Cookie Note | Teen Ink

Cookie Note

November 17, 2017
By RajHPatel BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
RajHPatel BRONZE, Canton, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

January 21, 2016. 7:00 AM at the University of Michigan. It was the last day of college all the kids were excited and ready to leave. Out of everyone, there was one special student his name was Jason. Jason was getting ready to go home after college, he had to get ready for the graduation ceremony which he always hated. He would always see his mom waving the camera around blocking the other parents from seeing their children graduate. C’mon lady sit down I'm trin’ to take a picture!¨ yelled the women. ¨There's no one out there, whatcha takin’ a picture of?¨ The man screeched.

  Aside from that Jason's mother's name was Jessica or Mrs. Jessica Jones to be exact, Mr. Jones died when Jason was young. At 9:00 AM Jason had to go on stage to speak in front of everybody, Jason was nominated for student of the year was going to speak in front of everybody. Jason was getting ready to walk up the stairs, he heard his name and knew he had to go.

Jason walks up the stairs seeing all his professors clapping cheering him on, This gives a smile to his face until he looks in the crowd. Seeing his mother right in front of him, Yelling so loud that you could hear her if you were standing outside. Jason was humiliated he always got embarrassed by his mother. He can still remember his friends laughing at him and looking around seeing the small train toys that he would break when they went to recess.


But suddenly You hear a whisper ¨Go!¨ ¨Go!¨ ¨Kid keep walking.¨ And right then and there he focuses back ¨What?¨ Jason says the man replies with ¨Kid keep going you have to start,¨Jason focused and ready gives his grand speech confident and ready to go. He starts with a few words and suddenly faints no one in their right mind expected that. His Principal, Principal Joy curiously says ¨what just happened?¨ With no one knowing what to do the security pours some water on him and Jason suddenly wakes up headbutting one of the security guards face first ¨What am I doing? ¨  says, Jason.

Jason was explained about the coincident and soon went home after he spoke his graduation speech. After college, Jason started playing football with his brother, But there was always one thing Jason wanted to do and that was a business. Jason was always interested in business and got the idea of doing business. He had to get the money so he worked at Taco Bell for a few months.

He started up his own business called Sentrix. Sentrix was his dream name for a business. Sentrix was a business that was focused on a way to control your own body depending on your health. For example like having a little robot go into your system to cure diseases such as Ebola or even cancer. He started up his business with around 100-200 employees in his first years this was probably one of his most accomplished years. He had a deal with an engineering and manufacturing company which would make small tiny robots that would go in the human system. The manufacturing company took a year to make it but it paid off they were able to send it to the human body but it wasn't good for long.

After that, they still had to name the small bots so they named them HSA for Health Stabilizer Advancement. They sent in robots in many patients with cancer, Jason having not the best support always having to ask for money from his parents so he could pay off his monthly phone bills. Jason needed help and needed a partner to help him on the business side of things he went to a couple of people and it didn't turn out so well.
He didn't have any option left so he went to one place that is famous on the internet which is the shark tank. He got denied by all 5 sharks because they didn't have much hope for his idea and he didn't earn any money from his company, This made it worse for Jason cause if he didn't do something about it fast then he would have to live in his mom's basement for his whole life. At this point, it had gotten worse with him having to fire all of his employees for either arguing at him for not paying him for a couple of days or for not being able to pay his other employees for a week.

Jason was stressed, He didn't know how to support himself. People all over talked about him and his backfire on his company. He was on the news once, But who knew that was one of the reasons he would become famous. One man named Gary Coffey had a sister with cancer and knew that if he didn't find someone who couldn't help cure her cancer she would die, He went everywhere from different countries to paying the highest fee but no one could cure her cancer, But Gary turned on his TV and was amazed on how much Jason had completed without a business adviser or anything.

Gary was a millionaire he looked everywhere and did everything so his sister's cancer could be cured, But once he heard about Jason's story he just felt an instant connection and immediately went to Jason. He emailed Jason and meet up with him at a cafe in New York. Gary said “I know you've been through a lot and want to help you so I have decided to give you a few hundred thousand dollars but this is to keep yourself and your company going¨ Gary told him about his story and his sister. Jason spoke with all his heart and said ¨I swear I will do anything and everything in my power to do what I can¨. With this, they both went their separate ways Jason brought back his company along with some of his old employees.

They started with a fresh start and a new beginning. They soon discovered a way get the body to let the HSA bots do their work. On this, they tried to discover ways from inside and found different ways to the source. They found out the source of most of the cancer patients. This made it very easy for the team to find new things to discover upon the human body. The researcher was going good and had been a good 1-2 years but no one in SENTRIX had done more work than Jack Solver.

