Fairy Tale | Teen Ink

Fairy Tale

May 22, 2024
By Anonymous

Once upon a time there was an ogre like man who was a big buffoon. His name was Corlord, he lived alone in exile outside of the village. He was big and green and had no friends besides one donkey who was even dumber than him… the donkey's name was Libster. She wasn't the brightest but she was loyal to a fault. Corlord and Libster lived outside of the village because all of the humans looked at them because they were very outside the box compared to those who lived in the village. One day Lord Jankowski’s princess was abducted by an evil sorceress. The princess name was Cohen and she was helpless in the tower waiting for a prince to come save her. Lord Jank, as those called her, had many noble nightman fight to see who would get the amazing quest of saving princess Cohen. It was going along well to find the best warrior, but all of a sudden Corlord and Libster go to the kingdom to talk to Lord Jank about getting all the magic creatures out of his swamp that the lord exiled them to. As Corlord walks in during the battles of the nights, Lord Jank isn't happy with his appearance or request so he decides to change the challenge for the noblemen. Lord Jank yells across the courtyard “ There has been a change of plans, The new way to earn the quest of saving the princess will go to whoever kills this dimwitted oger.” 

“ What!” Corlord yells 

“ You heard what I've said so now it is law.” shouted Lord Jank. 

“This is not fair. I was looking for no trouble. I just want my swamp cleared.”

“ Oh well, you are in it now.” 

Corlord heads off to fight all the knights named Trenton,Lee and CJ. He stumbles upon Trenton first and sends him flying off a bridge to die and never come back. Corlord next runs into the other two nights and gets them to run into each other and they run at each other CJ knocks lee off the bridge and then CJ falls off as well.

Corlord gets done fighting on the nights and is on his way to save the princess. The princess is stuck in a tower across from the bridge 

“ Help Me,Help Me”


 Princess Cohen jumps from the tower into corlord arms and they go across the bridge to head back home.

Corlord is carrying the princess until they come across the big bad wolves that are in their way. The big bad wolves are standing there waiting Corlord to go toward him and fight them. The big bad wolves blew the tower thinking the princess was still in there trying to kill her to make Corlord give up. But they didn't know the princess was right behind Corlord hiding from them. The princess and Corlord start charging at the big bad wolves to try and kill them or run away from them. Corlord throat chops the big bad wolves and they run to their brick house so that if the big bad wolves survived they could not blow the house down. 

“Thank you so much for saving me Corlord”

“Your the best”

“I would always come to be your savior”

“How can I repay you for saving me”

“You don't have to do anything princess I’m glad I could be your savior”

Next thing you know Princess Cohen and Corlord are home safe with no harm and Corlord can get back to dealing with the donkey. The donkey was so annoying but Corloard was a good friend so he kept entertaining the donkey. He continued to talk to Libby the donkey and went along with her stupid rambling on and on about her life, and how great it was because of how dumb she was. All in all the princess, donkey and Corlord  ended on good terms and everyone lived happily ever after, the end. 

The author's comments:

This piece is a remake of shrek

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