaving them with a terrible, mean babysitter. And when their parents were home, they ignored them or slept. So by the age of 4, Arnold and Kelly knew how to take care of themselves. My life before was great; my parents took care of me, my babysitter was nice, and I was never neglected or hit by my parents.
The group showed me around. In the abandoned building they took over they made 6 rooms, a kitchen, 3 bathrooms, a living room, a gym, a game room, and a garden, plus the best room of all, an art room. They said that they have 2 empty rooms, so I came up with a couple of ideas. One room is now going to be a music room and the other will be a fighting room. I played the drums before the world was taken over. We decided on a fight room because we all need to learn some self defense for when we go out into the world. Then I was showed to my new room. Johnny said I could customize it any way I wanted. So I got into my bag, grabbed my spray paint, and started painting. By the end of the night my room was done with bright graffiti on the wall.

Saturday, March 23, 2014
I am greeted with a wet lick on my face and with a jolt I woke up. A monkey wearing a tuxedo is on top of me. I decide to go into the kitchen and make everybody breakfast. I make us all eggs, bacon, and pancakes. I’m making orange juice from a M.I.P. packet. Then rest of the group comes down. As soon as we are about to dig in, a loud and flashing siren goes off. I’m freaked out, so I ask what it means. They tell me that a creature or a government soldier has infiltrated our headquarters. I quickly grab my journal because I am going to put it in an escape pod and shoot it, hoping one day someone like me will continue this story. I hear screaming from down the hall so I quickly run to help. I may or may not survive. It is up to you to decide if I am dead or alive.

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