Village of the Blue Moon | Teen Ink

Village of the Blue Moon

December 16, 2019
By Tatyanna01 BRONZE, Fort Worth Texas, Texas
Tatyanna01 BRONZE, Fort Worth Texas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

      SLAM! The door kicked open, almost breaking off of it hinges. “I’ll be faster than a lightning bolt in a thunderstorm.” yelled Sebastian.

    “Boy, don’t you even think about dropping my rum or I’ll serve your head on a silver platter to the dogs.” shouted the bar owner.

    “You tell me that every time and I’ve never failed you Mr. Tavis.” chuckled Sebastian. Mr. Tavis just shook his head and thought to himself, he’s just like his father.

     Sebastian pushed his old cart filled with six barrels of rum. The wheels making a thunderous sound as it rolled down the cobblestone pathway. His blond hair almost like golden strands of silk, blew through the salty wind as he got closer and closer to the docks. His green eyes sparkled in delight when he saw his usual trading partner, Thomas, standing by a cart selling blankets. “Thomas, it’s been forever.” exclaimed Sebastian. 

      “Sebastian, it’s only been a month since I last saw you” laughed Thomas. “Ooh, is that the barrel of rum you were talking about like it was some sort of miracle potion?” 

       “This is it. It’s genuine and the best rum your tongue will ever taste.” explained Sebastian.

      “Well, I’ll trust your word on it. How much?” asked Thomas.

       “500 quint for a pint and 2,500 for a barrel.” said Sebastian.         

       “Give me a pint, then I’ll determine if it’s barrel worthy.” laughed Thomas.

       Sebastian retrieved his wooden serving spoon and scooped a generous amount of the sweet beverage into a clean glass for his friend to sample. Thomas took the glass and looked down in the dark brown abyss. But before he could savor his drink, a reflective light flashed in his face. 

      “You still carry that sword of yours around everywhere you go?” questioned Thomas. He admired the long narrow weapon that has a blue and black sheath. A blue ribbon where the handle was and a silver chain with blue beads dangling at the tip of the handle. It was always by Sebastian. When he woke up, when he worked, when he sold his alcohol, even when he slept, it was always by his side like a mother and her new born child. 

      “Yeah, I mean it’s the last thing that my father ever owned. I still train in the forest everyday to perfect my swordsmanship. Just in case, you never know.” answered Sebastian as he gave a sharp glare to a group of Vitani soldiers marching from their hourly patrol.

      “You’ve got guts kid I’ll give you that.” mumbled Thomas as he drank his pint of rum. Thomas was about to give his compliments to the beverage, but before being interrupted by an overwhelmingly loud scream. Both boys looked in the direction from which it came from. It was a girl. She was on the ground curled up in a ball while a group of Vitani soldiers circled of starving sharks around an injured seal. Before Thomas could get a single sound out, Sebastian grabbed his sword, bolted across the pathway, leaped, dodged, and pushed all of the merchants and customers to arrive in the alley way of two large buildings.

      “Hey, I don’t know what’s going on here, but I’ll be merciful and give you all a chance to explain yourselves before I beat the life out of yas.” demanded Sebastian. The guards looked at Sebastian and all laughed in unison. The girl looking up to get a glimpse of the poor soul who would be pummeled into the dirt. It was a boy who looked to be fourteen or fifteen years old. He was short, had blond hair, green eyes that were lit like a flame of determination. His blue sword in his right hand.He was in a combative stance indicating that he was prepared for anything or anyone who was unfortunate enough to get in his way. 

      After the guards were done dying of laughter, their faces transitioned into a fit of rage. Their faces were red and veins were bulging on the necks and heads. The confused girl witnessed some kid trying to challenge fully trained soldiers from the Vitani Nation. Her body dripping wet from the dirty water used to mop the floors, soaked her lavender sweater. Her pants ripped and torn like she was mauled by a bear. Her hair wet, sticking to her face. Her olive skin now dark from the dirt of the ground. She realized this was her chance to escape. Trying to get up slowly so the guards didn’t notice, failed. One of the soldiers saw her and held her hostage yelling, “If you want to save this little rat, then be our guest and try.” The girl desperately tried pulling away but it was no use, he was too strong. All she could do was let out a frail cry for help.

