The Incedent | Teen Ink

The Incedent

December 18, 2017
By Gavin.Hoedl BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
Gavin.Hoedl BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The Incident
The scene starts with HAYDEN and LUCAS on stage left
Lucas Hey, I heard grandpa went to another garage sale
Hayden Yeah, he left us something cool in the backyard!
Lucas Wait, do you mean cool in our standard or his?
Hayden He described it as “a super cool, hip thing all the kids have” ... so probably cool in his standards
Lucas Okay, let’s go check it out
The boys move to stage right, indicating that the scene has switched to outside
Lucas What is it?
Inspecting croquet set
Hayden It’s a croquet set
Lucas Oh, okay cool…. what is that?
Hayden It’s what you play croquet with
Lucas I understood that, but how do you play it
Hayden I’m not quite sure, all I know is that you set up the metal arcs and then take turns hitting the balls through that, but I’m not sure how you keep score or any of the other rules.
Lucas Okay, so let’s set up the arcs and then just take turns and see who can get it in more times.
Hayden That works for me.
The boys set up the arcs and get ready to hit the balls
Lucas So, do you want to go first or should I?
Hayden I mean I’m probably amazing at it, and since it was your idea you can go first.
Lucas Sweet
Lucas takes a swing and misses completely
Hayden Hey, were you trying to miss, Lucas? Cause if so you did an excellent job.
Lucas Hey it was my first time ever hitting one.
Hayden Excuses, Excuses
Lucas Okay “Mr. Professional” let’s see you try to hit it.
Hayden Okay, I’m sorry if I embarrass you.
Lucas We’ll see
HAYDEN takes his swing and misses completely
Hayden Dang
Lucas What happened to “Oh, I’m a professional”
Hayden Hey, the ball got caught on a rock
Lucas (Mockingly) “Excuses, Excuses”
Hayden I want another try
Lucas Okay
Tries again and makes it
Hayden There we go
Lucas Is it just me or is this getting super boring
Hayden Yeah, it really is. Hey, I have another idea!
Lucas Yeah?
Hayden Let’s go to one end of the yard and hit balls as hard as we can to the other side
Lucas I don’t know, this kind of sounds like a bad idea
Hayden Come on, neither of us will get hurt. I promise
Lucas For some reason I trust you
Hayden Come on it'll be fun
Lucas I guess if you are this confident then I will
They set up the balls on stage left
Hayden Lets take some swings
(They take swings and finally the balls run out)
Lucas We ran out of balls
Hayden Well, go get them then
Lucas Only if you promise not to hit me with one
Hayden How could I, I don’t even have one (Winks at audience because he is secretly hiding one). (To himself) This is going to be so funny; I’m going to scare him so badly
The ball hits Lucas right above the eye
Hayden Oh no, no, no, no, are you okay
Lucas What do you think, you just hit me on the eye
Hayden Okay it’s going to be fine, let me think for a second
Lucas How about you think a little faster I’m kind of bleeding out
Hayden Let’s go tell Mom and go to the hospital
Lucas Okay, you are going to get in so much trouble
Hayden Don’t you think I know that (Lucas walks off stage and Hayden is left alone center stage) Oh no, how am I going to explain this to Mom and Dad. I am going to be in so much. Grandpa should never have gotten us that croquet set, I should have never recommended we play this stupid game; I should never have tried this stupid prank. I hope he will forgive me. I am so sorry Lucas.



Chapter 1: The incident

The Incident
The scene starts with HAYDEN and LUCAS on stage left
Lucas Hey, I heard grandpa went to another garage sale
Hayden Yeah, he left us something cool in the backyard!
Lucas Wait, do you mean cool in our standard or his?
Hayden He described it as “a super cool, hip thing all the kids have” ... so probably cool in his standards
Lucas Okay, let’s go check it out
The boys move to stage right, indicating that the scene has switched to outside
Lucas What is it?
Inspecting croquet set
Hayden It’s a croquet set
Lucas Oh, okay cool…. what is that?
Hayden It’s what you play croquet with
Lucas I understood that, but how do you play it
Hayden I’m not quite sure, all I know is that you set up the metal arcs and then take turns hitting the balls through that, but I’m not sure how you keep score or any of the other rules.
Lucas Okay, so let’s set up the arcs and then just take turns and see who can get it in more times.
Hayden That works for me.
The boys set up the arcs and get ready to hit the balls
Lucas So, do you want to go first or should I?
Hayden I mean I’m probably amazing at it, and since it was your idea you can go first.
Lucas Sweet
Lucas takes a swing and misses completely
Hayden Hey, were you trying to miss, Lucas? Cause if so you did an excellent job.
Lucas Hey it was my first time ever hitting one.
Hayden Excuses, Excuses
Lucas Okay “Mr. Professional” let’s see you try to hit it.
Hayden Okay, I’m sorry if I embarrass you.
Lucas We’ll see
HAYDEN takes his swing and misses completely
Hayden Dang
Lucas What happened to “Oh, I’m a professional”
Hayden Hey, the ball got caught on a rock
Lucas (Mockingly) “Excuses, Excuses”
Hayden I want another try
Lucas Okay
Tries again and makes it
Hayden There we go
Lucas Is it just me or is this getting super boring
Hayden Yeah, it really is. Hey, I have another idea!
Lucas Yeah?
Hayden Let’s go to one end of the yard and hit balls as hard as we can to the other side
Lucas I don’t know, this kind of sounds like a bad idea
Hayden Come on, neither of us will get hurt. I promise
Lucas For some reason I trust you
Hayden Come on it'll be fun
Lucas I guess if you are this confident then I will
They set up the balls on stage left
Hayden Lets take some swings
(They take swings and finally the balls run out)
Lucas We ran out of balls
Hayden Well, go get them then
Lucas Only if you promise not to hit me with one
Hayden How could I, I don’t even have one (Winks at audience because he is secretly hiding one). (To himself) This is going to be so funny; I’m going to scare him so badly
The ball hits Lucas right above the eye
Hayden Oh no, no, no, no, are you okay
Lucas What do you think, you just hit me on the eye
Hayden Okay it’s going to be fine, let me think for a second
Lucas How about you think a little faster I’m kind of bleeding out
Hayden Let’s go tell Mom and go to the hospital
Lucas Okay, you are going to get in so much trouble
Hayden Don’t you think I know that (Lucas walks off stage and Hayden is left alone center stage) Oh no, how am I going to explain this to Mom and Dad. I am going to be in so much. Grandpa should never have gotten us that croquet set, I should have never recommended we play this stupid game; I should never have tried this stupid prank. I hope he will forgive me. I am so sorry Lucas.

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