Maybe Later Again.. | Teen Ink

Maybe Later Again..

September 8, 2023
By judyherrera BRONZE, Houston, Texas
judyherrera BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Sometimes letting go is what’s best for you. What if everything was different? Maybe we would have still been together? I liked the way he would show he cared about me, us. In the way he would show his jealousy side against other dudes when they would look or get my attention.  A girl's first instinct it’s to think its cute for your boyfriend to show he's crazy or jealous over you, not until this becomes a bigger and worse issue in the relationship. Love really blinds us and we become abstracted by it. All the pain and stress I would get from the times we would argue. Just completely forget about the problems when I was with him because he just made me happy, sometimes. Everyone would see us as the “perfect couple” when they really never seen what would happen behind our private relationship. I never really understood why guys were so controlling. What do you mean I cant dress the way I want to, I cant go out, I cant have friends?. It was easy for me to let things go because knowing I'm very loving, never had any hate towards you. It would just make me tired hearing the same thing over and over again just because you wanted to argue with me. Our relationship is bipolar, or maybe just you. I'm confused on how you feel, you love me then hate me like if I betrayed you. As much as you hurt me I cant leave you alone just simply because you're my soul tie. No matter what nothing changed and I just want time for us, asking myself if I want to keep going through the same thing or take a break but for good. You know I'm going to always come back to you either way. Just by me brining a break up you would make me the nefarious of the relationship. All I need is to be isolated but from you. You want otherwise and try to be manipulative. This is like a mind game boys play with us, eventually they always beat us. To be honest what's holding me back are the memories we had. Maybe what you need is a second chance for everything you do in life. As soon as we are the perfect couple again suddenly you're not being yourself. Hurts when you just said you don't want to do anything with me, but we were just together creating more memories. While I thought we were doing way better and you were love bombing me, you try and push me away. Out of all the times u had to get this over with you choose to do it when I was the most happiest, why ? You wanted your revenge back?. You acting nonchalant while I'm deep hurting, but actually I fell free. I'm no longer in the feeling of being in a chokehold. New friends to make or finally not being scared to talk to any boy that’s not him. As days go by I'm left with nothing but our memories. There goes everything down again. I'm still in love with you like the first day I seen you, but this time it is different, I cant go back to you. You got tired of my complaining about how to stop treating me like a dog and having an attitude. Seeing you around looking at each other and acting like strangers. Craving you attention and wanting to have those fun long conversations. This time you just want me gone, and not for a while but forever. I hope we meet in the future, and do thing like we had planned to do.

The author's comments:

I like poetry.

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