     Sebastian gripping his sword with his hand, slid out the sword. The soldiers charged at him like a stampede of bulls. They were struck down like nothing. It was done with such grace and elegance that it was more like an enchanting dance than a battle. The soldiers laid on the floor  in agony while he walked to the soldier apprehending the girl. The soldier pushed the girl away and dashed to Sebastian trying to avenge his party but was put down in a matter of seconds. 

     The girl looked up in awe as she locked eyes with her mysterious savior. His cold glare turned soft and sympathetic when he looked down at her. “Here, let’s get you cleaned up shall we.” Sebastian implied as he stretched his hand out to assist her. 


      She got up and escorted him to her home. He waited outside while she washed off and changed her clothes. After what seemed like forever, the door creaked as it was pushed open. She invited him in and he accepted the offer. Inside her house was a huge library. Her home was very cozy.

     She finally got up the courage to speak. “Why did you save me? I mean, I’m just a nobody.”

     “Well, before you jump to conclusions, how about we introduce ourselves. I’ll start; my name is Sebastian Vandross, and you might be?” he questioned the girl.

      “Sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself. Evermill, Athena Evermill is the name.”  

     “Good, now I know the name of the person I saved. The reason I saved you was because I hate the Vitani Empire and its soldiers. They took what used to be a beautiful nation with freedom, children playing, people singing and dancing, celebrations and full bellies; is now destroyed by the demons in disguised in human skin. I won't tolerate them to hurt anyone else, especially the innocent.” Sebastian said while gripping his sword and looking down at the floor.

     Athena raised an eyebrow. “You’re just like me. They took my mother from me three years ago. They burnt our house down and since she was both blind and deaf, she was burnt alive.”

      “Sebastian gave a sad and sympathetic look towards her. “My father was robbed, stripped naked, beaten, spat on, humiliated in public, then hung in the woods. This sword was the last thing I have of him. My mother and younger brother don’t have a lot of money since my father died, so I have to work.”

     There was a sharp silence in the room. Athena broke it by saying something that would change the destiny of their beloved nation, Kamili. “When I was little, my mother told me there was a prophecy about this land. 

    “Go on.” Sebastian asked in curiosity.

     “Our people before us has a great power. But every 100 years two lucky souls would come together under a full moon with their sacred treasure and summoned Tamili, an entity that resembled a white lion with wings of a bird and two horns who would grant any wish that you asked for.”

   “Sebastian holding his sword by his side answered back, “I know. My dad told me that story too. But it wasn’t just a full moon, it was a bluemoon.” 

    And as if on cue, they both said in unison, “My family ancestors were once one of the chosen ones.” Both shocked by what the other said, the girl dashed to her room as if she was being chased by a beast. She pulled out a red sheath that had two spirals connecting at the of what was a lions head. It has rubies on the side that sparkled like stars. When she brought it down for Sebastian to inspect it, his sword moved. The closer she got, the more the sword and sheath would draw closer together on its own. 

    “I think we are the ones to fulfill the prophecy” she said nervously.

    “Ya think” Sebastian said as he tried to keep his sword breaking loose from his grip. 

    She carefully put the sheath back in her room. They both sat down anxiously trying to come up with a plan. “Ok, how about this. We go to the mountain, go to the temple and put my sword into your sheath. Then when The Great Tamili comes, we can wish for what we want.” Sebastian explained brightly.

   “Ok, but we have to come up with a precise wish. Something that is totally flawless. And we need to hurry because the blue moon is tonight. Said Athena.

   “How about we wish for all the bad things that the Vitani Empire has done to our land to be solved and to make them leave us alone for, well eternity. What do you think?”

