Farwell to Bros | Teen Ink

Farwell to Bros

March 7, 2018
By Anonymous

He wakes up in the morning regretting last nights decisions, typical for anyone of that age. It’s already 3pm, what now?

Run out the door, or into it this time. There’s a thing about having awful eyesight, can’t see without glasses, at all. Stumbling back realizing that a face and wall don’t mix very well. He reach for his glasses. Hallelujah! The idiot can see!  Half the day has gone for him but Roger doesn’t give a damn, never worries about anything and never will. Lucky for him there’s never homework or things to worry about; there can be perks to living in the midwest in the middle of nowhere.

There’s a few things that should be known about Roger, he isn’t your average Joe to begin with. An aroma of tobacco and adrenaline always follows closely behind him, his eyes are always looking around a room looking for a fabulous plan, he’s got a rolled cigarette in his mouth whenever he isn’t talking. “I’m here for a good time not a long time” he mumbles to himself while running out into the kitchen. Today could be a potentially magnificent day for him, or so he thought. Got everything packed for the day and just as he’s running out the door there’s the familiar voice that holds him back, “where the hell do you think you’re going mister?” yells his mother. She was a very slim and short woman with the authority of someone twice her size, she was the commander in chief of the household. “Just gonna go do some stuff mom, nothing to worry about” are the first words out of his mouth with a mischievous smile. It’s the first excuse that could come to Roger’s mind. “Every time you say that I end up receiving a call from the neighbors, so I doubt you’re just ‘going’ out”. It’s not worth the fight, he bites the bullet and just does chores for the rest of the day. “One of these days, you’ll see” he says under his breath. After a few hours the sun calmly dips into the red horizon only to rise a few hours later.

Wakes up again, but this time wishing he hadn’t. 5 days of hell ahead. Realizing he unplugged his alarm clock the night before he lets out a small yelp and jumps out of bed, the big test in Biology was today. “This is my last shot at passing the class! I can’t be late for this s***!” but once again he runs into the door at mach speed and falls flat on his ass. The agonizing screaming of the word f*** could have been heard from miles away, but everyone was either at work or at school by this time. Quickly getting back on his feet he puts on his Pink Floyd shirt and jeans that could've been confused for those of a homeless man with his Nikes and rushes to the kitchen. His mother for once left breakfast prepared for him which was quite the phenomenon. He looks at the clock and chokes on the last bit of his waffle noticing that school had started 20 minutes ago. Luck strikes once again when he jumps into his rusty Chevy, the battery was dead. Never asked for a cardio workout before school but got one while riding his bike to school.

“Mr. Angelako you are forty minutes late to class but I am sure that you have countless excuses.  What is your excuse this time” says the office administrator in the most passive aggressive voice ever heard by man. “Ma’am could you just please write me a note I can’t be late for my test” He pleads to her. “Oh honey I don’t think you’ll even graduate on time at this point” she retorts while sloppily writing him a note. The tension could be cut with a knife but instead had to be cut short due to the lack of spare time. He runs down the hallways as if part of the 100 meter dash and makes it to class just as the teacher is collecting the tests. It was too late. Unwilling to admit defeat two days in a row he spent the next 45 minutes trying to find a compromise for his grade and eventually did. He would now have something to worry about, that something being homework, lots and lots of homework.

The rest of Roger’s day was dull, he didn’t really enjoy anyone at the school or the classes. Mid February and the thought of graduating was running through his mind. The last 3 years went by slowly but surely with nothing notable but this year he had plans to change that, he wanted to go out with a bang. Only one friend that could be considered true. Gary was a better version of Roger and prepared for life with an actual set goal. Somehow Gary still managed to pull off a nerdier look than Roger, his metal filled smile sent any girl running for the hills and his lanky small figure didn’t make it any better. The duo had known each other for a decade at this point growing up in the same neighborhood they did everything together. Their activities ranged from smoking and playing in a makeshift garage rock band to running from the cops and everything in between. The friendship had been amazing so far and it had no sign of stopping, or so they thought.

Gary was studying hard for his test, if he was able to ace this one the 4.0 needed to win the scholarship would be obtainable. WHACK. There was a loud bang after, Gary at the time didn’t know it was just roger hitting a 2 by 4 against his bedroom wall from the outside.
“Roger what in the world are you doing?”

“I don’t know, guess I’m trying trying to understand the forces of flight with this piece of wood”

“I swear to god one of these days you’re gonna get shot” Gary muttered as he tried to climb out of his window.

Gary may be smart but this time didn’t really notice the risk of climbing out a second floor window, luckily the ground taught him a lesson. “Oh no” he whispered as the freefall commenced. A moderately audible thump was heard at the moment of impact. The night went on and after a few felonies and running from the cops they called it a night.

A few days later the two met up to get breakfast at the diner before school. “Dude I have something serious to tell you” Gary said with a sad look. “Nothing serious has ever come out of your mouth so I really doubt this’ll be any good” Roger laughingly said. We’re in some deep s*** my guy.

To be continued

The author's comments:

It's based on real people from my life

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