Defining Moment part 2 | Teen Ink

Defining Moment part 2

January 13, 2013
By IndiaT.V SILVER, Edinburgh, Other
IndiaT.V SILVER, Edinburgh, Other
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain

Chapter 2
We emerged from the stage exit all four of us and as the tension and awkwardness grew longing for an explanation of what had just happened between Harry and I. I finally bit the bullet and asked “Where is George?” George known as the other band member was for always going missing when things happened much like a Puck he would avoid trouble at all costs, well that’s what we thought until he emerged from the stage door clutching his arm. Blood seeped through the arm of his t-shirt. And in that moment I looked at Harry and it was as if we were in slow motion we rushed forward to grab George before his knees buckled and he hit the ground. We worked in sync and caught him his eyes were fading but we kept talking to him we put pressure on his wound but before we knew what was happening the ambulance siren was screeching and George was hauled into it, you could see on his face he was in excruciating pain. It was the first time that Harry and I had worked as a team but it would not be the last time.
We all stood there emotionally drained and shocked at what had just happened a boy whom we thought could never get hurt and would never get in trouble had just emerged from a gang fight wounded. It was not right and in my mind at the time I had to do something so I wriggled from Ty’s grasp and headed straight in to find someone who could tell me what the hell had just happened but I was stood in the middle of the hall alone all that was there was a bloody knife and a blood trail that must have been Georges it was the strangest thing because just 5 minutes before there were 200 people fighting in the hall. I was just standing still the room was spinning I didn’t know what to say or what to think all I knew is that there has to be someone responsible for this all; for all the pain that they had just caused. I collapsed into a heap on the floor tears running down my face, I could taste them on my lips. My hands were stained red and my world was about to fall apart. Ty came in and he scooped me off the floor and whispered “no matter what happens I love you and only you”. I leaned my head on to his shoulder and slid my arms around his neck; I just let him take me I was too socked by the whole night.
The next day I woke up to the sun creeping through the crack in the shutters. It took me a few minutes to realise that I was not in my own bed as I turned around in the bed and there was Ty just lying there awake watching me so at peace with how much he loved me but I knew I did not love him back, I was stuck. Then I looked at my watch it was 6:00 am that triggered my Oh s*** I need to get home mechanism. I jumped out my bed grabbed my bag and my leather jacket and ran out the door before Ty could even try and stop me. I ran down the road as fast as I could I got to my house and thank god my brothers window was still unlocked so I gently pushed the window open trying not to make a noise I jumped in and grabbed my dressing gown from the secret hiding place shut the window and went to go and make a coffee. As I entered the kitchen I got the death stare from my cat as if to say where the hell were you last night. Then I snuck up the back stairs trying to avoid the creaking floor boards and got into my bed just in time. Seconds after I got into bed I heard my mum’s door open. That was the closest time in ages that I had almost run in to mum on the back in from the night before. So by the time it came for mum to wake me up I had had about an hour’s sleep and I was still so shocked at what had happened. I had to know what was going on but first I had to find a way to talk to harry without the clingiest girlfriend ever being there. I just had to know that everything would be okay and Ty was not going to help with that in fact he was useless. The only one that could convince me everything was okay was Harry.

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