Brotherly Love | Teen Ink

Brotherly Love

December 8, 2023
By arushiraghs BRONZE, Aldie, Virginia
arushiraghs BRONZE, Aldie, Virginia
1 article 2 photos 0 comments

My brother first came into my life in the random year of 2012. I did not want a sibling, and I was bummed that I would not be the only child anymore. At this time, I was around 5, so I wanted all the attention in the world, and I wouldn’t stand that it was being given to someone else. My brother. It started with hatred, but as I went to the hospital for the first time to see him come into the world, everything changed. I felt older. I felt more responsibility. I felt the need to be a role model. It was a feeling that I will never forget. My brother and I are very close. He is obviously younger than me, so I take him under my wing when my parents aren’t around. We are like normal siblings, though. We fight, make up, have memorable conversations, play video games together, and argue again. This is sibling love, and for me, it is the best love someone can experience. I don’t feel the need to hold back on my thoughts around him, I can speak my mind, and he can speak his mind with no judgment whatsoever involved. On the other hand, we can have so much fun together. Endless pranks, just dance nights, karaoke competitions, sleepovers, trivia games bring me so much laughter every day. Every time I hang out with him, I feel a core memory being created. I wish I could spend the rest of my life living just a room apart from him. I know these moments are running out and college is coming soon for me. This means less time we spend together. Fewer memories we can create. I don't ever want to grow apart from him. He is my partner in crime, my twin flame, my brother, and I don't ever want anything to come between our special bond. I love you.

The author's comments:

Hi, my name is Arushi, and I wrote this piece about my brother and my endless love for him.

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