The Mystical Chapter Four: Puberty | Teen Ink

The Mystical Chapter Four: Puberty

November 21, 2014
By TheGallopingLantern SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
TheGallopingLantern SILVER, Jacksonville, Florida
5 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:
you may fall, but your heart will always have the will to get back up, you just have to find it.
~Star Poleski

His name was Luke Bryan. And he was the predator hunting the clueless victim. It was a sedative, leaving Blake unconcious for a week in the hospital. Also causing him to miss 'the Big Game of the Season'.

Luke is from Oaksten High. He's Mavric's (team captain for Oaksten's soccer team) right-hand man. As for Blake, his right-hand man is Cole, but unfortuunately he hasn't gotten his ankle brace off yet. That leaves the team abandoned.

Exiting the hospital with Marine yapping on the line, "And he's not going to jail for it?" "Nope," replying back. "You're not mad?" Silence framed the phone's walls. The sun was blinding, but showed flashes of orange and purple; glittering light a thousand fireflies mingling. "He ruined my party," Perry interupted, but Marine rolled over it, "What's your plan, Natalie?" "My plan, I'm the Spartan's new team captain," and all that was left to do was hit the 'end' button before Marine could start ranting again.


"Goodmorning Brittle-Bone High. This is your principal speaking. As you all know, Blake has had a... disturbance, and can't lead our team into the third game of the season. Spartans, meet your new team captain: Natalie Henson! One of the boys from the team were right in front of me, but he had no idea who i was, "My team captain, is a girl?" "Yeah, she is," Cole turns to face me, "And you will respect her for one: because she's a girl. And two: you're looking at Blake's Girl." Now the class turns to me. "She also happens to be the Jay's captain of the volleyball team.

Stares and blank faces filed the room. Cole was giving the poor boy a stare that you couldn't disobey, "Sorry... captain," he finished with a sunshine in eyes and a sparkling smile; every jock has one. "Don't get any ideas, Jack. You know Blake will kick your a--." "If he ever gets out of bed." I laughed a little.

"Practice is at six. We'll see you there," Cole leaving her with the determination of a lion to carry this team to a good head start.

The author's comments:

Be ready for the next two chapters: The Girl with the Lion Eyes, Wolf Heart

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