Prisoner 2142 | Teen Ink

Prisoner 2142

October 25, 2018
By NathanielNavix BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
NathanielNavix BRONZE, Somerset, Kentucky
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you never try you can't hope to succeed"

It’s only been a week but the days go by so endless and unforgiving I just sit here wallowing in this desolate hole I call my new home. I cannot recall when the last time I felt the warmth of sunlight or the feeling of prying eyes by another person besides my guards. This place, this hole, this this imprisonment I cannot stand it for any longer! Another week and I’ll go mad! But, I won’t lose sight of my purpose, I cannot.

The sole reason why I’m in all this mess is due to the unfortunate tragedy. This tragedy is only a consequence due to The Inquisitor who rushed my highly sensitive experiment and it resulted in the creation of that thing that, that amalgamation that monstrosity. It could not be contained or controlled in anyway shape or form. After all had settled, the blame put all onto me. The only one to be officially held accountable for the whole incident and charged for the countless deaths due to that dreaded thing. But, I do believe The Imperium cannot keep me down here for  very much longer, they know, oh I know that they know. They know my research is too imperative for them to just relinquish me. I must get out and continue this research for The Imperium.

Every painfully long day the same routine of 22 hours in this hole of rotting away physically and mentally. During this time I’ve begun to what I believe is hallucinating voices in my head but most of the time they just whisper small stuff in a dark raspy voice: run, perish, or sometimes even laughter. These voices slowly seeping through the cracks into my sanity and decaying it. Though most of the time I don’t notice the subtlety, I can still feel the presence of my mind losing itself. The voices are but a minor annoyance I’ve learned to tune them out as but, sometimes I like hearing them rather than the white noise that fill the empty pockets. The voices they make me feel, livid, in a sense. Other than worrying about the voices I just sit here in my cell. Nothing to be done other than struggling to live.

This slow drift into insanity makes me hear the blood curdling screams of that night so so much more vividly in my dreams. Glass shatters in the lab, buildings crumble, hopeless cries of men, women, and children. Oh the horrors of such a scene. Though this looms over me constantly, I cannot and will not let this haunt me any longer! I must be adamant! I must refuse to worry about this subject any longer! I must move forward!


Besides the slow descent into madness and the bothersome nightmares, I get two hours to myself everyday and today I will spend that time reading. Well, I try to read but, they don’t seem to possess the greatest of selections. I mean the material is extremely meager compared to the complex knowledge needed to read my works. Though this is not my preference or up to my aptitude it keeps me slightly sane.

A couple more days go past and I start to wonder why do I never see any other prisoner? More than two weeks here and guards are the only people I see. I never see their faces they wear these veil-like masks and sometimes chatter between one another. The voices are unrecognizable from one day to the next never the same guards on duty due to rotations or some way of planning. I do believe though that these men, judging by their wares, they are prepared for the frontlines of the war to come straight to this prison. I’m not an extremely dangerous person physically, I’m just a researcher, what harm could I do? I don’t even possess the strength of a genetically altered super soldier I’m pretty much a normal human with a superior intellect. I do feel as though that this particular escort is taking longer than normal I feel as though we walked around the whole facility many times by now but, I feel as though no time has passed at all. The guard to my right escorting me halts dead in his tracks. The guard on the left doesn’t catch on until two more steps in and we both pause, looking back, wondering.

“What in the emperor’s name?” The guard on my left asks.

“I… I see… pain…I - I feel….” He responds.

“Spit it out son!” The guard asks louder than the last question. “Listen, if you don’t... “

Suddenly the rear guard lets out a loud cry and yells,

“GET OUT! GET out of my HEAD! I… will… not… subm….”

Abruptly, he drops dead on the floor, blood seeping through out the cracks of his metal armor. A horrific sight to witness, but completely unphased by this occurrence mainly due to the special work I did. My work involved a very bloodied workspace guts, gore, and blood just everywhere tables covered and stained. Quickly after that incident, the remaining guard rushes me back to my lovely cell to hold me put, but before the guard leaves he clears his throat and commands,

“Prisoner 2142. You will NOT. I repeat WILL NOT remember this event. If anyone so asks you were in your cell this whole time PERIOD. Understand me prisoner 2142?”

