Float | Teen Ink


October 3, 2018
By dbascom12 BRONZE, Eugene, Oregon
dbascom12 BRONZE, Eugene, Oregon
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

    I float, float adrift. My eyes pearl and skin tainted.

“Who am I?” I ask myself

    I am Susie, Susie Killmore. I am 28 years of age, but I can’t seem to remember what my appearance is. My vision is blurry. It’s coming into focus and I notice two faces, they seem to be crying. But I don’t know why. One looks up from their face being buried in sweaty palms. The face is a woman. She asks, “Do you remember who we are?” Tears scamper down her rosy cheeks.

“Sorry, I don’t seem to have any clue to who the both of you are, or anything as a matter a fact,” I reply not telling the whole truth to them.

    Her face falls into the same set of salt water pools that where her hands. I turn my head towards the window, the sky sunlit, the trees basking in the cooling breeze. My memories are vague and unknown. I can’t seem to be gaining anything that had happened to me before this. The doctor walks into the room, their face unsettling. I notice his name tag hanging down on his pure white coat.

‘Jeffrey Jackson, interesting name,’ is what I thought.

    He gets closer; my left ear starts to ring like crazy. I am so drowned in the noise that I can’t hear what the doctor has to say.

“What did you say?” is my reply with a finger lodged in my ear.

“You have amnesia.” The doctor speaks with sadness in their voice.

    Shocked, timber, that is what my body is right now, stiff, broken. The emotions are rushing in.

“I can’t gain my memories back? Like ever?” Those are the words that I speak but not aloud.

“So.. well... Do you think I will get my memories back?” I tell the doctor with a quiver.

“Possibly, with time there is a possibility.” The doctor has such a stone of a face.

Soon after that, I am released out of some hospital I was at. The sky was so bright it took some time for my eyes to adjust. I look down and up the streets, stretched far as the eye can see.

I begin to walk down some street, Hollow St. I walk and walk, never ending it seems to be. I peer in the corner of my eye and see a figure behind me. I quickly turn my head. It was the two strangers I met earlier in the hospital.

“Why are you following me?” I ask with the caution of a dog.

“Because… we are family.” They reply

After hearing those words my mind races. Emotions begin to build and boil like water in a pot.

“Family?” My voice raises, “I don’t have any family.”

“Sure you do; I’m your grandmother and he’s your grandfather,” they reply with ease.

“Uhhh… I think you have the wrong person lady,” I reply to her with an elevated voice.

Turning away from them, I begin to walk into the endless horizon. After walking for like five minutes I notice that the sky has not changed. The clouds are the same and the sun is at the same degree from when I stepped outside of the hospital doors. And the birds shift backward at an alarming rate. It’s as if they were being played on a loop on a DVD player.

The rocky sidewalk is stabbing me when I feel a sharp pain in my head; ears begin ringing; nose gets all stuffy. These are most of the things that are happening to me. Vision turned blurry; when I faint. I can see pure emptiness, nothing. Then I am brought to somewhere new.

I look around me and notice people passing right through me like I was air. They are on a ship, a spaceship. I can see every detail down to the strings of the quarks of the atoms that make up the ship. I can see the universe being formed around us. Looking out the windows and seeing the Andromeda Galaxy is mind-boggling.

In a split second, everything is gone again. I wake up to see a crowd of people hovering over me, waiting for me to say something.

“Hello???” is my first thing to say to everyone.

Nothing is said; they are just looking intently at me as if I did something wrong. I fear that they are going to do something to me. I pull myself up from the ground, wiping off the rocks that attach to me like velcro, and keep walking. They are following me. I can tell from the sound of silent tiptoeing that is right behind my head. I begin to walk fast, and fast, but they walk faster and faster. My legs are hurting from my fainting earlier. I start to wobble with every step.

I am trapped; there is not anywhere I can go. The crowd of people back me up into a corner of an alley between two apartment buildings. I faint again but this time is different. I wake up in a picture zooming out, like in the movies. It is zooming out from an image of a ship ripped in two and a crew floating outside of it. I see a captain, the woman is floating, floating in the empty space. The eyes are pearl and her skin is tainted. I can’t explain it, but I feel a connection towards her.

The author's comments:

I like science

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