The Young and Kind Queen | Teen Ink

The Young and Kind Queen

April 6, 2023
By Abbyhurt GOLD, Temperance, Michigan
Abbyhurt GOLD, Temperance, Michigan
15 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The King had lost his faith long ago. He would never find a love of his life. He was so depressed
that he stepped into a Freezotron. He wanted to freeze himself for all of eternity. She can't be found. How could this happen to him? Stepping into the Freezotron, he prays that it would freeze his body.

The Fareezotron gives a loud beep. Then, the king remembers: The Freezotron doesn't work on
people with the Deep Magic coursing through their veins. It has been an ancient magic in the
royal family for years. His magic was the most powerful. The Freezotron spins and beeps and
whirs. Then, it's still. Absolutely still. He doesn't seem to be in his castle. The castle, with its
grand towers and draperies, was replaced by the smell of smoke. He was in an oracle's chamber.

He was kneeling before the Oracle, supplicating, he thought. Why was he here? How did he get
here? Was this the Freezotron affecting him? It couldn't be! His limbs still worked, if not better than ever.

Suddenly, a mystical voice pulled him from his thoughts. "O, Great and Wonderful King," said
the Voice, coming from the Ugliest woman that a person could ever imagine. She was fat. So fat that she took up almost the whole room. Her hair was brown, and her eyes a bluish-green. She stared at the King with an intensity that startled him. He looked at her.

The voice continues, "You seek my help and guidance, King, so heed these words. You are a God. You only need to find your Goddess love and counterpart. She will be very beautiful. She will be a kind soul, but the search for her will be difficult! You will know when you've found Her!"

The King looked at the Oracle. "What do you mean?" he asked.

The oracle replied in the mystical voice, "This is your fate, King. Goodgbye!"

There was a puff of smoke, and she was gone. The King searched and seared. He searched through valleys, he searched underwater with the help of his magic, he searched everywhere. He didn't find Her. His heart sank.

One day, when he was searching in a lake, he saw a reflection in the water. It was a girl with olive skin tone. Her hair was short and brown. Her eyes were so chocolaty brown he didn't dare look away from her startling beautiful figure. He could tell this girl was caring. He knew, deep down with his gut and his magic, that he had found Her, his Goddess Love and Counterpart. He loved her dearly. She smiled at him and said in her melodious voice, "You will find me in a cave on the Top of a mountain!"

Then, the beauty disappeared. She was gone. He cried. He thought he'd never find Her. He had glimpsed her once before, and he would glimpse her again if he could. He walked up the highest mountain. On top of that mountain was a cave. He heard a maiden in there, crying. He rushed in to save her. He found Her, bound in chains, her dress tattered. He appeared right next to her, waved his hands, and the ropes binding her immediately disappeared. She got up, eager to hug him.

"Thank you, kind sir, for freeing me. My name is Reva." The King was awestruck, and asked if she wanted to marry him, to which she said yes. She took his hand, and there was a puff of smoke and a loud beep. Suddenly, he and Reva were back safe and sound in his castle. He had lost her once, but he now had her in his clutches. He was the happiest King in the world, ruling fairly and justly with Queen Reva at his side.

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