Oh My God What Is My Life Right Now | Teen Ink

Oh My God What Is My Life Right Now

June 1, 2016
By 02468 BRONZE, Parkville, Maryland
02468 BRONZE, Parkville, Maryland
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I did not know what I wanted so I chose to talk about .So I’m going to talk about  my uncle Sparks and I called him that because that is the only name that I know him by I don’t know him by any other name so his name is Sparks. He is a joke within itself he is just a BIG joke one of the biggest jokes I ever seen. He was on drugs because it’s funny because he would do dumb things like stealing. Because everybody has a family member that is addicted to something so I’m going to talk about him. So about 26 years ago one night my grandmother and her family was out and uncle sparks is her bother just to let you know. They all came home from church and my grandmother was about to make dinner when she looked in her freezer she saw nothing everything was gone it was all stolen all of it. She knew he did it now I don’t know if he was really that dumb or if the drugs fried his brains. And I say that because he not thinking clear because he was right down the STREET. Trying to SELL it down the STREET so he showed just how smart he was that night just how smart. So my grandparents and aunts and uncle ran down the street when they saw him trying to sell the food. My grandparents had 6 kids so they needed all the food that they could get. So they asked “why did you do this we need this and how did you get in” because they don’t know. Now I have my thoughts about how he got in because they did not let him in and he was not living there so I think he broke in the house just a thought just think about it. So he said as he with his slurred speech so you know he was high as a kite was “ Denise I need this I’m trying to get my life together”. Now you and I know he was lying he did it because he wanted drugs. And my grandfather Hurther  knew he was lying so he got mad and hit him right in the mouth just for lying to him and his family in their faces they got into a fight and then my aunts saw this girl who lied on my uncle Buck and they jumped her. So a big fight started then the cops came and Sparks go locked up that night. And guess what he never did that again after that. So my uncle sparks had a girlfriend who I don’t like she’s everything I hate  about people she was dumb , loud ,and did not know what she was talking about.  And guess what she was a drug addict too and was homeless. But of course  she’s on drugs and homeless . the first time I met her was on the bus when I was in the 6th grade and she was just high and loud she wanted to bring trash on the bus the bus driver told her that she could not bring trash on the bus she did any way. She looked like she just came back from a fight and I only say that because of the way how she looked. Because she had fake hair and the hole back of her head was missing. What she was wearing had holes in it and was torn so yeah she came back from a fight. And oh my god the way she smelled she smelled like a bag of wet trash that has been sitting out in the sun for 8 hole days that’s just how bad she smelled. Her teeth was no better  her teeth looked like they could put Black & Decker out of business that is just how bad they looked.. She tried to sit next to me on the bus and I was like “ Um no you can’t sit next to me not now not ever”. I was in the 6th grade when that happened and that was the last time I saw her thank god for that. Cut 2 years later I saw my uncle at my grandmother’s funeral and he looked worst then the last time I saw him. He looked sweaty his eyes were blood shot red he looked stuffed and he smelled. He needed a shower it was bad that we was at a funeral but now we had to deal with him at that time I thought to myself “ Oh my God what is my life right now. That was the last time I saw him thank God.

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