A Night to Remember | Teen Ink

A Night to Remember

May 26, 2016
By pdoboy BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
pdoboy BRONZE, Dexter, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was one week away from my big night, it was time for my senior prom. I was so excited. My date was my old best guy friend, Jake was his name and he was every girl's dream. He had amazing blonde hair, the bluest eyes, was tall, and as strong as an ox. He just moved back to my school from New Jersey; his dad got a new job in New York and now we are back at the same school again. Jake surprised me on his first day at my school, he didn’t tell me that he was moving back home so I had no idea, and when I laid my eyes on him I didn’t know what to expect. It was like a Disney movie when the princess first meets the prince, everything just clicked and it was like nothing changed for us. Jake and I used to hang out all the time when we were little. I remember he used to always be over at my house and we liked to play freeze tag with my two brothers. I remember one time we were playing on the playground and Jake fell off the slide and broke his arm, I was laughing hysterically but I felt bad at the same time.
Since Jake is back at my school I am pretty sure that he is the most popular kid in school. He looked so much different from when he was a kid. I kept asking myself how could this gorgeous guy want to go with a girl like me to prom? I have no athletic ability whatsoever, my hair looks greasy all the time, my outfits are never on point, and sometimes I don’t smell all that pretty. For some reason Jake looked past my flaws and accepted me for my caring and loving personality. I might not of been the best looking person or the most popular girl in school, but I am very happy that my best friend is taking me to prom. I will never forget the way he asked me too. Jake got all dressed up and surprisingly took me out to dinner and then we danced under the stars. Jake got down on one knee and said “Anna I have known you most of my life and I know when I moved things changed between us, I really would like to go back and start something new with you. Will you go to prom with me?”
“Of course I would love that Jake thank you so much!” I said.
I tried to hold back my excitement as soon as I went home I called my Aunt Lissa who is one of my favorite people in the world because she understands me and has always been there for me. I told her how special he made me feel, that I was one lucky girl, and how he liked to be around me and accept me for who I am. Ever since Jake asked me to prom he hasn’t really talked to me, we never arranged what group we were going to go in or where we would be eating. Jake kept saying
“It’s okay don’t worry I have everything already planned out.”
Which I did not believe at all because boys are not good at planning things out especially Jake, he is always a last minute kind of guy.
It has been a couple of days since Jake has talked to me, and I was starting to freak out so I called my Aunt Lisa.
“Aunt Lisa? I need your help” I said.
“Yes, what is it Anna?” She replied.
“It’s Jake. I don’t know if we are still going to prom, he hasn’t returned any of my text or phone calls what do I do?”
“Just give him space honey, prom is just as important to him as it is to you.” Aunt Lissa said.
After that phone call I decided to listen to my aunt and I will talk with him when he’s ready. As the night when by I couldn't help it but to wonder why Jake wouldn’t talk to me. I kept saying to myself,
“Maybe Jake just doesn’t like me anymore.” In the back of my head I was excited, but I was still very nervous that I wouldn’t have a prom date. A day went by and Jake ran up to me at school.
“Hey Anna. I am very sorry that I have not been able to talk to you a lot recently, I have been meeting tons of new people and I am having fun being back at my old school.” Jake said excitedly.
“It’s okay. I was just worried, I thought you completely forgot about me.” I replied.
“Oh no! I have just been super busy, but none of our plans have changed for prom tomorrow I have everything planned out.” Jake said with a smile. I was so excited I walked away with a huge smile on my face.
Saturday morning came and I was so excited. I have been waiting all year for this exact day. My mom and dad made me a wonderful breakfast with my favorite bacon and everything. After breakfast I had to start getting ready since I had a lot of things to do. I had to go get my hair and nails done and make sure I looked perfect. Tonight my goal was to look like a princess and to make sure the whole school knew I looked like a princess so more people would want to talk with me. Some hours went by and it was time for me to start putting my makeup on and getting into my dress. When my makeup was complete I took one look in the mirror and said
“Tonight is the night, we will have fun, I have an amazing guy, and people will notice me.”
It was time for me to leave for Jake's house to go take pictures. My mom and dad came with me and they were just as excited as I was. When I saw Jake my mouth literally dropped. It was like that moment when you are at a restaurant and your waiter is carrying out your food. My mouth was watering and I started to sweat. I couldn’t believe he was all mine for my senior prom. His tux matched my dress perfectly, It couldn’t have been any more perfect. We took a ton of pictures and then we decided to leave for our dinner. Jake took me to the nicest restaurant in town. As we walked in all my friends were waiting for us at our table. Jake also invited some of his friends so our group had about fourteen people in it. I quickly stopped Jake and told him, thank you, really you are such an amazing person and you are the best.
Jake smiled and replied,
“There are more surprises Anna, I want you to have the best night of your life.”
I was so excited I couldn’t believe this was all so real. After we ate it was time to go to the actual prom place which was at a huge barn out in the country and it was actually a really nice comfy place. We walk in and there's a big dance floor, a DJ, lights hanging from the ceiling, comfy couches, a mini golf course, dessert bar, and fun mini games. I couldn’t wait any longer so I drug Jake to the dance floor. We started dancing and wow could he dance. I couldn’t keep up he was doing moves I never even heard of. Of course Jake has his dorky side and started busting out old moves like the snake and the cha cha slide. I was having so much fun and Jake was too, I was very thankful for him. After a few hours of playing mini games and talking with some new people Jake wanted to slow dance with me. Jake grabbed me by the waist and we just started dancing like we were meant to be. Jake started talking but the music was so loud I couldn’t hear him so he took me outside the barn and we laid down in some hay barrels.
“Doesn’t this night just feel magical Anna?” Jake asked me.
“Yes more than anything I am glad I am here with you” I replied.
Jake got up and put his hand out and said
“May I have this dance Princess Anna?”
I jumped right up and jumped into his arms. I never wanted to let go Jake and I danced for awhile and then we looked up we saw a shooting star and I said
“Quick make a wish.”
Jake without a single doubt asked me
“Anna will you be my girlfriend?”
I was so excited it took me a few seconds to realize that this was real
“YES!” I said with excitement.
This night was perfect I had a big smile on my face for the rest of the night. Jake and I had a blast for the rest of the night. It was time for me to say bye to this barn and now to finish the rest of my senior year. Jake dropped my off at my house and got out of his car to say bye to me.
“Thank you for everything tonight Jake, it is definitely a night I will remember.” I said.
“Thank you as well Anna, I had tons of fun and it was all worth it.” Jake replied.
Jake the gave me a hug and kissed me on the lips. I was so speechless after that all I could do is smile.
Jake then left and I went up into my room. I looked in the mirror and I smiled because I looked beautiful. I realized that it shouldn't matter what other people think and I know what I am nobody else does. I just have to be myself and be happy.

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