Growing Up in the Barrio | Teen Ink

Growing Up in the Barrio

October 12, 2016
By lsx69daddy BRONZE, Riverside, California
lsx69daddy BRONZE, Riverside, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

George  is  a  Chicano. He has undocumented parents, so they are considered ilegal immigrants. His father got locked up and eventually got deported back to Mexico. His single mother is raising 3 children in Santa Barbara.

”Do good in school and don't follow my steps,“ George's father always told him.

Growing up hispanic is a struggle due to financial problems and having to drop out of school to help their family stay tight. Well this is George's story. He's just in middle school. He got jumped in what they call a “clika.”  Gang bang’in, selling drugs, and getting involved with gangs because his father was not there for him so he can correct him and his mother was too busy working trying to support his family. That was the only opportunity George had to support his family. He wasn't messing with little gangs, he was messing with the big boys which was the East Siders.

Then, when time passed he was one of the most know drug dealers in Santa Barbara. His brothers and family would always tell him, “Ya para de ser esas cosas y as algo con tu vida.“

Which means stop doing what you’re doing and do something productive with your life.

He took it as a joke he began to fight in underground fights he began to get more money because he was doing both selling drugs . Time passed then soon he  , got well known in the streets for fighting  after he was well known another good fighter came in town and wanted to fight George the word got around . The percentage of the fight was 40% each fighter . They both caught that fade George nearly won , Most the money he won he gave to his family because his family never left him when he did all this sh!t . The more reputation  the more fake friends became in the picture . He had some friend that they called “chico “ was just a gold digger so Goerge to him to “f*** off “ George never thought that with one word that he said would have his family kidnapped well he thought wrong.

When he found out that his family was kidnaped , chico called him on the phone saying,
“ Aye you really want uour family ey.“ 

“ What the f***  you talking bout,“ responded  George.

Chico passed the phone to his mother, “Mijo ven y salvanos.“ 

 George’ s  eyes turned red and tear drops came out his eyes.

“ F*** ese con la familia ni se toca,“ said George

“Orale pues bring me 20 racks and you get your family back “ Responded Chico .

“Beep” the phone clicked.

George went to  chicos house but he did not bring back up or police, neither those 20000 thousand dollars . He brought his little toy  he brought his AK47. He knocked on the door, chico came outside.

“You got that feria? “ chico said.

“Cra-cra-cra” he shot chico 3 times in the head. George took his family out of the house then dropped them off at his house. George went on a mission, he went to bust a cap on chico's family he killed chicos family, brothers, sisters, father,  and mother.  His mother insisted  that he should do something other than fighting and slanging. 

He began to write verses started to get popular because he started singing in clubs and stuff. His songs weren’t about how he was balling or anything he sang about the struggle. He also started singing to get out of trouble and to get his family out of danger because of him.  George bought his mom a house for always believing in him and not letting him down for 25 years. His message in every song is that there's many other ways for a young chicano other than slanging , there is  more options , it's not worth doing that.  Another message he says is to not give up on your self but wait …. Did i mention that George bailed his father out of  jail, he turned his life around  and reunited his family. The point that George is trying to point out is that there is many opportunities , but you do what you gotta do ...

The author's comments:

I like speaking the thruth and opening people to the reality .

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