The Mystery Behind Space | Teen Ink

The Mystery Behind Space

June 6, 2019
By Anonymous

Mission List:



Jayme Conway: Male, Mission Commander/Geologist, From Minneapolis, Minnesota, 34 years of age, Born June 5, 1985

Lyndsey Meyer: Female, Geologist , From San Diego, California, 35 years of age, Born December 14, 1984

Joanna Kane: Female, Spacecraft Engineer, From Washington District of Columbia , 39 years of age, Born August 8, 1980

Garrett Medina: Male, Meteorologist, From Madison, Wisconsin, 32 years of age, Born April 17, 1987

Audrey Hutton: Female, Doctor(Opthamologist, Neurologist), From Ann Arbor, Michigan, 26 years of age, Born October 10, 1993

Rita Mccormack: Female, Physiatrist, From Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, 41 years of age, Born January 7, 1978

Zara Witt: Female, Engineer, From Anchorage, Alaska 30 years of age, Born April 26, 1989


Chapter 1

Zara Witt

3:43 PM

August 4, 2019

We are set to leave tomorrow on the HERMES 7. We have spent the last three years training for this moment, yet I still have butterflies in my stomach. My phone just buzzed; it’s a text from Audrey. “Party tonight for last day, u wanna come?” I’m not sure what to say. Sure, I could say yes, but I already have plans with my parents. Whatever. Now isn’t the time to be getting nervous. I’m leaving for Venus tomorrow, I should be happy. But I’m not. I can’t get over the fact that I have to leave all my family and friends behind forever (or at least until NASA plans a return mission). We’re scheduled to have five more crews arrive in the first ten years we’re up there.  

7:27 PM

I have finally made up my mind. I am going to go see my parents. It’s the last time I’m going to see them. I’m going be seeing a lot more of Audrey and the rest of my crew mates soon.

Audrey Hutton

6:43 PM

Zara still hadn’t responded to my text, while all of the others have said yes. The only reason she’s on this mission is because she has a brain like Albert Einstein. She’s always a jerk to the rest of  us just because she did better on the stupid SAT. All three years we’ve been training she’s never said anything nice, she’s never had any fun, and she’s always an uptight jerk! She should be celebrating before her mission and having some fun.

7:33 PM

Zara finally responded with “ Nah I’d rather be with my family. I would rather my last hours on earth with people whose company I enjoy.” OMG why couldn’t she just say sorry I want to spend time with my family. I want to like her I really do but she just can’t seem to be nice to anyone.

Jayme Conway

11:53 AM

August 5, 2019

10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1...0 BLAST OFF

Blast Off hit me like a wrecking ball. This is the most painful thing I in my life.

“This is Mission control HERMES 7 can you hear me”

“Yes we are all good here that takeoff is a little rough though”

“As expected captain”

As we finally hit space the ride eased up

“Wow, what a view” said Audrey

“Yeah” Agreed Rita

Garrett Medina

12:03 PM

I had finally did it. I had achieved my family’s goals of getting to space.

7:06 PM

As I am closely watching the predicted weather pattern for Venus when we would arrive I could see as Zara snuck up behind Audrey and pushed her right into Lyndsey. Right as Lyndsey got hit she pushed back, which as I am watching with surprise resulted in a shoving , match between the three. This is why nobody liked Zara because she would do stupid things then blame it on others. Back when we were first train Zara stole something then we NASA realized it was gone Zara preceded to blame it on everyone in contention for a spot on the mission. This alone cost 6 people a spot on the mission. After the shoving match had finally been stopped I went to bed.

Joanna Kane

6:01 AM

August 6, 2019

Jayme is yelling at us to wake even though it is his job it is still annoying. Today is going to be a busy day as we have to prep for hypersleep ( we go to sleep for a few months to make the trip go faster).

Rita Mccormick

7:08 PM

August 6

We are heading into the hypersleep Zara was freaking out until Jayme sedated her for just a minute. The pods are huge and humming. We all get in and start do doze off to sleep. It's almost relaxing but unnatural at the same time.

Audrey Hutton

6:03 AM

November 7, 2019

I wake up to Joanna screaming. She is standing over Zara. Blood is flowing from Zara’s tank. Although no one seems to be that sad everyone is more horrified then sad.



Joanna Kane

6:04 PM

November 7, 2019

Zara is bleeding with visible scratch marks. She has clearly been dead for a while considering the blood is not actually flowing. Me and Jayme pull her out and put her on a table to examine her.

7:08 PM

Now that all the blood and water samples were finished we know that was poisoned by cyanide in her hypersleep tank.

Jayme Conway

7:15 PM

November 7, 2019

“Now that everyone was gather I can say the news”

“Zara was murdered by someone standing in this room”

Lyndsey immediately said “ We can’t rule out suicide”

This surprised me I hadn’t thought of this yet

Rita then remarked “ I have run many tests of everyone on board, and she was in no way suicidal in fact she was very excited to be on board and could not wait to get to Venus”

Suddenly the on board speakers blared

“ Hello HERMES 7 is everything alright up there”

“Actually we have a murderer on board” I replied

“ WHAT!!!!!!!”

“Why don’t you generate a plan of action while we sort things out up here” I said

“Roger that”

Audrey Hutton

12:01 AM

November 8, 2019

There it was again that running sound very faint but coming from Lyndsey’s. I creep over there and to my surprise I see Lyndsey putting a small capsule in her drawer. Could that be what I think it is. I wait for her to go to sleep then I seek in her room. I open the drawer and see… Cyanide. This took me by complete shock. I have to tell Jayme right now. I run over to his room and tell him he tells me “ Go to sleep Audrey this will be sorted out in the morning”

Was he crazy. How could he say that this needs to be taken care of now but I have to follow captain's orders so I did.


Jayme Conway

7:04 AM

November 8, 2019

I had immediately relayed Audrey’s news to NASA. They told me to put her in the air lock and to lock the door put not to put her in space just leave her there. I have not woken up the whole crew except Lyndsey. We grab her carefully and carry her to the air lock and lock her in. The job is done for now.

Rita Mccormack

7:08 PM

November 8, 2019

We had been debating what to do with Lyndsey all day and we had produced no good options. I am feeling bad for her (even though she is a murderer) so I’m going to see her she is lying there on the floor just like she is supposed to be. Suddenly I feel someone put a knife to my neck. I scream…

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