He worked night and day, he was more determined to find the cure than anyone else. This made him very intelligent finding new things every morning on how they could improve what they should do and a lot more but on April 17th of 2018 it was a stormy night and something very bad happened. Jack was working and was so close to beating cancer it took him 2 hours and he still didn't succeed but he would always get closer.
Jack thought maybe I should go home because he always had a weird feeling and felt very strange but he was very confident to find it and he knew that it was getting closer. It's like he had to minds on his head both were good but he had to choose a right one or he thought something very bad would happen. He was so confused about what he was doing that he took a 5-minute rest on what he should do and he came up with a conclusion. He decided on staying he worked the hardest he ever did and he suddenly found the cure he didn't know how but it all matched up. The cure how to put it in what the effects are everything.

But as you know not all good things last for long a lightning bolt had struck the Research center and What Jack predicted was true he had to get out fast. But the fire was burning hot and there was nowhere to run off to. Jack didn't know what to do he was cornered but he knew if something went wrong he had to record it tell everyone what he had found. He had recorded his discovery on his phone told the world about his discovery but he didn't have enough time to record how he did it and Jason found the video but no one had enough money for him to carry out the cure and use what he already knew from Jack.

He tried to go to Gary but he didn't have enough money. He didn't know what to do with himself. After the fire happened he always went to a nearby Chinese restaurant because he didn't have much money to spend on regular food and they gave him a discount. They gave out small fortune cookies but it would always be a once in a blue moon type of things He got this small fortune cookie he read it and it said ¨ Your life will make a turn after this day¨. With Jason not believing anything that the cookie said he crumpled it up into a little ball and threw it in the trash. Jason was walking to his apartment because he had to sell his house he turned on the TV and saw a man that took a loan and just went bankrupt. Jason asked Gary for money but again Gary was struggling with money and paying his loans himself so he thought this was the only hope he had left. At this point, Jason took a loan he asked for $500,000 from the bank. The lady at the bank told Jason ¨ If you can't pay this loan off by November 10th we will be selling all your property until we get our money back...¨ Jason responded with a simple yes and went his way.

He didn't want to get his employees back no he was more concerned about getting his life straight and to find a cure for this disease. But before he started he wants to see what was still left of the research center he looked around seeing the computer room and finding nothing left. It felt miserable he wanted to leave as soon as possible.

Tears poured down his face seeing all the misery he faced all the hardships he went through trying to get here but at this point, he could barely see anymore and as he was right about to leave he saw a small white blank on the corner of the wall. Jason never remembered painting the walls white. Jason walks pass it not knowing if he should pick it up, he looked around and it looked like someone used the computers and surrounded it to keep it safe. He nervously reaches for it and it turns out to be a note. He reads the paper not knowing if this will bring happiness or heartbreaking sadness. With these thoughts in mind, he makes the careful decision to read the note he reads it carefully. The note says:

¨ Sorry for the video clip but this is the cure for cancer¨ and goes on saying all the answers that Jason needed at the end of the note it said ¨ Give my family good wishes¨He was filled with joy by this discovery he never thought of this he finally did it.

He sat down thinking of how long it took him to get here all the hardships everything. But he knew that he had to hurry up. He rebuilt the research center except smaller with not as much in it. He gets his HSA bots back from the manufacturing/engineering company and spent most of his money programming the cure. He calls the patient and Jason says ¨Are you ready¨ the patient responds with ¨yes¨ and arrives.

The HSA bots went through the mouth of the patient and it went down to the stomach without thinking of anything he focuses himself on the HSA bots but there was a weird noise that came through the computer it was static and then the computer with the HSA bots turns off. He stares at the screen and was heartbroken, at this point he was about to file for bankruptcy but then he hears the buzz of the screen and the HSA bots are back online. He scanned the stomach and found out the HSA bots stopped the forming of the innermost lining of the stomach.

He could never believe what just happened he immediately went to the news and reported this but they didn't believe him until they found out that that patient was Gary's sister they asked Gary about this and he had enough money to review if she still has cancer. They didn't know at first but then the jaw-dropping results came no one could believe it one man found the cure. Everywhere on the new the news reporter would Encouragingly say ¨The first man to steps on the moon now we have the first man to fight off cancer¨ Jason got the reward for the Scientist of the year and the historic discovery of the century. He got his life back straight but one thing he still had one thing he wanted to do. He made a grave for Jack and millions of people around the word came to his funeral. At this point, Jack was known as the Man who saved millions before himself.

The author's comments:

When I was younger I was always into disease and was interested to find a cure for every disease in the world. This story is also about how whenever I think something goes my way it always turns around and decides to go the other way. 

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