The Double-Edge Sword Called Lovew | Teen Ink

The Double-Edge Sword Called Lovew

June 2, 2016
By CooperHalbrook BRONZE, Council Bluffs, Iowa
CooperHalbrook BRONZE, Council Bluffs, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I fall to the ground I can only hear one voice. It’s her voice. The voice that makes me shiver when I hear it, the soft, harmless, sweet tone of the girl I once loved. “Please don’t go, I didn’t mean for it to end this way,” she says through her weeping. Then it hits me, I see how it all lead to this. Then I remember how it started. I remember seeing her for the first time, her golden skin. She had the brightest green eyes I’ve ever seen. For being twenty-one she had a very shy personality.It happened to be she didn’t like parties either. She was the type of girl that everyone got along with whether they were super outgoing or shy like her. Kids loved her.

I then begin to refocus on the downfall. The, what at that time seemed like relationship ending, arguments. Me and my party animal personality, I would go out and do something abruptly with no thought about it. She always hated that side of me. I’d come home and avoid her for as long as I could thinking maybe she wouldn't be as mad, but I was always very wrong. She would’ve rather I’d be straight up about it, which would then spark all the stupid arguments. Even though we were both mature adults, the arguments were like a bunch of sixth graders. Although this would not be the worst.
“What are you doing? You’re such an oblivious moron!” she screamed.
“I literally went out to grab a drink with some friend’s that’s it.”
She would stand there and just stare at me, and this stare was not one to mess around with. She looked like a murderer, this seemed so strange for what type of person she was.
“I find it ridiculous that you wouldn’t tell me in advance that you are going out.”
“It just happened that we stopped at a bar on the way home. We didn’t do any planning.” I would say as I feel like I was pleading for the relationship to keep going. It was now that I started to feel as if I was bowing down to her like I was sacrificing friends for her.
The night came, it was a beautiful night, with a full moon. It was also our second year anniversary. I had set up a nice steak dinner for her. Nothing crazy just a nice night in the house, with a nice candle, lit dinner and some wine. When she walked in the door she let out a long sigh. I was confused as to why this was, I thought this was the best I could do. She slowly made her way into the kitchen as she struck up a small conversation.
“This is great honey, this is something I’ll remember. But I just had a long day that's it,” she droned this in a monotone, depressing voice.
I then began to speak. “I thought you would be a little more excited.” I said faintly “I worked hard on this.”
“Honey I have to get something off my chest,”she mumbled it was at this time that I knew something wasn’t right. “Four nights ago I did something that I shouldn’t have done. I got kind of drunk after our fight, and then I went out. While I was out I hooked up with a guy,” she said avoiding all eye contact.
I got right up from the table. “You are telling this to me now?” I was so furious that I was seeing red. “I did this to find out that you cheated on me? What kind of sick twisted BS that?” I screamed.
“I know, I should’ve told you then, but I didn’t. I screwed up. Please on all that we have ever been please forgive me,” she wept.
“Please don’t go, I didn’t mean for it to end this way,” she yelled as I got up to walk out.
This raised my level of anger to an all-time high. “You didn’t want it to end this way? It would seem that you are ending it this way,” I start to walk towards her. “Yeah I don’t think I wanted it to end this way either, I don’t think anyone would want a relationship to end this way.”
Then, right as I get within arm's reach, she grabs a knife. It happened so fast that I couldn’t even comprehend what was happening. She sticks all four inches of a steak knife right through my heart. I fall slowly, looking at her the entire time. I see that all along she has been a psychotic b**** the whole time. And then everything went black.

The author's comments:

I am sixteen I did this piece for my creative writing class. 

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on Jul. 7 2016 at 10:48 pm
matthewbusek BRONZE, Council Bluffs, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 1 comment
gr888888 werk cooper.