  “Well’, Athena said trying not to hurt his feelings. “I like that thought but how about we reword it. What if we ask Tamili reverse the damage that the Vitani Empire has done to us.”

   “Then leave us alone for eternity?” requested Sebastian

    Athena let out a sigh. “And make them leave us alone for eternity.”

  “Great, sounds like a plan.” cried Sebastian as he jumped up from his chair and rushed to grab his sword and proceeded to head to the door. Athena grabbed her sheath from her room, careful to keep her distance from the other chosen one and settled out on their journey to the mountain. 

   They had crossed so many trees, jumped on rocks to get across rapid rivers, and avoid dangerous animals and poisonous insects. Sebastian did most of the fighting. Some against black bears and others unnecessary against beavers and squirrels. All of this happened in one night in the forest. It was even harder because they forgot to bring a torch with them.

   After finding the mountain, they were startled by a loud scream. When they scanned the area to what they believed was a giant creature, turned out to be the villagers. Tonight was the festival of the blue moon. They had to sneak carefully past the sea of people and climbed up the mountain with the temple inside it.

   When the chosen ones finally made it, there was a bright light above them. It was the blue moon.  “Quick, we need to do it now before it passes.” Sebastian ordered. Athena took the sheath and put it towards Sebastian. He then took his sword out of his own sheath and placed it towards Athena. The two pulled itself together making an enormous sound.

   A bright white light suddenly appeared following a deep voice. “Chosen ones what is it that you seek from me?” demanded the grand voice. It was Tamili. Its body was of a lion but the wings of a bird and two horns. The villagers started in great amazement.

   Athena spoke up, “Oh Great Tamili, we the chosen ones humbly ask that you reverse the corrupt damage done to us by the Vitani Empire.”

   “And to leave us alone for eternity.” blurted Sebastian.

   “Very well, your wish is my command.” Tamili granted their wish. A strong gust of wind swept the whole land as it reversed the damage done by the Vitani Empire. It took all the soldiers from the village and made it impossible for them to enter Kamili. 


    The sword and the sheath came back down and separated. “We did it, it’s all over now!” shouted Sebastian.

   “Yes, we certainly did.” she said faintly as she laid down on the cool emerald temple floor. They both lied down together amazed at what they just accomplished. After catching their breaths for thirty minutes, they decided to go back down. “Chosen ones. Chosen ones. Chosen ones.” The villagers all chanted as they both walked down. “You saved us all from the wickedness of the Vitani Empire. We are forever grateful for your strength and beauty chosen one.”

    Athena had a light blush on her face. “Beautiful?”

    Sebastian leaned over to her whispering, “they’re totally talking about me.” Athena just rolled her eyes and laughed.

    What turned out to be just a few villagers, grew into the entire village.Sebastian’s mother and little brother lea[ed into his arms, eyes filled with tears of happiness.”I told you I would take care of you, didn’t I?” chuckled Sebastian.

     A warm and familiar voice answered back “you sure did son.” Sebastian’s eyes widened in disbelief as he turned around to see his father, the one who died at the hands of the Vitani soldiers so many years ago. Tears rolling across his face like waterfalls, he jumped into his father’s arms like his mother and brother did to him. 

    Holding him tightly only to whisper, “I missed you so much.” 

    Athena thought to herself, wait, if that is his father who he claimed was killed many years ago then that must mean mom could be out there. She ran towards the place she once called home, searching for her mother. 

   What seemed like forever, she decided to face the facts and give up. Until two arms embraced her from behind and a pair of soft lips placed gently on her cheek. “Mom!” she cried as she held her tightly. Athena placed her hand into her mother’s and signed, “ I never thought I would see you again. I was so lonely without you.” The mother just shook her head and held her like a new born baby.

    The blue moon watched the people laugh, dance, sing, and love just like the good old days of the Kamlil Village used to do 100 years ago. All was well again in the Village of the Blue Moon.








The author's comments:

It is a very feel good heartwarming story. 

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