The Crash | Teen Ink

The Crash

November 17, 2017
By JbirdR02 BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
JbirdR02 BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

One long summer day Johny and his brother Levi were walking to the Summit in the middle of may in the sunny 95 degree weather.When he came across his friends Brandon and Winston,who were also going to the summit at first they did not see each other until Levi screeched “ Brandon, Winston over here!” But they got sidetracked and started playing pokemon go and somehow wandered into the street.” Guys look out”Screeched Brandon.  barely got missed by a speeding car. WOW, that was very close to hitting all of us” Exclaimed Johny. But all he knew his fate would change.

  After that they all went home and decided to go diving in the lake. “AHHH this is frigid water,” Stuttered Jhony.When they were done, they went home but as they were walking back Brandon’s mom picked him up from the street. “See you guys tomorrow!” yelled Brandon, as he was sticking his out the window driving away.  and a little after that Winston's dad picked him up for dinner from the exit of the subdivision. “I will call you guys later!”, Screamed Winston.Then it was just Johny and Levi walking home. So they were on their phones and Johny and levi wandered in the street and out of nowhere a semi truck came levi jumped out of the way but Johny was not fast enough.

He and Levi were not answering and their mom got suspicious why they weren’t home by then. Their mom went on a search, Finding police and firetrucks blocking off the road with Johny in a stretcher and levi by his side crying. “Johny, Levi are you ok . . . ?” says their mom.

After Johny being rushed to the hospital after the crash his mom gets there She says nervously, “is he ok Doctor?”  The doctor replies “Yes but his leg was severely fractured or broken and his lungs were damaged.” After that, he was brought to a hospital in california which that is one of the only hospitals that can treat his lungs properly and the quickest because Johny wants to pursue his dream of free diving. So he wanted to be as good as possible as soon as possible.

2 months later Johny was the doctor said,“ it is confirmed that it will not heal by itself,The only way you will be able to walk on it is a continues stream of surgerys or a prosthetic leg.”OK, i will decide in one month time”,States Johny.

1 month after the choices the doctor gave him a decision. Johny has carefully considered the advantages and disadvantages of the options.”I have made a decision i want to have a . . . .” Well johny why did you pause” whispers him mom into johny’s ear. “I am sorry guys i just quite have not had enough time to think over this, i mean this is a life changing decision.” “well change your life”, said the doctor sarcastically. “Mom, Doctor i need 1 more month please that is all i am asking for just 1 more month. you guys would want another month if you were in my position,” begged Johny.

1 month later, “I have finally made a decision i want a prosthetic leg”, Johny says eagerly.”The doctor says well Johnny that's a big deal because it's expensive and you have to take care of it. Johnny questions “well is there going to be any physical therapy with it?” “And how long would it be”asked Johny? “Well johny, yes, there is going to be physical therapy but the time length depends if you follow doctors orders” States the doctor. “Ok doctor i will be good”, Says johny. “Johny what is your last name”, the doctor questions Johny? “Well sir, my last name is Puma”. “Ok” states the doctor. “Mrs.Puma,When is a good time for your son to have a surgery”. ” Johny’s mom recites, any time that is good with you doc.” “Ok then in 3 weeks i have an opening” the doctor says. “Works for me” johny’s mom says.

3 weeks later . . . Johny and his mom walks into the hospital. Johny says, “mom i am nervous”. Johnny's mom says “well honey just relax it'll be done  very quick just make sure you take care of it and follow the orders.” In about 20 minutes Johnny gets called  into  the bathroom and he gets in a gown. after that, Johnny's mom goes and sits back in the waiting room. then, Johnny goes into the surgery room and has it done. then in about1 hour, the surgery is done. after that he gets brought into his room and laid in the bed. Then the doctor says “ just get some rest”.

  In about 8 months. . . ,Johny was in his last couple weeks of his physical therapy. Almost free to dive again. So in a week or so after physical therapy ends Johny was feeling comfortable enough to try freediving. To find out that he is good and he can dive all he wants. Then a couple years later he ends up being the best diver with a prosthetic leg.


         Then the story of Johny and his perseverance being told to future generations to come . . . .

The author's comments:

The thing that inspired me to write this story is my Uncle because he has to persevere and do everything that a normal person can do,with 1 working arm and a badly damaged leg.

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