The Sci-Fi Adventure | Teen Ink

The Sci-Fi Adventure

November 5, 2012
By ODOGG BRONZE, Fredericksburg, Pennsylvania
ODOGG BRONZE, Fredericksburg, Pennsylvania
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The Sci-Fi Adventure

The wind whistled and all I could hear was the faint sound of birds chirping in the distance. Where was it, I had to find it. I know it is here. Where is this item I’ve been searching for all of my life? I turned around and looked around and noticed a small switch in the wall near the bottom of my late friend’s closet. He was hiding this from me, I can just tell. I flicked the switch and the floor started to rumble. This was the day…. I knew it. The door closed to the closet and the loud noise of rocket thrusters engaging took my ears by surprise. I was ready though. Ready for anything that got in my way. I knew one day, I would find the meaning of life.

When I felt the rocket I was in, disguised as a closet, lift of the ground, I knew I was on my way. I flew up high in the sky and then I peeked through the crocks in the closet. I was in space. I set course to Mars. Now I had all the time in the world to relax and think about what my next move was going to be. When I finally landed on Mars, I looked around and yelled, “Hello.” The planet was empty and there was nothing around. I walk just a few steps and then I heard a noise. It sounded like a little machine coming from behind me. I turned around and saw the Mars Rover. I knelt down and the little robot moved toward me. I grabbed it and flicked a switch on the side of it. Then an image blasted out of its camera.

“Mr. Newton, where is Mr. Freeman,” said the image. I replied shyly but coolly that he had passed away. This was great, he didn’t know the truth. I killed my partner for the project. If he ever found out, this would be the biggest failure of all time. “Very well, come with me,” said. I followed the rover down into a little cave on the surface of Mars. As I walked into the cave, I noticed the area was growing around me. It was a little city filled with houses and shops and many other Martians. They looked like normal people to me. I stopped at the entranced and thought, do I really want to do this? Yes was the answer and I walked in and the giant metallic door closed behind me.
“Meet with me at the tallest building in the center of town. My colleagues and I will be waiting for your arrival,” said the rover as it shut down. The town was very busy today. I walked through the main square and nearly got hit by two cars. Walking through the city was a shorter way, but it was a death trap. There was no time to waste, though my life was on the line. It was all worth the risk to find the meaning of life though. When I finally made it to the central part of the city, I saw the sky building. It was the tallest building on mars by far. It was old and had a rustic feel to it. I was taken by surprise, when I walk inside and learned that it was abandoned. I walked up the stairs to the very top floor and opened the old shattered glass door.
“Why hello, the man that was displayed by the rover a.k.a Mark, said, come in and sit down.” He pulled out a chair that was next to him. I cautiously sat down. I was nervous, I couldn’t take the suspense. “So, Mr. Newton, I believe we had come in contact on Earth before. You want to know what the meaning of life is do you.” I shook my head and said, “Yes sir. Do you have the meaning because I have the money?” I reached into my pocket and pulled out mad stacks. I whipped it on the table and Mark’s eyes grew. “The meaning of life is…” just then a hole blew into the wall of the tower. It was staged. The whole entire thing was staged. Mark had taken the money and ran off. I was trapped and I ran for the stars. Mars Mafia members were shooting at me from on top of the buildings. I ran for the stairs but it was to no avail. I was grabbed by a meat head and he was strangling me. I was almost dead when all of a sudden my partner George Freeman. He punched the man right in the throat and shot him in the head with a blaster.
I looked up at him thinking that it was his ghost coming back from the dead to kill me but it wasn’t. I looked up and was baffled. “I have no time to explain, he said, but we need to go.” The Mafia is surrounding this whole entire building. We ran down the steps and we had a clear shot out the door. “Wait, said George, I have a little something for them.” He pulled out a plasma grenade from his backpack and whipped it into the middle of the street. I blew up with the explosion I had heard and blue blood soaked the streets of Mars. We ran outside and looked for cover. The sound of police hover bikes flooded my ears. “Stop where you are and come out with your hands up,” they said. I looked at George and he nodded his head. He slid me a gun and put his fingers up. One. Two. Three. We stood up and shot at the police forces. I was praying and spraying with the blaster. When I opened my eyes, I had seen that the whole force was dead. They did not expect us. “Come on, let’s go,” said George as he hopped on a hover bike. I leaped into an armor hover car. We were on our way.
We sped through the streets. He evaded everything while I went through it. It was like a bull in a china shop. More police forces showed up and chased us through the city. One came up on the side of me and I quick turned and ran him off the road. George was kicking the men off their bikes. One of the men grabbed him and George tried kicking him away. I quick drove over and rammed into the opposing officer’s bike. He flew off and smashed his head off of a car. We kept on driving until the officer’s put down an EMP. This shut down all technology. Before we hit the EMP, George threw another plasma grenade at the police officer’s. The police men tried to avoid the grenade but it blew up and dragged them down with it. We hit the EMP and I hit my head off of the dashboard. George flipped off of his bike.
I opened my door and walked to where George was laying. We both stood looking for more police forces to come. There were none. All was quiet on Mars. Well, at least for the time being. We walked to the side of the road and looked both ways up and down the street. Nothing…. It was like this whole entire thing did not even happen. We saw that the door to the city was open. George and I all out sprinted for it. The alarm was now glowing red and the siren was screeching like nothing I had ever heard. The door was closing. We got to it and slipped out just before it closed. We were free. We both walked back to the closet rocket and observed it. It had just enough fuel to get us to earth. That’s where we needed to go. We got in the rocket and started it up. We flew. It was silent, until George started to speak.
“So you want to know the meaning of life. Is that what you were after? Is that what you were willing to kill for?” I shook my head yes. “The meaning of life is……..” “Grandpa wake up. Grandpa finish the story. Please?” “Don’t bother your Grandpa Jimmy. He is sleeping,” said his mother. “Okay,” said Jimmy.

The author's comments:
This was an assignment that I had to do for my creative writing class. I hope you enjoy the amazing adventure to find the meaning of life

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