Library Boy | Teen Ink

Library Boy

September 8, 2014
By Miss1920s BRONZE, Ballwin, Missouri
Miss1920s BRONZE, Ballwin, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Stick and stones may break your bones but anyone can throw.

I glide into the local coffee shop. The place is abuzz with conversations on multiple topics. Random names are being shouted out left and right by the staff trying to get the attention of the patrons who ordered the most complicated coffee drinks known to man. I search trying to find a spot by a window and away from the smooth jazz coated chaos. At last I find it. I nestle myself in the corner where I can sit away from everyone else, work, and observe. It’s time to set up shop. I open up my computer,connect to the wifi, and then open up a blank document.

I stare at the cursor blinking without fail. I know I need to finish this paper as fast as I can considering it is due tomorrow but, my mind goes blank. How are you suppose to even write about love? It is the most undefinable topic in the world. Here lets try this:


Love, a simple four letter word, that means so much to everyone. Then there is the age old question, what is love? What is the definition of love? What does it mean? You can look it up in any dictionary and it will tell you seven different definitions.


Nope. thats not good enough.


Love, a simple four letter word, that means so much to basically everyone. Then there is the age old question is what is love? What is the definition of love? What does it mean? You can look it up in any dictionary and point blank it will tell you seven different definitions.


I’m just going to go get a drink, maybe that will help. I slide out of my humble little corner and make my way towards the counter. As soon as I approach it the smell of coffee beans hits me like a tidal wave. Right now the only thing standing between myself and the chocolate, creamy, nectar of the gods is some 6 foot 2 inch guy who smells like a library. Just from looking at the back of him I can tell he is one of those guys that sticks to the walls, much like myself. After he finally places his order I hurriedly advance forward to place mine.

With my order placed, I meander my way back to my hideaway. I sit back down and stare at the blank screen again. Man this is annoying! This seems like the simplest request I’ve ever been given, yet I cannot manage to write about it. Suddenly I hear somebody clear his   throat. I look up and lord behold it’s library guy holding his drink and my own.


“Mind if I join you?” he says.


“I don’t see why not. In all fairness I’m trying to write this paper so I’m not sure how fun I will be to talk to,” I reply while I receive my hot chocolate.


“Then how about I do the talking for us?” he says, with a hint of a smirk on his face.


“Go for it.” I resume staring at my computer screen occasionally looking up at him. Clearly I had judged him too quickly because this guy is no wallflower he is an outgoing person.


“So whatcha writing?” he inquires.


“I’m supposed to define love.” You can hear the lack of enthusiasm in my voice at this point.


“How’s that such a hard thing to do? Love is practically everywhere you look.”


By now I’ve got him pegged as a hopeless romantic but he is actually offering me some help so I decide to humor him and let him proceed.


“Oh really? Show me,” I reply.


“Look over there. At that pair over by the door.”


I turn my head to look. Its a guy and a girl most likely in college with papers and books covering the table. The guy looks like he’s trying to explain something to her, while she clearly is not getting it and getting very frustrated.


“Well how is that love? It’s just some guy helping out a friend with homework?”


“You see that’s your problem. You’re seeing everything on the surface. You have to look into it. For example that guy is totally in love with her, but he is clearly stuck in the friendzone. All this is shown by the way he looks at her. How his face hints at a smile because he knows the more she doesn’t get it the more time he can spend with her.”


Library boy leans back in his chair, looking at me expecting me to have seen the light and have an epiphany.  I start to really look at the pair. The guy is seated close by her but not so close that its in a creepy way. Its more like when you get frustrated you can put your head on my shoulder instead of the table. He is sneaking little looks at her while he is writing things down on the paper, then rubbing her back when she gets frustrated, probably saying words of encouragement. The love he shows towards her is not this crazy passionate love, its a different kind of love. It’s like a” you will be safe with me because I’m going to protect you and love you no matter what” kind of love.   Basically its the love that some women dream about and can only hope to find. I turn back to library boy only to discover that he has disappeared. I turn back to face my computer however instead of seeing a blank document, there is a single sentence:


Love is what you make it out to be, mystery girl. Don’t write about what others think.


And with that in mind, I start to write.


The author's comments:

What's the meaning of love? That's the project my english teacher decided to give us. This should be fun. 


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This article has 2 comments.

on Nov. 10 2014 at 12:35 pm
Miss1920s BRONZE, Ballwin, Missouri
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Stick and stones may break your bones but anyone can throw.

Thank you! :) 

on Sep. 16 2014 at 7:30 pm
FallenAngel170198 GOLD, Bundaberg, Other
13 articles 0 photos 47 comments
This is beautiful! I love it! :D