Yin & Yang | Teen Ink

Yin & Yang

March 3, 2022
By erebuswastaken SILVER, Maryland Heights, Missouri
erebuswastaken SILVER, Maryland Heights, Missouri
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The strong consume the weak. That...is the rule of the world. But...in this world of rules and systems.... If there was another 'option'.... Then perhaps we could meet each other. Not at the end.... But beyond that.

The first day of being a senior in a new highschool. The most scary, but interesting part of the starting year. It was Light’s first day of school, back from the freedom of summer to endure the tough school life. Some kid’s adore school, but not Light. Light’s only memory of school is being bullied and picked on due to his overly white hair, his different coloured eyes, his too light skin, his regular clothes, that seemed more normal than the rest of the kids. Light dreaded school, every one of his imperfections was seen by another kid. They would talk behind his back, write on his desk, ruin his p.e. clothes, dumping water on his head. All of these memories flood through Light’s head on the way to school. 

By the time Light realized it, he was already walking through the school doors. Hanging above the doors was a large sign with words painted on it with red paint. ‘Welcome (back) to School’. It seemed extremely shabby and rushed to the last minute. Not even the principal was impressed by it. Light depressingly passed under the ugly sign and through the doors, dragging his feet all the while. As Light walked in he heard the blistering anuouncements roar.

“Everyone must head down to the main gym for the Welcoming ceremony!”

Light trugded, following the crowd of other students, through the hallways and finally to the gym. He sat down at a seat towards the back, trying not to get noticed. While every other student flooded in, he discovered how almost every student looked the complete opposite from him. Black hair, black eyes, tanned skin.

After many different school administrators walked on stage, promoting how their school is the best and every other school is the worse, one student walked onto the stage. This student looked exactly like everyone else, black hair, black eyes, and tanned skin. But somehow Light couldn’t take his eyes off him. Light stared longingly at his eyes which seemed full of kindness and love. 

“We have had many speeches, and I promise mine will be short. Every student here today has traveled a remarkable journey to reach this moment. You have made it through many tough times and are looking forward to adulthood, but we still need this little sliver left of school life before we can go off being our best selves…” 

Though he spoke only about the school, how nice everyone has been, and how he looked forward to this next school year, Light could help but listen intently to each and every word he said, hoping his speech would never end. 

The sudden roar of applause woke Light up from his daydream. The deafening announcements screeched again.

“All students must obtain their schedule and report to their first hour class! From there we will continue on the day through the classes! You will be dismissed at the designated time!”

Every student formed lines corresponding to their last name and got their schedules. Light found his last name with ease. He lined up with the other students under the sign that read ‘C’. After Light got his schedule, out of curiosity, he looked over to find the student that was on the stage earlier. Though he looked in every direction, Light could not find him and before he knew it the bell rang, he had to hurry to class. 

Light tried his best to navigate through the unknown halls, but he couldn’t find his class. He asked teachers, principles, and even janitors, but still couldn’t find the right class. As his wondering continued he stubbled upon another student at the other end of the hallway. Light almost mistook him for the student on the stage, they looked so similar. 

“Hey! You lost?” The student yelled. Light could hardly muster up enough courage to respond.

“Yeah.” As soon as those words exited Light’s mouth he knew there was something different about this school year. He realized that this year would be good. There would be no bullies and he would finally find his classroom. The student gestured for Light to come closer, so Light did. As he walked forward, he noticed how empty the hallway was and that all the classrooms were also empty. By the time he understood something was up, he was right in front of the student. 

“Hello whitie,” The student smirked while gesturing towards Light’s hair. “You seem to be really lost. What’s your name?” The student demanded.

“My name is Light.” Light said in a hurry, while trying to figure out an escape route as quickly as possible.

Before Light could find a route, he was pushed into an empty classroom. Light looked back at the aggressor but figured out that the student wasn’t alone. It was a group of students, at least 5 people.

“Listen here boys. Apparently this ‘thing’ is named Light. What a creative name for a creature such as this.” The student from the hallway stated to the rest of his group.

“Interesting.” One person said. 

“Why are you doing this? I just want to get to class, please let me go.” Light pleaded.

“If you haven’t noticed, you have white hair and light skin, not to mention your different coloured eyes. You look like a freak of nature.” One student declared. This wasn’t the first time Light hated the colour of his hair and skin or his imperfect eyes.

“Let’s skip the rest of the chit chatter,” Another student uttered. 

