Hell on Earth: Rise of the Dead | Teen Ink

Hell on Earth: Rise of the Dead

April 28, 2022
By gabriel-herrera BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
gabriel-herrera BRONZE, El Paso, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Why is this happening? Why has everything gone to hell? Why…?

 May 5, 2022, 11:59 AM

Everything seemed to be normal like any other day, but everything changed in a matter of seconds all across the world. The cause, a killing virus was released into the population, or at least that's what they told themselves to avoid their new reality, it was like a Sci-Fi movie except this was no movie or game, this was real. Zombies were everywhere you turned and there was no end to them. 

May 4, 2022 

My name is Eric Thomson, as a kid, my parents would constantly take me to a lab where they would run some kind of experiment. They did this because they got insane amounts of money out of it. I was too young to remember any of the experiments that they conducted on me. I was eager to find out what they did to me, but  I never succeeded in my pursuit. The lab was shut down and it had been for a while. My life now is quite normal. I am a junior in high school and have two friends, Tom Power, a friend that I had met since elementary around the time my parents started sending me to the laboratory for the experiments, he is a very loud, athletic but careless person, he is cool to hang around with. My other friend Viviann Anderson is completely the opposite of Tom she is very quiet but Viviann is the smartest person out of all of us, sometimes scarily smart.

 The day after everything went to hell I had stayed up late playing video games almost all night long, oblivious of what was to come. 

May 5, 2022, 7:40 AM

Why the hell does school have to start so early? Neither Tom nor Vivan get here, not until lunch starts. They are so lucky they don’t have to deal with this hell. I wish I could stay home just like them and sleep for a while longer, but I have the worst classes to have in a row; math and science. Wait, I don’t think I have ever asked them why they don’t get to school until lunch starts, I should ask them during lunch.

May 5, 2022 11:00 AM

Finally, lunch is here a time when I can relax and have fun with my friends. “So how did it go in your morning classes?” said Viviann, “you know like usual, it was horrible,” I said while stuffing my face with food. “You should just relax… I know sports is the only true way to relax,” said Tom. “Of course you would think that, the only true way for me to relax is to play video games.” “Come on guys let's do something before lunch is over. I know we cou-…” said Viviann. 

From that moment on our lives would completely change. Thinking back on it now that sound was like the choir of death singing its first verse to its unsuspecting victims. 


An echo all across the cafeteria, everyone's phones started to beep in synchronous.

“Why must this world be so cruel, why must people steal things that do not belong to them… Why?”  said, Viviann thinking it was some type of kidnapping or stealing, like always. “Umm Viviann, you should read the alert,” said Tom. “Show me, what does it say.” 

Alert: Regional Disease Threat - Killing Virus, Issued by: U.S Government, Symptoms: Loss of muscle control, loss of awareness, and dementia. Beware of the Killing Virus.

“Is this a joke?! Maybe it’s a false alarm, maybe they are just testing if it works,” I said. “This is no false alarm or test, Just look at it, it’s too detailed to be fake, and if they were testing the alert it would say so don’t you think?" said Viviann. “Stop worrying it probably is fake let's go up to the school roof to check it out,” said Tom. 

When we reached the top of the school roof all of our faces lost their color the hope of all of this just being a joke faded with one look, the realization it was no joke overpowered us. Everyone was panicking, people were getting devoured left and right creating a sea of blood, and walls of flame as high and as long as the eye could see. It looked like the awakening of a monster, a monster that had no mercy and was thirsty for blood. 

“We need to get out of here, if this plays anything like the games the school will be overrun by them in a matter of minutes” I said. “But where could we go?” said Tom. “For now, let's go get some of the equipment in the gym we could use that to defend ourselves. After let’s visit all of our families, the closest house is where we will go first” said Viviann. It just so happened that my house was the closest. 

March 5, 2022 1:00 PM

We proceed to take equipment like bats from the gym to defend ourselves and started to leave the building. Sure enough, when we headed toward the gate to leave the school building we heard over the intercom that there was an intruder that had contracted the virus in the building. Within seconds we heard the panic of our classmates.

 At the time I could not bear the thought that we had to turn our backs on all of those people and just let them die. Now I know even if we would have saved our classmates it would not have mattered. 

March 5, 2022 5:00 PM 

“If today was a normal day we would all be home enjoying the day doing whatever without a care in the world. Why did this have to happen? Why couldn’t everything be normal? Why…” I said under my breath so no one would be able to hear me. “Look Eric we are almost at your house” said Tom. I was excited to enter the door to my house like I always had before except now it had more meaning than any of the other times. There was hope that I would open the door and my parents would be fine, hope that maybe it was all a dream and I would wake up, but again I was reminded that this was no game or movie. I opened the door to find my dad with a knife in hand about to kill my mother that had turned into a zombie, he got distracted by the sudden opening of the door and he was bitten. 


 Shortly after he sliced my mother's head clean off and fell to the ground right after.  I could not move I was frozen on the spot how could I not be my own mother was killed before my own eyes by my own father. I was brought back from my trance when Tom and Viviann said to me,

“Hey, I think your dad is trying to tell you something.” So I got closer to my dad and listened to what he had to say, “Go to the laboratory you will find information on what is going on but before you leave kill me so I don’t turn into one of them.” Under his breath, I could barely hear the last words he ever spoke, “They warned us this would happen.” I did as he said, I killed him before he turned into one of them, I kept thinking about his last words for hours after that, what did he mean by they, who was they? Who was I kidding I knew exactly what he was talking about. 

We headed to the laboratory as my dad had instructed with his final breath, one of the worst mistakes we would ever make.

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