The Boy with the Seaweed Eyes | Teen Ink

The Boy with the Seaweed Eyes

October 11, 2016
By Anonymous

I was heading straight to Ausbourne Ave. 3576, Colly’s house. Colly always knew how to lighten up my mood all the time. His amber eyes constantly sparkled with interest. If you can imagine a puppy that you just adopted, that’s him.
Me and Colly had to do a pretty huge assignment that everyone had to do in our science class. The district wide annual science fair is coming up which drags in many people including newscasters and the city council.
I took a left on a narrow, stone alley. It was a short cut to Colly’s house by cutting through a tight row of shops that were on the beachfront.
One of them is a very popular diner named Swing In, which attracts guests day and night. Mr. Walter’s owned the place. He’s a gentleman with his blonde hair matted all over the place. Me and my boy Colly always swung by to chat and have a snack with him before we hit the beach, and whenever Mr. Walters free, we would hang loose and surf our hearts out. Every time I took a good glimpse at his face his features are no doubt like my brother’s even though it's been years since I’ve last seen him.
I turned a sharp right onto Colly’s street and bumped into a guy wearing a leather jacket and aviator shades.
“Sorry about that,” chuckled the new kid while he bent to pick up my sunglasses. Suddenly time was at a stand still. An old memory clouded my brain when I had a clear view of his seaweed green eyes.
“The name’s Calder. What's your name?”
“Dawn,” I replied rapidly. 
“You don’t look familiar. Are you new here?” I had to make this conversation quick. Colly was waiting for me and this Calder kid had a painstaking resemblance to someone close to me.
“Yeah. Me and my family just got here a few days ago. Are you okay?” he asked as he consciously rubbed his head as if he was contemplating about something important. “Hmmm. Oh yeah, I’m fine, I’m just in a rush,” I retorted, “It was nice meeting you... Cal-d-er.”
Next thing I knew my legs were dragging me off like it has taken control of my body. Was it frustration? Hastiness? No, I can’t seem to be able to describe it. It’s as if pigs started to take their wings and fly! All these mixed emotions came crashing down into my body like a barrel amidst a raging torrent. My spine prickled with anticipation knowing Calder’s piercing dark green eyes bore at my back while I quickened my pace.
My polka dot dress swayed across my legs in rhythm with the breeze on the oceanside. Soon a familiar sunny yellow house came into view.
Knock, knock.
Immediately the door swung open revealing a boy with spiky blonde hair and a soft expression on his face.
“Come on in Dawn,” he said. We ended up straight in a room with a comfy aquamarine couch and not far from it, a surfboard gently laid across a table.
“Did you know this new kid named Calder just moved in right next to us?” asked Colly while he opened up the windows. The smell of something tangy reached my nose. Salt. I took a deep breath as I tried to inhale as much rich ocean scent as I could.
“Yea. I know about Calder. I just ran into him on the way here,” I answered as my voice shook a bit. Should I tell Colly what happened? No, I shouldn’t he’ll get to worried about it, but he’s my best friend. He could help guide me through this. Should I tell him?! YES! NO! Maybe so? Ugggggh make up your mind! My mouth was screwed shut, so not a single peep nor word came out. Colly looked at me with concern, but he quickly changed the subject. 
“Alright. Let's get this project up and working,” Colly said as he clapped his hands together. 
Surprisingly the sun was still high in the sky when we finished it.
“Hey Colly. Why don’t we head over to Swing In to have lunch?” I suggested while leaning out of the window embracing the warmth that flowed through my body. Ahhhhhh this feels nice.
“Helloooooooo? Earth to Dawn. Are you receiving my message?!” Colly hollered sarcastically.
That's Colly at his finest.
As we took a step outside, the sun shined on my deep blue ocean eyes.  Quickly I whipped out my sunglasses and tried to keep up with Colly’s brisk pace. That boy. He could win first place in the olympics if there ever was a speed walking competition.  Davidson Str. was portrayed in bold letters as we blurred past it. Footloose, kick off the Sunday shoes! The upbeat energetic music blasted in the distance hinting us our destination was near. “Looks like Mr. Walters got his hands full today! ” I exclaimed in surprise.
“Well you know what to do then,” Colly replied as he took my hand and led me to the back of the restaurant. 
We quickly scurried through the busy kitchen ignoring the grunts and frustrated voices that stirred around us. I went ahead this time and soon enough we found ourselves in front of Mr. Walters laughing with someone oddly familiar. Calder.
“Hello Colly and Dawn meet my nephew Calder!” he exclaimed while he patted him on the back. Impossible...
“Hey Calder! Nice to see you again. We were just going to grab a snack and head to the beach! Wanna join?” Colly asked with his lighthearted funny tone.
“Sure,” he replied back to us.
A lightning bolt pierced my heart filling it with horror. Out of all people why him.
The sand was in between my toes and my curly brown hair flowed with the breeze. Me and Colly forgot to grab our surfboards on the way to the beach, but Mr. Walters lended us some of his. Shimmering ripples of water surrounded us as we waded in the depths of the ocean.
“Hey Dawn. Look we can clearly see our reflection!” Calder exclaimed.
I took one look at my reflection then directly at Calders. His blonde hair gelled up by the water and his green eyes glowed in the sunlight. One word came to my mind.
Brother. I must tell Colly about this whether I like it or not.
I quickly paddled over to Colly, ignoring the fact water splashed all over Calder’s face. “Hey Colly, mind if I tell you something?”

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