Be careful what you wish for | Teen Ink

Be careful what you wish for

June 7, 2016
By Anonymous


Evan- 17 year old boy, always needing attention. Varsity lacrosse and soccer player. Has a girlfriend, Cailee but can never stay tied down to just her.
Cailee- 15 year old girl, innocent and caring. Loves her family but also loves her boyfriend Andrew.
Lizzy- the mysterious girl that keeps popping up on Andrew’s phone.
Brogen- 17 year old, blonde skinny girl who has been in love with Andrew since she just moved here
Matt & Julie- Cailee’s parents who just want what’s best for her


This scene takes place in a small town setting. Setting changes between Cailee’s typical teenage girl bedroom and a park bench in the park near both Cailee and Andrew’s houses.

Scene: Be Careful What You Wish For

*curtains open*
(park setting- cailee and evan are sitting on a park bench)

EVAN: “cailee.. Please just hear me out”

CAILEE: “I have had enough of your lies.. Tell me what’s going on”

ANDREW: “well.. You know Lizzy right?


EVAN: “umm.. Uh.. I sort of maybe.. cheated on you with her.... (voice trails off)”
CAILEE: “screw you. I can’t believe I was that stupid to ever date you. How could you do this to me!!...”

EVAN: (tries to grab Cailee’s hand but she pulls away) “Cailee I’m so sorry I love you so much. I don’t know why I did it, it just happened. I promise nothing like this will ever happen again. I swear..”

CAILEE: (crosses her arms) yeah whatever andrew.. I am just so hurt right now (sniffles).. I need some time alone
(storms off stage and everything goes black)

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*long pause*
(curtains open to Cailee crying in her bedroom stage left)

CAILEE: sobbing and sniffling (sad music playing)

JULIE: (enters bedroom stage right) “oh my goodness honey, what happened? Why are you crying? (runs over and hugs Cailee)

CAILEE: (barely able to get words out) “eeevan...he...” (starts crying again)

JULIE: “Evan what? What did he do?”

CAILEE:  “he cheated on mee... I don’t know what to do, why did he do this to me mom?”

JULIE: “Oh sweetie,I am so sorry” (kisses cailee’s forehead)

JULIE: “no daughter of mine ever ever deserves to be cheated on. You are better than him, you know that right? I don’t want you seeing him anymore”

CAILEE: “I know mama. Thank you. I just don’t understand”

JULIE: “well it’s getting late, you need rest. Try not to stay up too late, goodnight Cailee, I love you”

CAILEE: “goodnight. Love you too”

(Julie walks off stage right everything goes black)

- - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*one month later* (hold up sign to audience)

(curtains open, stage right Julie and Cailee are in Cailee’s bedroom yelling)

JULIE: “CAILEE! Once again I find out you are sneaking around with this dumb boy who is no good for you”

CAILEE: “But mom I forgave him and there is nothing you can do that will make me break up with him”

JULIE: (rubs forehead) this boy is bad news all he is going to do is keep breaking your heart

CAILEE: “no he is not mom, he won’t. “

JULIE: (sighs) “I will not tolerate this,you are not allowed to see him”

CAILEE: (clenches fists) “It is my life I will do whatever I want mom”

*storms off stage*


(fades to black)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - -

Months pass *sign held up to audience indicating time passing*

(cailee and evan at park)

CAILEE: (approaches evan) “Hey I came as quick as I could once I could escape the wrath of my mother, what’s up?”

EVAN: “Cailee.. We need to talk”

CAILEE: (nervously twirls hair) “about what?”

EVAN: “I can’t do this anymore”

CAILEE: “evan what do you mean...”

EVAN: “I used to like you a lot but now things have gotten harder and i’ve just been hanging out with brogen a lot.”

CAILEE: (crosses arms) “Brogen... you’re leaving me who I have been with you for 10 months for a girl you’ve known 10 days..”

CAILEE: “You don’t know how much I have given up for you”

EVAN: “i’m sorry I just wanna be with her”

CAILEE: “I can’t believe I ruined my entire life just so I could be with you and you bail?”

EVAN: “it happens, your parents your problem not mine anymore- you should move on like me”

CAILEE: (storms off) “go to hell”


The author's comments:

I like this piece because it is interesting and contains a lot of irony

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