Never Fall In Love With Someone Who Eats Hearts | Teen Ink

Never Fall In Love With Someone Who Eats Hearts

June 13, 2023
By yellow-tiger GOLD, Little Rock, Arkansas
yellow-tiger GOLD, Little Rock, Arkansas
15 articles 0 photos 1 comment

When I was younger I made a mistake.

I found this girl at a club where I went every Thursday night. I went alone but I had fun. She tapped me while I was at the bar so I turned to see her. She was beautiful and her personality was lovely. I felt comfortable around her and let my guard down. She asked me to leave with her. I figured nothing bad could happen.

“Never offer your heart

to someone who eats hearts

who finds heartmeat


but not rare

who sucks the juices

drop by drop

and bloody-chinned


like a God…”

-Alice Walker

Not only will it be painful, but they will enjoy it.

I once fell in love with a girl who ate hearts. It was fine at first. I would catch her staring blankly and when she caught my glance she would smile. I thought it was just, but she would rarely eat and was never satisfied. During the night I  hugged her before I went to bed and I saw the hunger in her eyes. Before I could lay down her teeth were in my chest. I screamed and tried to shove her away. I didn’t call the cops because I figured she wouldn’t kill me. Well I was wrong…

After the skin was gone she became mesmerized by the sight of my beating muscle. Her hand slowly reached toward it and a primal sound uttered from her throat. Her hands started to break my ribs as she started to reach eagerly for my heart. Once her hands touched it she ripped it from my arteries and put it in her mouth. 

If you're wondering how I have this story, my neighbor heard my scream and called the cops. When they came they saw what was going on and were so stunned they froze. They later told my corpse.

The author's comments:

The story was inspired by Alice Walker's poem "Never offer your heart to someone who eats hearts".

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