Realistic fiction stories written by teens | Teen Ink

Realistic Fiction

Top voted Realistic Fiction

#5331voted by our readers
By Anonymous

On my first day of high school, I met my best friend, Jessica. She was an outgoing, talkative person and we had a lot of things in common. We...

#5332 Fiction
By TheGirlWhoCantBeMoved SILVER
Brandenburg, Kentucky
TheGirlWhoCantBeMoved SILVER, Brandenburg, Kentucky
6 articles 4 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There's always gonna be temptation, it's God's way of testing us. <3 Time isn't wasted on amazing people.

#5333 Fiction
By Orangesummer PLATINUM
Boise, Idaho
Orangesummer PLATINUM, Boise, Idaho
26 articles 34 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Even in the midst of winter I found within me an invincible summer."

#5334 Fiction
By KinseyMac23 SILVER
Adel, Georgia
KinseyMac23 SILVER, Adel, Georgia
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
If you believe only in facts and forget stories, your brain will live, but your heart will die.

#5335 Fiction
By EmoAnimeChick666 SILVER
Crystal Lake, Illinois
EmoAnimeChick666 SILVER, Crystal Lake, Illinois
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment
#5336 Fiction
desicating_damsel PLATINUM, Plainfield, Illinois
23 articles 18 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;I was always fascinated by people who are concidered completely normal, because I find them the weirdest of all.&quot;<br /> Johnny Depp

#5337 Fiction
By Anonymous
#5338 Fiction
By andersonh BRONZE
Amherst, New York
andersonh BRONZE, Amherst, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#5339 Fiction
Honolulu, Hawaii
MalinaD BRONZE, Honolulu, Hawaii
1 article 0 photos 0 comments
#5340 Fiction
By Anonymous