Forever and Always | Teen Ink

Forever and Always

October 10, 2013
By WordShaker BRONZE, St Louis, Missouri
WordShaker BRONZE, St Louis, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The young woman smiled as she admired herself in a mirror. She was radiant, and she happily knew that. Her white dress melted all around her, puddling on the floor. Her hair swooped down in soft curls like the wind, and her eyes were as bright as the stars. After so much waiting it was finally here, her wedding day.
It was small. No friends, no family. Just her, the groom, and the priest, but that didn't matter to her, nothing did. She would've gotten married in sweats if it meant she could be with her beloved.
With one last look, she left the small, cold room and gracefully glided down the grassy area lined with stones. She finally found the correct spot and smiled at the priest, then her war hero. She couldn't have been happier.
After they were finished, tears started to pour. She slid that eternal band on her own finger, then bent down to the grass, placing his band right next to the name, engraved on his burial marking.
"I do." she whispered, before walking away in that beautiful melted dress.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Oct. 20 2013 at 2:48 pm
micshea99 PLATINUM, Matthews, North Carolina
47 articles 0 photos 72 comments
This is amazing.