Pointless | Teen Ink


December 9, 2016
By rbock9236 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
rbock9236 BRONZE, Lafayette, Colorado
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“BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!!!” The alarm was going off at 6:00am in the morning on a cold winter day of December first, it was a Monday in Lafayette Colorado. All the girls in the home were scrambling to get up, get dressed, and get to school. Most of the girls that went to the high school were fighting over the meor to put on makeup. There was one girl though, one girl still in bed dreaming away. Her name was Raven; she wore a gray hoodie with a white inside that was more soft than the outside and a pair of black skinny jeans along with high top ombre shoes.  She always wore her clothes to sleep so that she could sleep in a bit in the mornings and avoid the traffic with the other girls. Not to mention most of the girls didn't seem to like her. Their scared if even talking to her at times due to the rumors of her being a “rebel”. She was the only one in the home who dyed her hair, and not natural colors. Currently her hairs a bright sky blue. “BEEP BEEP BEEP!!!” A second alarm went off that Raven had set so then she herself would wake up, she literally rolled out of bed since it was just a mattress on the floor and pushed herself up. She walked sleepily to the bathroom that was down the hall to brush her teeth and throw on a bit of makeup. She wore on her face winged eyeliner only so she could look older, She hated being treated like a child. Looking at the time she ran out the door with her backpack sitting by the door of the house. She looked back and looked down as her stomach growled.  She hesitated but it wasn't fair, she did most of the chores around the house anyway, she stole 5$ from the “Mother's” purse. “Maybe she won't get mad sense it’s only five dollars…” She thought to herself. “Plus how would she know it was me? Theres about 20 kids in this rundown place and all of us have some pretty messed up pasts, were expected to steel...”

Raven attended G.O.V. University. It’s where all the the kids from the home went, It was a private school for kids… Without parents. The home is run by G.O.V. and all the stores nearby are also run by G.O.V. Ravens was dropped off at the home when she was about six months old and had no idea where or what happened to her parents. It's been 17 years. SHe gave up and decided to just accept their probably dead…  death, sometimes the only way out..
Overthinking about her birthday,which was only weeks away. Once a child turns 18 their forced to train in the G.O.V. She wants no part of it, if anything she would do it to one day overthrow it. Raven was just sitting in the lunchroom avoiding her classes, not caring whether classes were going on or not. “Hey man” Eliot had just sat down next to her with most of their friend group following with thuds of backpacks and slight chat. “Whats up?” She replied crossing her arms over the table. Elliot turned to Raven resting his head on his jacket. “Nothing much, trying not to get caught.. You know the new rule? If you're caught out in the halls or out of class without an escort they take all your hours, plus beat you!” “WHAT!?” Raven had no idea that the G.O.V. was cracking down on kids that hard this year. You see, you need a certain amount of hours or they kick you out of the school, and if you get kicked out of the school you're kicked out of your home. Then off to the street with you with no food or shelter, plus after the great war no one wants to go out there… Hell no one's even seen a blue sky in years, That's why Raven even dyed her hair just to add some color into her life. . Elliot grabbed raven by the shoulder. “We need to go they're coming, run to your class as fast as you can and just have some bullshit reason to why you're late.” They all got up and started walking. Ravens face turned red with frustration “ Are you serious tho dude?? They'll actually beat us just for ditching?? What's the point if all we do in class is sit there and stare at computer screens? S*** we can't even talk for 5 minutes without getting yelled at! What the hell are they trying to brainwash us or something, and now by force?? “ Sprinting now, the rest of their friends ran into their classes and missed the cayos. You could hear them getting whipped, their yells ecowing threw the halls after Raven and Eliot.  “Are there any more rules i should know?!“ Raven said panting as they ran up the stairs, Eliot panting even more due to his heart condition. “Um.. ya.. Huh… um… if you have colored hair i think they might shave it off, and uh if you're birthday is within the next 3 months they're going to have you start training for G.O.V.” At this point, Raven was royally pissed off. At the top of the stairs they were stopped at gunpoint by full suited SWAT. One jesters to the ground with his gun “Get on the ground.” Looking at the others “Take a sample of their blood. Find out their age and who they are.” Raven threw on her hood so they they wouldn't notice her hair right away, the soldiers clipped the tips of their fingers with a needle and inserted the blood into a weird transparent phone. While this was going on Elliot whispered to Raven “Oh ya by the way… i put a pipe bomb in all the classrooms, when they go off make a run for it to any broken wall and run, find us in the woods by the mold mounting.” Raven scared around at all the classes around them “WHAT THE FU-” “BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

The author's comments:

This was a dream i had and if it where to come true, honistly id like it more then my reality. I do dye my hair alot and its annoying when privet schools dislike it. 

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