Core Mistake | Teen Ink

Core Mistake

October 8, 2021
By Anonymous

October 15th is a day no one would ever forget. It was the day society died. It was the day all ideology ceased. It was the day astronomers heard back from the stars, a message only three words long: “We declare war”.

Humanity was never prepared for extraterrestrial warfare. The Aliens Ray-Guns melted steel, their ships were more aerodynamic than any jet or bomber, and their skin was tougher than a ballistic vest. Although the fight the humans put out was valiant, all resistance ceased in only a few hours. Gone was the era of mankind. The Aliens had claimed the planet, and forced all remaining humans to mine the Earth’s crust for silicon. Instead of pickaxes and shovels, the humans used the Alien's E.R.Gs (Elemental Resource Gatherer, as explained by the Aliens) that sucked up silicon from the crust, mess free. 

Lee always reflected on these events as he walked to the mine in his city. He had been a car driver in the years prior, making barely enough to live off of. None of that mattered anymore, of course, since everyone was technically equal in the eyes of the Aliens. His friend Hope, a former gym instructor, waited for him at the entrance, holding a E.R.G. “Ready for today?” he asked. “All or nothing, pal”. Lee responded. They were referring to the biggest gamble both men had ever dared: a breakout plan.

The mine they both worked at was rarely guarded by more than one Alien at a time, and said Alien always carries a Ray-Gun. The two men planned to overwhelm their oppressor, take the Ray-Gun, and use it to escape into the sewers. From there, they did not plan. They hoped to escape the city, more or less.

The two men walked into the mine and started sucking up the silicon, appearing busy to not raise suspicion. After a while, the only guard stomped away from the two, giving Hope and Lee the window they needed to escape. Hope tackled the Alien, just barely making it drop its gun. Lee rushed to the Ray-Gun, picking it up in his unsteady hands. This was it he thought, This is the day that we escape. This is the day everything starts to turn around. He aimed the Ray-Gun at his oppressor, only now realising that he had no idea how to operate it.

Using a regular firearm presumably takes skill, and a higher cognitive function is needed to fire a firearm from across the stars. Lee looked up and saw Hope being held into the air by a single arm of the Alien, its boney fingers crushing Hope's neck. Lee had only a short time to save him.

Lee pressed a button on the Ray-Gun.

The Ray-Gun turned on.

Hope was suspended in the air.

Lee aimed it at the Alien

Hope was still suspended in the ai-


Hope was no longer suspended in the air.

Hope fell to the floor.

Hope was dead.

In a flash of blinding hot light, the Ray-Gun fired. Although it was too late for Hope, the beam would still hit its target. late enough to avenge him. However, what Lee witnessed next froze him:The Alien didn't melt, the beam merely stopped at its armor, like an alpha particle reaching a piece of paper. It made a noise that Lee could only interpret as a mocking one,  he would never find out. The Alien grabbed its Ray-Gun back. In a few seconds, Lee was no longer human, only a pile of ash. The Alien then touched a button on its armor, and activated a loudspeaker. Its words would echo through the mines:

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