The Man in the bar | Teen Ink

The Man in the bar

March 22, 2021
By zachsamuel214 BRONZE, Mineola, New York
zachsamuel214 BRONZE, Mineola, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments


It was a dark cold night in early December. The sky was clear and crisp. A man with his hat low and his coat pulled tight around his body walked swiftly through the night. The man seemed to be searching for something. As he took a couple more lefts and a couple more rights he ended up at a lit bar. In the bar was a man and a woman who looked to be a couple as they were quite cozy with each other.  The man curled his lip and walked in the bar as he knew he was in the right place. You see, this man had been hired to do a job.  He was a highly trained killer who specialized in the termination of affairs. He had gotten a request from a woman who had figured out that her husband was cheating on her. The woman wanted revenge as her husband had to put her through so much.  He studied the couple as he sat down at the bar. The man looked as if he was reasonably wealthy, probably in his 40s, well-built and he donned a rather charming smile.  She on the other hand looked very young, with red hair and pale skin. She looked deeply in love with this man as her eyes softened and gleamed every time she looked at him. Maybe she didn't know this man was married. Anyway it was all the same to the assassin. He had a job to do and he would do it. He entered the bar and ordered a martini from the bartender. As the bartender was making his martini he shifted in his chair feeling his gun in the belt of his pants. He looked around as it was a small bar with a red counter forming a square and brass bar stools around it.  The shops around the bar were dark and closed. The street was quiet and empty. How to get with away with murder 101, never have witnesses. The bartender handed him his martini and he took a sip from it. Perfect he thought, just as I like it shaken not stirred. The man continued to watch the couple under the brim of his hat, watching them laugh, flirt and kiss. The man turned his head to ask the bartender for another drink and in that moment the assassin got a better look at him. Time seemed to stop after the assassin recognized who that man was.  There's no way that could be, the assassin thought.  But as fate would have it, it was. This man and the assassin went to High School together. He made the assassin's life hell in high school and was his bully. Thinking of this the assassin shivered at the horrible memories, but then snorted out loud causing everyone to look at him. He quickly covered it up with a cough but was beyond joyful. He even entertained the thought that maybe now he would seriously believe in karma. This was going to make the job a whole lot easier. He finished his martini with ease and left the bartender a generous tip. While walking into the bar about 10 minutes ago, he had calculated that 3 ft away from the door was the perfect shooting range for the couple and the bartender. He got up and put his gloves on. He walked to the door, his back facing the people and pulled out his gun. A matt black walther ppk, with a silencer at the top. How to get away with murder 101 lesson number two, silence is a gift. With one swift movement the assassin turned around and made three clean headshots. Three bodies slammed to the ground dead. The  assassin brushed out his coat and took a flip phone out of his pocket.  He dialed the number and spoke on the phone with someone fast. 7 Minutes pass by, a van with the logo pest extermination pulled outside the front of the bar. 6 men jumped out of the van with three stretchers and loaded the three bodies into the van.  The seventh man, a young folk, went to go talk to the assassin. 

“Who are you?” the Assassin asked. 

“I'm Luca,” the man said, “I'm Tony's helper when he's busy, he had a date night with his wife.” 

“Oh alright,  make sure that these bodies are taken care of and you wipe this place clean. I don't need my DNA anywhere even though it wouldn't matter,” the assassin said. 

“Yes sir, but if you don't mind me asking what do you mean by that,” Luca said. 

“Son,  you are very young in this business and you still have a lot to learn but the one thing you got to know is that I own everybody and even if I spray painted my name on this bar and say that I did it, I would still get away with it.”  

The assassin laughed at the awe in Luca’s face and told him goodnight. With that, the assassin strolled down the quiet street, humming to himself “Here Comes the Sun” by the Beatles.  

The author's comments:

I am 16 years old, i love to write and i play football and basketball 

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