Foggy Day | Teen Ink

Foggy Day

May 20, 2021
By bfuentes7597 SILVER, San Pedro, California
bfuentes7597 SILVER, San Pedro, California
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The cold wind has brought the mysterious fog into the small town. No one knows how it came. It was just sunny out and all of a sudden it is covered by a mysterious fog. Everyone in town was outside bathing in the sunlight. They decided to go inside fearing it would rain. The mothers rushing their kids inside the house while the fathers are busy starting the fireplaces. The kids went up to their rooms and changed out of their shorts and tops to put on some warm and comfortable clothing. The fog was so thick it was hard to see while driving and you can barely see anything out the windows. It’s almost as if the fog is trying to hide something. No one dared to go outside or even try touching it. But the teenagers especially feel a pull from it. They jumped out of their windows and approached the thick fog. They entered it and never returned back to their families. Someone or something has taken them.

The author's comments:

I wanted to write something that has the same vibes as The Twilight Zone series.

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