The Journey | Teen Ink

The Journey

May 17, 2023
By Anonymous

Introduction: Knight Soldier 

Long ago there was a superhero named Night soldier. He was a very well-versed fighter, with a keen sense of justice and a heart to truly protect his city from crime and wickedness.

Body: Night soldier was worshiped and esteemed by the people he saved and the other heroes he worked with to keep the city secure. Nevertheless, as time passed, Night Soldier became quickly upset with the restrictions of the justice system. He observed criminals being released due to the corruption within the system. He saw the hardship and destitution of the people in his city and began to think that all the efforts he put into creating a safe city were in vain. Gradually, Night Soldiers vexation and hostility began to demolish him. He began to take more drastic measures to punish criminals, often turning to intimidation and violence. His once-noble intent became warped, and he began to view himself blameless beyond reproach and above the law. As time continued on, Night Soldiers actions became quickly violent and erratic. He began to destroy buildings and savagely attack innocent people, claiming that it was all for the welfare of the people. The citizens who previously looked up to him as their savior now feared him, and the other superheroes in the city saw him as a threatening danger. Eventually Night soldier’s actions reached a climax. The fellow Superheroes banded to talk to him, but he refused to surrender. In a vicious fight, Night Soldier was vanquished and captivated, his once-prominent name left in shambles. The citizens of the city were left to ponder what was the cause of The Night Soldier to turn villainy. Many conjectured that he had simply become too strong and unconstrained, while others believed that he had always been a defective hero, his true nature just opened over time. Regardless of the reasons, the tale of the Night Soldier shows as a cautionary lesson of the harms of unbridled power and the significance of staying true to one’s solid principles, no matter how treacherous the road might be. 

Introduction Nebula: Nebula was an infamous space villain well known throughout the galaxy for her crafty schemes and merciless tactics. She had come upon a vast sum of money through her criminal activities and had made a name as one of the most dreaded villains in the universe.

Body: One day, while planning her next heist, Nebula received an unknown call from an old friend, Knight Soldier was another notable villain, but contrary to Nebula, he had stumbled across tuff times. He had been captivated by the authorities and was placed in maximum -security prison in a foreign land. Knight Soldier beseeched for Nebula’s help to flee, making a solemn vow to reimburse her in any way possible. Nebula was initially hesitant, as she had no hope to risk her own well-being for someone else’s behalf. Nonetheless, something about Knight Soldier’s cry of help touched her, and she decided to give a whack at it. Using her wide variety of sources, Nebula organized a risky prison break, breaking into the facility and freeing Knight Soldier from his cell. As they made a break for their escape, Knight Soldier and Nebula fought side by side, dodging laser fire, and taking out guards. Once they had safely made their escape away from the prison, Knight Soldier and Nebula split their separate ways. But as the days carried on, Nebula found herself thinking more about the handsome villain who had caught her heart. Furthermore, Nebula extended herself to Knight Soldier, and they quickly began to meet in secret. Regardless of their past as villains, they found a common ground in their hope to live life in their own way. As they continuously spent time with one another, their attraction grew deeper, and they fell deeply in love. Knight Soldier continued to work as villains, but their objective shifted. They no longer sought to attain power and riches but instead homed in on their skills to help those who have been wronged by the powers that be. Eventually, Nebula and Knight Soldier became known as the most irregular but successful vigilante duo in the cosmos. They fought against oppression, injustice, and inequality, using their abilities to level out the competition and bring aspiration to individuals who have none. Their love for each other only multiplied stronger with each passing moment they were together, and they understood that no matter what the future had in place, they would always be together, fighting for what was right.

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I love english.

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