My Own Reality | Teen Ink

My Own Reality

December 11, 2018
By 23mitaly BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
23mitaly BRONZE, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Darkness surrounded the brown-haired girl when she opened her eyes, narrowing them a bit as she saw the darkness around her. Confused, she looked around a bit, suddenly hit with the feeling that she was floating; she soon found that she was, indeed, floating. She waved her arms and legs around carefully, searching for any kind of wall, floor, ceiling- anything, really, but she found nothing.

"Where am I?" Jade mumbled. "Is this just some weird dream?" she asked herself. She let out a small gasp as she suddenly saw lights flash to life around her, temporarily blinding her. These lights quickly dimmed until they were tiny white specks around her. She blinked a few times, then looked around again. Still, there was nothing except for the tiny specks of dim light.

"Pull yourself together, Jade, it's just a dream," she huffed, though it felt so real to her that she didn't believe her own words. She clapped her hands together, flinching in surprise when she saw a small ball of light appear in front of her from the action. Then, she noticed a dark purple coloured light around her right hand, a similar white light around her left. She watched as the lights swirled around her hands, confused.

She reached her hands out in front of her, then the two lights shot away from her hands and towards the ball of light in front of her. The ball absorbed the lights, then the two colours of the lights were visible in that one ball. They circled around each other and mixed, but never were those colours taken away nor changed from their original states.

Our goddess is here at last!! Jade heard a familiar-sounding voice cry out, though she'd never heard this voice before. It was oddly familiar...

Lord! You must create our world, a world we can call home! another voice chimed in. Jade moved away from the ball of light, hearing the voices coming from there.

"What the--?" Jade questioned, furrowing her brows in confusion. More voices began speaking, calling her their lord, telling her to create 'their world,' and the ball of light expanded as this happened. "What are you all talking about?!" she shouted, eyes wide as the light got brighter and grew even more. She moved away from it as best as she could, then she felt her back press against something- it felt like a wall behind her.

This is your universe, Jade Rose. This is the space in which you must create a new world, a world only able to be imagined by those you've previously known. Jade heard another voice, this time in her head, speaking directly to her. With a flash, the ball of light soon stopped expanding- it was huge by the time it was done. It was roundaboutly the size of the planet she'd been stolen from, then it began to take a form.

This is your world, your reality.

The author's comments:

My Own Reality is a small story I came up with in the late hours of the night, and here I am with it typed out! I really liked the idea that I had for it, but I wasn't sure how much I could make with it, so I decided to start with this short little thing before I did too much with it. I might make a sequel to it, or make a longer version of it, but this is it for now! I hope you like it!

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