Mystery Egg | Teen Ink

Mystery Egg

May 24, 2024
By thedragonchild SILVER, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
thedragonchild SILVER, Lake Saint Louis, Missouri
9 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I don't believe in pain. I don't believe things should be difficult. I don't believe perseverance conquers all." - Shigesato Itoi

There’s an egg in the sink. …Yeah. 

How? I have no idea. All I know is that I walked into the bathroom, rubber gloves on and cleaning supplies in hand, and a giant egg was in my sink. When I say “giant,” I mean giant. You know how the biggest egg in the world is an ostrich egg? Yeah, well, not anymore, I guess. Either this thing is a new kind of bird, or whatever ostrich that was in my bathroom had an incredibly painful time.

The egg’s coloration seemed to change as I stared at it, the reds and yellows dancing like flames as I approached. I looked on in awe as the shimmery sheen reflected off of every shiny surface in the bathroom, but the awe turned to panic as the egg began to move.

A small crack began to form on the top of the egg, and a crack in my sanity formed with it. “My parents are gonna be home soon,” I thought to myself, picturing my mom and dad yelling at me for “bringing another animal inside (I really don’t, honest! They just crawl in, and I’m helpless to stop them!).” The crack grew into two, and those cracks turned into five. The egg teetered on the drain in such a way that I knew it would fall soon. Before I knew what was happening, before I could even think, my gloved hands grabbed the egg and pulled it into my arms.

I shushed it, as though I could talk to it, and the shell broke into two uneven, jagged halves. The slick from the egg’s inside soaked my shirt. The thing inside was actually some sort of lizard, instead of a bird like I thought. But the worst part? It had wings. 

This wasn’t a baby bird. It wasn’t a baby lizard, either.

It was a baby dragon.

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