Those words set off an onslaught of insults in attacks. They pulled on his hair, threw him down on the ground, and even threw a trash can over his head, spilling the trash out all over his head and body. Light couldn’t even try to fight back, he felt so weak. While Light was wallowing in selfpitty, one of the students heard footsteps approaching. 

“Who’s there!” The person behind the footsteps shouted.

“Satter!” A student shouted. As the word left the student's mouth, the whole group panicked and ran out the door and down the hallway. 

“Get back here!” The person behind the footsteps exclaimed. 

The person behind the footsteps tried to run after them, but noticed Light in the empty classroom, huddled into a ball, covered in trash.

“Hey, are you ok? Are you hurt anywhere?” The person walked towards Light with concern.

Light refused to move, scared that if he did the person would hurt him. As Light’s staggered breathing continued, he felt a warm hand on his back.

“It’s ok now. They’re gone and I’m not going to hurt you.” said the man warmly. 

Light didn’t understand why but he couldn’t help but accept this unknown embrace. Minutes passed as the two sat there, not knowing each other's names or faces. After a while Light mustered up the courage to speak to the unknown entity calming him down.

“Who are you?” Light questioned, slowly trying to get up to see their face. 

“My name is Kei. What’s your name?” Kei answered. 

As soon as the words left his mouth, Light knew who it was. Light recalled the student presenting a speech in the morning. ‘Kei is his name’ Light thought. Light turned around to look at his protector face-to-face. Kei was taken aback with Light’s looks. He was drawn to his white hair and fair skin, but what caught his attention the most was his different coloured eyes. 

“There’s trash in your hair.” Kei mentioned, trying to snap out of his daydreaming. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

As both Kei and Light finished tidying him up, Light felt both happiness but sadness as well realizing their time had come to an end. After they collected the last piece of trash in Light’s hair and threw it away, Kei noticed Light’s sorrowful face. In that moment it was like he could read his mind.

“I’m free tomorrow after school if you want to hang out some more. Have you ever been to an arcade? We can go there if you would like.” Kei said, nervously waiting for Light's answer.

Light never responded, but Kei knew the answer just by looking at Light’s delighted face as they walked out the door.

Light and Kei both gingerly traversed the hallway in search of Light’s classroom. 

“Just down this way, classroom 3D.” Kei stated joyously, happily helping Light find his classroom. Light didn’t have such a cheerful celebration, he realised their time was at an end. As Light slowly lingered into the classroom.

“Thank you for helping me.” Light woefully said.

“Remember tomorrow, 2:30 at the arcade.” Kei reminded Light. Trying to cheer him up, just a little. As Light closed the door behind him, Kei saw the smallest of smiles on Light’s face. Kei blissfully walked to his own class, excited for the next day.

The next day after school, Light waited for Kei at the school entrance. Light felt so delighted, he has never been to an acade before and he gets to go with Kei. As Light watches the wave of students leave, he catches a glimpse of Kei. Light excitedly waited for Kei to walk closer until Light realized that the student wasn’t Kei, it was the bully from earlier. 

“Hi whitie, remember me,” The student said impactienly waiting for a reaction from Light. “You don’t have someone to protect you now.”

Light looked around for any sign of help, but no one was around by now. Light quivering in fear, realizing there is no escape he remembered Kei, who stood up for him no matter the consqueses.

“My name is not whitie, it’s Light,” Light darely said as he reajusted his stance to (exend) grow as tall as the bully. “I will not be bullied by you or anyone else. I do not look like anyone else here but I will be treated like everyone else, if not better!”

The bully was taken aback, he took a step back and processed what was said. The bully silently walked past Light and headed home, without another word.

A couple minutes later, Kei came running out of the school building.

“Light, are you ok? I saw you talking to Aku, the school bully.” Kei said, gasping for breath.

“I’m ok. I don’t think he will bully me again,” Light joyfully announced. “How about going to the arcade now? I’ve never been so you better teach me the ropes.” 

As both Light and Kei excitedly walked off of the school premises, they realized the joy they felt in each other's presence. Kei looked over at Light to ensure his feelings and Kei saw something incredible, something he has never before seen, Light smiling ear to ear. He knew then everything he needed to do to keep that smile on his face forever and before he knew it, Kei was also smiling ear to ear.

The author's comments:

This piece was inspired by the many different stories surrounding bullying but with a happy ending, which everyone wishes to have. 

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