Dream | Teen Ink


December 12, 2023
By carsoncureton BRONZE, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
carsoncureton BRONZE, Oak Ridge, Tennessee
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I had a very rough day. I need to get some sleep. Maybe everything will figure itself out when I wake up. I slowly close my eyes to relax and felt my body melt into the bed.

I felt my eyes wake up. I saw a complete void, nothing was in sight. I just sat their in what felt like a pool of water. This wave of anxiety enveloped me. I sat their wondering if anybody is out there. I could not hear anything but the slow drip of water, like the water coming out of a leaky faucet. I tried to stand but my legs grew weak. I saw a sudden light in the sky and it was a recording. It was me, Chance, talking to myself. But it was not me it was a distorted me. I heard myself start talking about my flaws. Everything that I had hidden inside, it spewed out like a fountain. Listening to this made the climate around me turn into a thunder storm. Everyone couple of seconds I would see the flashes of lightning and then see what was really around me. NOTHING. I was all alone. I tried to yell out for anyone.




I did not hear anything come back my way. This made me very scared. I did not want to be alone. I decided to try and crawl away from the projection. Everywhere I looked I saw myself. It was like a mirror maze of my own misfortunes. I did not know what I did to deserve this. This went on for what felt like hours. I felt a hand grab my arm and I jerked up. I opened my eyes, and I was back. Back in the real world. It was just a nightmare, I hope. My mom had walked into my room because I had been screaming a blood curdling scream and woke her up. I did not sleep again that night for fear that, that same dream will happen again.

The author's comments:

I am a highschool senior and i am 17 years old. 

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