The Night Shines | Teen Ink

The Night Shines

October 20, 2021
By Anonymous

What If There was no sun how would plants grow and animals get food, how would we get vitamin D, how could the world live without any sun.

That’s what Sonny had to go through, a world without sun, everyone lived like it was nothing. Plus, it was kind of ironic since her name was “Sonny.”

“What was the world like when the sun was around?” Sonny asked herself. “Why do we always have to rely on technology!?!”  She said frustratedly as she was pacing around the park until one of her friends arrived.

“Hey! Sunny, what're doing over there?” One of her friends said her name was Luna.

Luna had been Sonny’s Best friend since 3rd grade and ever since then they’ve been the best of friends.

“Oh, uh hey Luna.” Sonny embarrassedly waved at her “So what are you doing at the park this early before school?” Luna asked

 Sonny in her mind was angry at herself not for being embarrassed but forgetting that there was school today. “Quick what time is it Luna!” Luna looked at her watch and said “Well it's about 6:10, So we have an hour before school starts. 

Ironic huh even though there was no sun they still had an AM and PM. while the moon shined, the sun didn't , always dark with the stars shining in the sky.

“Well! What are we waiting for, we can't waste any time, come on Sonny.” Luna exclaimed. Sonny broke out of her thoughts when Luna started to run off. Luckily the school was a block away from the park.

Even though it was early, they both hated being late. Once both of them arrived to school plus it was only 6:25 AM so the school had just opened *huff* *huff* “Never ask me to race you again Sonny” Luna said as she was out of breath.

Sonny looked at Luna smugly and stuck out her tongue and walked into the school building, Walking in the school they  were welcomed with “Welcome to Lone star High”

The sign was holographic that shined with green text “How original” Sonny thought The School always finding new ways to greet their students and staff with that being said 

Both Sonny and Luna ate Breakfast and decided to head to class but was blocked by the Principal Mrs. Jenkins “Well I sure hope that you both know what day it is today.”

“Wednesday?” they both said

Mrs. Jenkins sighed and said “No you two it’s the anniversary of  the day we lost that terrible sun and the moon came to save us.” she said

Both nodded  her words and went to class while in the hallway Sonny spotted a plant that needed watering. “It's okay little guy, I'll water you.” grabbing a water bottle from her backpack.

But when she poured the water in, it went through the plant like a ghost and it started to turn to static but came back to normal. In an instant Sonny knew something was wrong. Why would the school use fake plants?

“Luna did you see that?” no response 


Looking behind her she was gone “Must’ve gone to class” she thought, getting up she ran to class but bumped into someone “Oh boy, so I guess you figured it out huh?” 

Looking up she saw that it was the AP Mr. Morales “I-I-It’s not what you think Mr.Morales I was just watering the plant that looked like it was dead!!” she said in a panic.

Mr. Morales had a stoic look on his face before grabbing her arm and pulling her across the hallway. “Wait Mr.Morales it was an accident, I didn't know it was fake!!” she said as she tried to break from his hold.

They continued to walk till they arrived at her homeroom class. “Now I hope that you’ve learned your lesson.” and he walked away.

Sonny rubbed her arm in pain and walked into class, once in there she was greeted by the teacher “Let this be the last time your late Sonny!”, “Yes Ms.Taylor” she said

Later that day

Lunch… .

She hated lunch

This school's food had a reputation for being the worst, a chicken sandwich that wasn’t even cooked or sometimes it would come out slightly burned.

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