The Never-Ending | Teen Ink

The Never-Ending

October 7, 2021
By Anonymous

My name is Miles Carken. I’m a Scientist that works at a perplexing laboratory under the  city where mankind used to live after the bombing happened. Me and others alike are tasked by Ewen, our director. He would tell us to handle the Creatures in certain bays, by putting them together would be disastrous. “Hey Miles,” Ewen beckoned. “Yes Ewen, anything you need?” I Replied. “I need you in the bay with the mischievous creatures.” Ewen Demanded. 

I’m heading to the place where these “mischievous” creatures were held, until something caught my attention. I haven’t noticed this until now but why would there be a big room that has grass, trees, and other items?  I disregard the room and head to the destination that I needed to be at.

I’ve arrived at the room at last; I would put my keycard into the reader and wait, and wait, and wait until the door would open. I enter the room nervously since I’ve never been in a room so gloomy. I sat on the chair in the corner next to the panel with the different colored buttons, and in front of a big wall of tempered glass with a metal door. I felt like something was watching  me, I turned to see a presence on the other side of the glass. It was a resemblance of a pup, but it was made of slime. I looked at the monitor to see what task I need to be doing. I would study the behaviour of the dog and type what it would do at certain times. An hour has passed, still in the corner just staring at me. I pressed a button on the panel, a tube on the roof would dispense a ball into the room. The slime-like pup would go to the ball and push it towards the glass. The pup would once again look at me, like it wanted to play? I curiously walked up the metal door and saw the sign plastered next to the door. “Do not enter at any means necessary.” I would stare at the sign for a minute and ignore what it said. I curiously entered the room and met eye to eye with the pup. The pup would get the ball and drop it in front of me. I picked it up and threw it across the room; surprisingly the little pup would go for the ball in addition to giving it back to me. It was like we were playing fetch? We would do a couple of rounds of fetch eventually it would go back to its corner to lay down and sleep. I’m confused about what just happened. The speaker in the room would begin to speak. “Researchers, at this time report ba-” The speaker would make static sounds until it came back on with Ewen speaking. “Due to the inconvenience we will shut off all power in the facility due to a group of individuals exposing themselves to these creatures, ladies and gentlemen. It has been a pleasure.”

The lights were cut off, the doors would open, and screams of terror would ring throughout the hallways. I would pull out my phone and turn on the flashlight. Why would Ewen do this to us? Why do we keep these things behind walls, when some of these Things are harmless? I walked into the dark hallway, and it’s quiet. I walked in the hallway to figure out what was going on, until I heard a voice. “Hello, is anyone there?” a voice shouted. I followed the noise to find a radio. I picked up the radio, “Yes this is Dr. Miles speaking.” I responded. “Alright good, do you know the room with  the trees?” the radio questioned. “Yes I do, I'll head there right now.” I acknowledged. I ran down the hall as fast as I could until I arrived at the door. I banged on the door “It’s me Miles, open up.” I shouted. The doors opened and I was granted in with other people inside scared and confused just as I am. “What’s happening? What’s going on?” I demanded. The person that opened the door looked at me and said only 2 words. “An outbreak.”

The author's comments:

This story is about an A person named Miles Carken a scinetest that works at a laboratory under the city that has been bombed. He and many others experiment and study on these "Creatures" that they have found in above the Surface. This story is Parody of a game in roblox called Kaiju Paradise. 

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