It's Not Love! | Teen Ink

It's Not Love!

February 19, 2013
By Anonymous

“It’s your fault Jenny,” screamed Aaron.

As usual it was my fault for whatever argument we were having. After being his girlfriend for more than a year, I was used to it. He always blamed everything on me. Even when I thought I was doing everything right, he always thought the opposite. Aaron was just a different kind of boyfriend, one who I was madly in love with. My love for Aaron had started since the first day I met him at the beach. I remember that day like if it had just been yesterday.
I had just woken up that sunny afternoon, when my best friend arrived at my house and was knocking on the door worse than a sheriff. The day before we had made plans to go to the beach to tan, and swim for a while. Emily was so anxious after all our summer vacations had not started out so well. While Emily kept blabbering on about all the cute guys she would meet at the beach, I brushed my long brown curly hair and put it in a bun. Unlike Emily, I was hoping we could just stay home, after all who likes to go to Long Beach when it feels hotter than a hundred degrees. After putting on my short shorts and a tank top, we were ready to head out.
Just as I had expected, it was super hot outside. There was no going back. I had to suck it up for Emily. As we were walking towards the beach, Emily was going on about how she was so excited for our senior year of high school since she wanted to have more freedom and less rules from her parents. I was also excited, but unlike her I was excited because it would be the last year I would be living with my parents before I went off to college. When we finally arrived to the perfect spot at the beach, we were way too tired to even go swimming so we just decided to lay on our towels and get our tan on. I was feeling so relaxed when out of nowhere my relaxing moment was interrupted by a beach ball that landed on my back. I got up immediately and angrily looked around to see who had been the idiot that threw it my way. As I searched around the beach I saw a boy with golden blonde flowing hair, like Justin Bieber’s, and eyes the color of the sky coming my way.
“Oh my, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to hit you,” the boy apologetically said to me.
“It..It’s okay, you have nothing to worry about,” I answered. He smiled at me and I awkwardly smiled back. These few words and awkward smiles that had just been exchanged would change my life forever. I had not even imagined that this boy who I later found out was named Aaron, would become such a big part of my life. Of course I had Emily to blame for that, after all, she had been the one who, without my permission, gave Aaron my number. Ever since then he has never stopped texting or calling me.
After we started texting and talking on the phone, we decided we needed to hang out. We would go to the beach, to the mall, the movies or just anywhere since it did not really matter what we did as long as we got to hang out. We became really good friends. However, I was hoping we would become more than friends, and he always seemed like he felt the same way towards me. After getting to know each other for five months, Aaron finally asked me out. Once he did I knew that it was time for him to meet my parents and for me to meet his.
The day he met my parents, I couldn’t be any happier. I had been waiting since forever for my parents and everybody else to know that I had a thing with Aaron. When it was finally my turn to meet his parents, I was so anxious. I wanted them to have a good impression of me so Aaron could like me even more. I remember I was so nervous as I waited for his parents to come into the living room. When they finally did, I was shocked at how they acted towards me. Aaron had told me his parents were kind of harsh but I thought he was exaggerating. First his mother walked my way and I thought she would be really nice. However, instead of shaking my hand or saying how nice it was to meet me, she just gave me the dirtiest look ever and shook her head. When Aaron’s father came close to me, I expected he would shake my hand and be nice. Instead, like his wife he just gave me a look and went to sit and watch television.
Surprised and somewhat angry, I just looked at Aaron and he told me it was better for us to leave to the movies. On our way to the movies he barely spoke to me and I did the same. I was frustrated, after worrying so much of what his parents would think about me, they didn’t even give me a chance. My only relief was that Aaron was completely different from his parents. When we finally got to the movies, we got off the car and started walking in. I felt kind of confused as Aaron was barely talking to me. He randomly chose a movie and we watched it. After the movie was over, we started walking towards the car and when I asked if he liked the movie he did not respond at all. We both got in the car quietly and I didn’t know how to break that awkward silence.
Right before I got off his car to go into my house, I got the courage and asked him what was wrong. I thought he would ignore me or maybe say that nothing was wrong. Instead he looked at me with the angriest look ever and said, “You had no reason to be mean to my parents.” Shocked and a little hurt I tried to say that I didn’t do anything but instead he just drove off and didn’t even say bye. I went straight into my room still confused and decided to just call it a night. The day after I was expecting Aaron to call me or maybe even send me a message on Facebook, but, instead he ignored me the whole time and didn’t even bother to respond to my texts.
I suppose that was our first argument since our relationship had started, but it sure wasn’t our last. As the months went by and I graduated school, I thought our relationship would get better. Aaron and I would fight basically for everything. His attitude had completely changed. He went from a sweet romantic guy to a angry jealous boyfriend. If I went out with my friends or even with my parents, he would get mad and say that I was ignoring him. However, if he did this to me, I couldn’t get mad or he would just find a way to turn things around so I would be the one to blame. As our relationship went, on and we argued more and more, my parents and Emily started noticing the fights and would even tell me that he was not worth my time. There was a time when I truly thought that Aaron was not worth it. However, I loved him too much like to break up with him. I guess you could say I was scared not only to break his heart and hurt him, but I was even more terrified as to how he would react. Emily convinced me that it was time to let go of Aaron and move on with my life. I knew he would not let me go easily, and I was right. First, he would send me all sorts of sweet messages or even buy me expensive gifts, although I would ignore his messages and not accept his gifts he would keep on insisting.
Aaron would just not give up. He would even come to my house to try to talk to me, and even though my dad would not let him see me he kept on looking for me. I wasn’t so terrified as to how Aaron was acting, instead I started to feel annoyed by him. I decided the best thing to do was change my number and erase him from my Facebook. I thought he would eventually give up. Instead, he would follow me when I went out with Emily and our friends. It was like if all he ever did now was follow me everywhere. He was so annoying. One day, as I left the beach to go back home, he caught up with me and tried talking to me. Although I tried to ignore him and pretend he wasn’t there, he would not leave me alone.
“Aaron you are so damn annoying!” I screamed.
“I love you Jenny, please don’t leave me! Give me another chance!” he almost cried.
I walked into my house and left him at the door begging me to take him back. I realized I was home alone since my parents were working, so I decided to get on Facebook. As I was going through my messages, I couldn’t help but read all the messages Aaron and I had exchanged on Facebook since I had still not erased them. I couldn’t help but smile at all the sweet things he had said to me. Reading our old conversations made me think how different life was without Aaron. It was like he had changed my life since the moment we met. As I remembered all the moments we had spent together, my phone started ringing. It was a text, but I didn’t know the number. As I opened the message to read it, I realized it was Aaron. I have no idea how or who gave him my number but he was once again telling me to take him back. This time however it was different. Although I knew he was not right for me, it was like if I could not ignore him. Instead, I replied and told him to meet me at the beach. The place where my love for Aaron had started and the place where we would now get back together.

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This article has 2 comments.

on Feb. 24 2013 at 4:19 pm
drewnowater PLATINUM, Danville, Kentucky
33 articles 0 photos 6 comments
I like the suspense throughout the story. The main character was also well-developed. However, I did think the whole issue with the parents was a little silly and unexplained, in addition to the accumulation of the bad qualities of Aaron, only for Jenny to get back together with him in the end. Kind of anti-climactic. Other than the ending, it was well-written, though.

on Feb. 24 2013 at 11:57 am
GreekGoddess BRONZE, Andover, Connecticut
3 articles 0 photos 182 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The unprepared rebel dies in the fire."

Okay, I'm sorry but she was kind of stupid. It was well writen though, good job.