Select Group | Teen Ink

Select Group

December 11, 2016
By MontyB BRONZE, Lancaster, South Carolina
MontyB BRONZE, Lancaster, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

We may be the targets, we may be the hunted, we may be the weakest but we don’t give in. Our group may become smaller as the days pass, but we can spot members at anytime. Although it seems as if we’re the ones with no purpose, our purpose begins amongst ourselves.  We are the answers to our problems and hardships. Every day our lives tear us down but we have to build ourselves back up. The pain may cause havoc in our mind, leading us to the ultimate destruction of our being, but we must take the pain as medicine. The medication can seem like it’s too much to take, but listen to us we are here with you. This select group of individuals grows and takes care of it’s members. When it comes to friends, don’t expect that number to grow, because the people around you are not always there like they say. Relationships won’t make it any better, they will cause your mind to collapse due to stress. If you are one of us , you must find a goal and focus on it. You can’t allow outside interference to distract you from reaching it. That may cause you to tear yourself down. If that happens you have to build yourself back up but on a better foundation. This select group of individuals are the  understand the world with a new light. No one can understand those those in our group. We have a way that separates us from you. So to those who live in the world with “No Name”, we say don’t let the hardships and stress placed upon you destroy you. It may seem as if the world is out to get you, don’t let it take away your soul. Live through your hardships. Let the people and trials be your doctors that prescribe you pain as medicine so you can heal, rebuild, and strive. Always remember once you are one of us we’ll always be there to help.

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