Impressed | Teen Ink


May 14, 2015
By Craig_Wernsing BRONZE, Spring Green, Wisconsin
Craig_Wernsing BRONZE, Spring Green, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool.”

Jake was on his summer break. He was sitting in his basement playing Call of Duty when his phone rang. Jake picked it up and saw on the Caller ID that it was his friend Joe. He answered it. “Hey  Joe, what’s up?”
“Bro, I’m having this huge party at my house, and I want you to come.”
“Nah, I don’t feel like socializing today.”
Then Joe peaked Jake’s interest.
“Cinderella is going to be there.”
Jake sat up.
“Yeah bro! I invited everyone!”
“Yeah, I guess I’ll come then.”
Jake quickly ended the call and sprinted upstairs to get dressed into something with more swagger than sweatpants and a t-shirt. After dressing in his best jeans and a t-shirt, Jake brushed his teeth and put on cologne. Then he trudged a mile to Joe’s house, wishing he was old enough to drive. When he got there, the party was in full swing. There were people in the house and in the backyard. Some people were in the pool. Jake looked around for Joe and spotted him by the snack bar, talking to some friends. Jake walked over to him. “Hey Joe, where is Cinderella?”
“ I don’t think she is here yet,” replied Joe.
Jake walked around the yard and into the house, looking for Cinderella. He finally saw her talking with a group of girls. Jake sat down and waited until she walked off towards the yard. Jake followed her. Suddenly, music started playing. “Awesome,” thought Jake.”I can impress her with some dance moves.”
Jake started to dance. He completed a hard sprinkler-to-chicken dance routine. Then he dropped into the worm and did the disco. To finish his amazing performance, he did a somersault. Jake looked to see if Cinderella was impressed, but she wasn’t there. He spun in circles, looking for Cinderella, but he couldn’t find her. Then he saw her. She was inside talking to her friends again, and had completely missed his dance routine. Jake took a step back, crushed. Then he tripped, stumbled backwards, and fell into the pool. He flopped out and lay there. He looked over at Cinderella, who was now watching him. Then someone laughed, which started a laughter chain reaction.

Jake walked out of the party and trudged home. He got home and took off his wet clothes, changing back into his sweats. He sat down again and picked up his x-box controller. Then the phone rang. It was Joe.
“Hey man, why did you leave the party?”
“Dude, I was soaked! Also, I made a fool of myself in front of Cinderella!”
Jake ended the call and lay back on his couch. He knew that he would never forget this day, and Cinderella probably wouldn’t either. Then the phone rang again. Jake picked it up.
“Joe, I told you that I’m not coming back!
“Jake, is that you?”
Jake was surprised. He looked at the caller ID, but it still said Joe’s phone.
“Cinderella, is that you?”
“Yeah, I’m using Joe’s phone.”
“Listen, I didn’t mean to-”
“Fall into the pool? I kinda figured.”
“Sorry, I made a fool of myself.”
“ You should come back to the party.”
Jake sighed. “I don’t know, I kind of don’t anything really nice to wear.”
“Just come back.”
Jake smiled.
“Okay, I will, but why did you decide to call me?”
“I called because I was having a good time when you were there, but I felt lonely when you left.”
Jake hung up and smiled. He went upstairs to get changed, and that smile stayed with him all the way to Joe’s house. He was glad he wouldn’t forget this day.

The author's comments:

I wrote this

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This article has 1 comment.

victoria_129 said...
on May. 15 2015 at 10:04 am
It was adorable, i loved it!!!!