The guard hands me a small note in the middle of this verbal transaction.

“YES, GUARDSMAN, SIR! I remained in my cell the whole time, sir!” I shouted back to him.



A few minutes pass and I finally believe it’s safe to open the note and it reads as follows:

“Prepare to leave at the cry of the wolf on the second full passing of the 3rd moon and do not be worried we are watching from the shadows but cannot help your endeavour if you so choose.”

An ominous note the guard gave me with no context. It’s my only ray of hope in this godforsaken hole, my only light at the end of the tunnel, and this was my only hope. I don’t believe I recall anything that corresponds to “cry of the wolf” but I know that twice a week on two random days the third moon Selendis does pass Gran Terra a multitude of times. Either way, I’ll be ready for something to happen. I do hope that tomorrow is the day I get my chance because today, sundias, is the end of the week. This timing does seem pretty random but, I can always hope to be lucky. Luck IS the only currency I own here and as much as I like numbers more than luck anything helps at this point.

Many weeks go by, my faith is at its wit’s end. That damned piece of paper the guard gave me is driving me over the edge.

“AAAAAAAHHHH!” I let out of a cry frustration.

“When… When oh when will it be my time to LEAVE this god forsaken hell hole!?”

Suddenly, all the lights shut off. Soon after, the mechanisms on my door disengage and emergency red lights kick on. It turns out I am the “Cry of the wolf” and apparently it’s the right time. The chances are one in a couple hundred but then again luck is the currency here and I ain’t broke yet. I slowly approach the tall, white, almost perfectly shaped icy cold monolith of a door. I quickly decide to not waste anymore time admiring the only thing stopping me from leaving. I open the door and poke my head out. It seems pretty safe, but something is bound to go amiss. I can just feel it. The voices do tell me this task is both great and impossible. Either way, I decide to take a couple steps out of my cell knowing that as soon as I do there’s a chance I can’t go back.

The power flips back on out of emergency. Right then and there I had no regrets, I was past the point of no return. I’ve made my decision long ago while waiting and I’m now walking down this long,  desolate corridor. My theory was right! Those prisoners don’t exist. Their doors aren’t even real I don’t think anyone would’ve notice unless they were up close and personal. I don’t even hear any guards. Normally the sound of their armor clanking stands out, but for now I don’t hear a thing. I know the guards were real I just know it but I cannot delay my opportunity on such a insignificant event that doesn’t pertain to this matter.

I wander for what feels like an hour around this labyrinth of a facility. A couple of obvious traps line the halls that seem to have claimed the lives of some misbehaved prisoners. I turn the corner and unexpectedly at the end of the hall I see it. I see a radiant light overwhelmingly flooding out of the warden’s office door. I speculate that something can help me in there. I go to investigate it but when I open it I instantly feel an enormous pain surge throughout my whole body. It felt like I was being exposed to a live electrical current and I could feel my whole body roasting from inside. In that instance I pondered: Could this be the end? Did I just die for attempting to escape? Is this better than to suffer? After what feels like an eternity of pain, darkness devours me and I fall into an endless insufferable void….

Faces I see faces? Oh no, I see them, I see faces of the people that night both faded and painfully detailed. I see it as though they’re right there and I keep seeing it, I can see those who died that day. The screams and cries I can also hear it all. All of the suffering and death. The noises of crumbling buildings, the devastionaton to the lab, and surrounding sectors. The firepower used to subdue such a beast sounded clear as day. A sense of déjà vu washes over me, and I realize I've seen this scene before. Many, many times. I know I’m in a dream but why can’t I wake up? What is this? Is this actually hell? This must be Hell. But, it can't be I am not the one to blamed for all this. I feel nothing for those people who perished. Over and over again I watch the buildings collapse around me, and every time I keep reassuring to myself saying that it wasn't my fault. I continuously say, “It… it wasn’t my fault.” “It wasn’t my fault!” “It was not my damned FAULT!” “IT WAS MY FAULT….”

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