Long Live The People | Teen Ink

Long Live The People

October 7, 2021
By Anonymous

 For as long as I could remember there has been this curse or code, were people couldn’t die.

   Except a guy named Will Thrasher, found out a way to brutally murder a family in 3010.

So me and my friends decided to uncover how he did it. My friend mark was a tracker he grew up in the country hunting. Sarah was the smart one and was part of the school coding team.

Kiki was good with her words and knew how to get her way and was also smart.

Then there was me Josh I’m the strong fast one, I do all the heavy lifting and running. The government believes Will Thrasher found a way to bypass and decode to break the curse. The government wants Will Thrasher alive so they can learn how he did it.

We believe the government wants to kill people off because its over populated, and its shortages of food, water, materials to produce products. Which is leading to global warming a mass pollution and it’s becoming more harder for people to find jobs. One day me and the gang (kiki,sarah,mark) were all watching tv when the tv announcer came on an said “sorry for the interruption, but may I please have your attention there is a reward if you find and turn in this man WILLAM THRASHER” in big bold words. ”The reward for his capture is 50 billon mando bucks and dead 30 billon mando bucks this man is highly dangerous and possibly armed.

Me and my friends all looked at each other with the same exact expression on our face with



We all said are y’all thinking what I’m thinking we all said we have to get that money!!! and mark said food we all looked at mark in confusion. What? I’m hungry I didn’t eat breakfast I could eat a  Horse. We all laughed at mark anyways said kiki were going to track Will Thrasher right? Duh of course we have to its 50 billon mando bucks I know you heard the news reporter lets all take this week to brain storm ideas and a plan to capture Will Thrasher . After one week of Planning went on about how were going to apprehend Will Thrasher and bring him to justice.

For all we know the government didn’t know Will Thrashers location his last three known  locations were the murder scene and his house and his parents old house. We had a feeling Will Thrasher would either be at his parents old house or either his house. Our plan was to go to marks old cabin in Livingston since he had hand guns to try to stop him. So before stopping at marks cabin we stopped at the corner store to get snacks and get gas. Mark stayed out to pumped the gas me,Kiki,Sarah walked in to the store an not even 30 seconds of us walking in a strange dude wearing all black walked in the store. I looked at him with Suspension so I told Kiki and Sarah to watch out for him. Dude your sweating bullets said Kiki. I…I don’t want to jinx it but that could possibly I whispered Will Thrasher. Then we heard a deep voice from up front and now his hoodie was off an he had black hair and a scar on the back og his neck like the description said.” PUT YOUR HANDS UP OR I’LL LIGHT YOU UP LIKE A FIREWORK” we ducked down Kiki called 911 Sarah hacked his phone for a location in case he escapes an runs away and I called Mark to tell him to be ready because Will Thrasher is here. The store clerk said you Dumb ass we can’t die remember? Then he started laughing. Will Thrasher raised a gun at a bystander an shot her once in the head the bullet hole didn’t regenerate.The tore clerk trembled in fear an begged for mercy. The cops surrounded the gas station Mark told the cops it was one dead hostage an three unseen people in there. We all devised a plan to sneak up on Will Thrasher. Will Thrasher quickly grabbed the store clerk and put his gun to his head. We quickly spreaded out an went with our plan Kiki grabbed glass bottles of wine Sarah sent his phone to go off at 4:30. which left us 2 mins to do 4:30 struck  Sarah set his ringer off Will Thrasher looked down Kiki threw the wine bottles at his head  he turned around and I tackled him causing his gun to fall on the ground I picked it up and pointed at him at and said say hello to my lil friend. I always wanted to say that!!! I said to Sarah an Kiki josh focus yeah!! Your right. The cops came storming  in and arrested Will Thrasher and took him away.2 weeks later we meet with the president of the united states and he gave us the key to the city and medals. How did y’all do it he said we all looked at each other an said teamwork. WOW I’m in shock how y’all 19 year olds too down Will thrasher and brought him to justice I want to thank you by giving you this. He motioned and they brought the big fat check an we all split the money evenly between us and lived our lives to the full extent.

The author's comments:

Nothing really inspired me i had to do this for a grade and i know its not good.

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