Romance stories written by teens | Teen Ink


Top voted Romance Articles

#2941voted by our readers
By montana PLATINUM
Parker, Colorado

He walked into the tower. Foolish mortal I thought. He had fallen into my trap. Little did he know I was the "damsel in distress" when I really wasn't. I had killed...
montana PLATINUM, Parker, Colorado
41 articles 2 photos 93 comments

Favorite Quote:
cliche quotes I have are.....<br /> I know, right? and..... Are you kidding me?

#2942 Fiction
By Jenny10216 SILVER
Miami, Florida
Jenny10216 SILVER, Miami, Florida
8 articles 6 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
I Know Right

writinggirl20 PLATINUM, Marksville, Louisiana
37 articles 0 photos 52 comments

Favorite Quote:
What I say only comes straight from my mind, i do not judge. (a quote by me)

KingKamidere-Sama BRONZE, Rochester, New York
2 articles 1 photo 5 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Did the money pay for all that you wanted?<br /> Or was it your soul that really paid the price?&quot;<br /> -Yami Kurai

#2945 Fiction
By Secret_Love_Tells GOLD
Harrisonburg, Virginia
Secret_Love_Tells GOLD, Harrisonburg, Virginia
15 articles 0 photos 69 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I love you more than the sun loves the sky and the moon loves the stars&quot; --my best friend<br /> &quot;Do it for love.&quot; --sark<br /> &quot;One does not succeed in never falling but in getting back up evertime they do so.&quot;- Confucius

#2946 Fiction
just-another-url GOLD, Cannes, Other
16 articles 6 photos 151 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;It&#039;s a good thing to be strange. Normalness leads to sadness.&quot; -Philip Lester

#2947 Fiction
By Deszy6028 PLATINUM
Mansfield, Ohio
Deszy6028 PLATINUM, Mansfield, Ohio
22 articles 0 photos 10 comments

Favorite Quote:
You write such pretty word, but lifes no story book. Loves and excuse to get hurt, and to hurt. Do you like to hurt, I do. I DO! Then hurt me.

#2948 Fiction
thespecialone.......... BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments
Jessica Berlinger BRONZE, Mosca, Colorado
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments
#2950 Fiction
By raeee GOLD
Walla Walla, Georgia
raeee GOLD, Walla Walla, Georgia
15 articles 3 photos 62 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Would she hear me if I called her name? Would she hold me if she knew my shame? Would she even love me if I was to blame?&quot; -Favourite poem ever&hearts;