A Stalkers Love | Teen Ink

A Stalkers Love

May 6, 2016
By Parsons01 BRONZE, Grove City, Ohio
Parsons01 BRONZE, Grove City, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Chapter one

It was a cool summer night, I was laying in bed with my earbuds in listening to music while I tried to sleep. My window curtain was pulled back so I could look at the clear night sky, my mom was always working late so she was never home really and my dad died due to a severe car accident. So it has only really been me and my sister always home alone. Her name was Lucy and she was only sixteen years old while I was eighteen, she was also adopted but she never really cared when she found out. Since no one else was around we became the best of friends and would always go everywhere together. Mom always came home late and tired so I would just wait on some days so I can greet her, she would complain about me being up then she would sit on the couch and fall asleep as soon as she hits the couch. I would always sigh at her and take her shoes off and set a blanket on her. While I looked at the window and thought of good memories I saw a shadowy figure by a tree, it was staring into my room before it seemed to slowly walk off. Weirded out and curious I grabbed a shirt and put it on and snuck my way outside, trying not to wake my clingy sister. I managed to make my way outside into the cool night and started to follow the figure. I had a flashlight to use as a weapon if need be but I tried my best to stick to the shadows. I made my way up, the figure was near a lamppost, it's hood was on so I couldn't determine the gender of the figure but it looked like it had a feminine stature. I took a deep breath and ran out to confront the person, “Hey you! What were you doing outside my house!?” The person froze and gave out a small shriek as if I frightened them, “Who are you?” I asked. The figure slowly lowered down the hoody and now there stood a beautiful blushing girl. “W-what!?” I thought to myself. “I ask again, who are you?” She looked kind of familiar but I wasn't sure. “M-my name is Alice, I go to the same school as you..” The quiet voice said. “Alice..? I don't think I've heard of an Alice.” The pretty girl seemed depressed after I said that, “it's okay, not a lot of people know me. But I know a little bit about you, Alex.” She said with a smile as her face grew a different shade of red. The girl had black hair, glasses, green eyes, and a body that would make a guy stare. With perfect curves at the right angle and bust size that would make men wonder, I wondered how I never heard of this girl she was remarkably beautiful and fit. Most guys at our school would deem her popular because of her looks. The real question is, how does she know my name? I looked at the blushing girl and and scratched my head, “Do you have any business with me?” Alice hung her head low and shook it while saying no, “Then why were you at my window?” The young beautiful girl just stood in silence while messing with her hair, and with a blink of an eye she ran off into the night. I didn’t try to catch up with her, I didn’t think it was worth chasing after her. I turned in the direction of my home and walked thinking about what just happened and why it happened. I snuck back inside but to my surprise Lucy was waiting at the top step where the floor to my room resides, “Where were you?” Already being asked question? Lord have mercy I'm older than her so why does she act like my mother? “Alex why were you out?” I shook my head and waved her off, “I was just getting some air, I can't sleep. Anyways why don't you ask questions when you have clothes on, eh?” I pointed at her body that was only clothed with her under garments. The brown haired girl blushed and covered herself, “why are you looking you pervert!?”she said in a flustered frenzy, “hey! Don't try to pin this on me! It's not my fault you're half naked!” With a hmph she dazed down at me and said like she was shy about it for some reason, “you can sleep with me if you want, b-but that only if you want! You always let me sleep with you if I had rough nights so I'm offering.” She started to fiddle with her fingers, “thanks, but no thanks.” I responded. She looked disappointed and sighed. I made my way up the stairs and took my shirt off and laid back in bed where I looked at the window. Then I just stared out, I hear a small creak at my bedroom door revealing to be the blushing brown haired girl I call my sister. She made her way to my bed and plopped down wrapping herself in my blanket in the process. I sighed and asked her, “why are you doing this?” She rolled around so she could look at me, she smiled and said, “this is what we have, our mom works late and dad… Well he's gone. I've never been this close to anyone and I want to protect it because of how much it means to me. I don't really care if I'm your blood sister but if you can still call me that. I'll gladly call you my brother.” She opened up her arms and wrapped the around me with a big hug that she never let go, I put my hand in her head and smiled, “you know that sounds like a love confession.” Lucy just groaned and dug her head deeper into my side with a muffled sound saying, “oh shut up.” I kept my smile and looked out the window to see that Alice was at her spot looking again. I decided to let it go and close the curtain to go to sleep.

--Chapter One End--

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