problems | Teen Ink


May 27, 2016
By saadiya BRONZE, Indiana, Indiana
saadiya BRONZE, Indiana, Indiana
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

     “they can get so loud sometimes!” my parents are always arguing. My name is Sarah.  Im just a 9th grader who has more problems then the average child. “I’m ready to leave!” my younger brother says. “ we should just sneak out and go without them because I can drive now.” My older brother says.  Just listening to them makes me want to never get married, it’s too much. We didn’t end up going, they argued all night. Know my fall break is ruined as usual. School is another one of the problems in my life. You see I have a boyfriend his name is josh. We have been dating for two months. We are going through a rough time in our relationship. There is a reason why, I’ll tell you.

      One night me and josh were in my room watching tv. When he comes over we talk and talk, but that night we didn’t. you see I didn’t go to school that day so I was thinking maybe it had something to do with school. I didn’t ask him though. The next day I woke up curious to find out what happened. I got to school a little late but not really. As I walked in everybody stared at me and whispered. I got butterflies in my stomach. As I made it to my locker my friends where all there waiting on me.

     I walked up with a big smile and said, “ hey yawl.”  “ hey.” They said. “girl did you hear!” my friend sally said. “ no what!” I said. “ April is going around telling people  that you did something with a lot of boys and that you  are cheating on josh!” my friend Kelsi said ( April was one of my friend the year before.)  “ what do you mean, I never did that and I’m not cheating on him, where is she getting this stuff from!” I said. I slammed my locker and walked away.

I went into the lunch room and sat down. I have this one friend that is from Africa and as I was sitting in the lunch room she came up to me because she just heard what happened. When she came up to me she said “  sy gaan ok don’t selfs bekommurd our haar.” As I looked at her in confusion she says, “ its going to be ok don’t even worry about it.” “oh” I said. “ thanks I’ll try not to.” I said. After two weeks go by people are still talking about it. I couldn’t take it no more so I ran out of the school all the way home. As I make my way home I stopped as I realized that              my parents would be home. That means that they are most likely are arguing. I took a deep breath and kept walking. I walked up to the door took a deep breath and opened it. “ why can’t you ever do anything around  here!” my mom says. I just looked at them and ran to my room and slammed the door. “ why did you just slam this door you don’t pay no bills around here!” my dad said after busting in my room.” Why yaw always arguing  over nothing!” “ because we do you can leave if you don’t want to hear it!” “ maybe I will!” I ran passed him and out the front door. I ran and I ran. By the time I stopped running I was about 30 min from my house. I always thought about running away but was never actually going to. As I kept walking  all I can think about is what am I going to do.

      Whats going to happen next. Luckily I had a couple of dollars in my pocket  so I could get something to eat. I went to a nearby phone, I picked it up but then realized that I didn’t know who to call. After taking a second to think i decided to call my granny. My granny is my dads mom. We don’t really talk to her but I talk to the most. Her name is Sharon.  I called her and told her everything that happened, she told me to tell her where I was and to stay right there. She picked me up 30 min later right where I was. I got in the car,” hi granny”, “ hey baby are you ok, are you hurt,” “ no I’m fine.” “ where do you want to go.” I don’t know” “ I’ll tell you what you can come stay with me for as long as you want.” “ thank you.” As we pulled up to her house she asked me about my things.”

     “ so, what are we going to do about you clothes and things.” “ well, nobody is home around around 1pm so we can go tomorrow to get them.”, “ok, I will have a sit down with your parents and let them know that you will be staying with me for a while.”, “ok.” I said. The next day all I could think about is what might happen and what I don’t want to happen. As we pull up to my house I get so nerves I don’t know what to do. I got out and ran I quickly packed a bag and came out. “ you get everything you need?” granny asked, “ yes I got everything.” I said, “ ok let’s go” granny said. My parents get home around 3pm so we had to go back. I knocked on the door, “ boom! boom! boom!, “ who is it?” my dad said, “ it’s your mother and daughter.” Granny said.

     My dad opens the door. “ hi honey we were so worried about you.” My dad said, “ hi I’m fine.” I said, “ we need to talk to you two.” Granny said. “ ok, what’s going on?” mom said. “ I want sara to come and stay with me for a while.” Granny said. “ what do you mean we didn’t agree to this!” mom said. “ listen mom and dad, I want to stay with granny for a while to get my head and my life together. When I come home all I hear is arguing over and over again. And when im at school people tale about me, call me names for something I didn’t even do.

And on top of that my so called best friend is the one that started this, if I go and stay with grandma for a while I will have time to look at things different and feel better about myself and life.” I said. “ we are so sorry we didn’t know that you felt that way.” Mom said. “ yes, you can go stay with your granny.” Dad said. “ you know, I actually didn’t come here to get your approval.” I stormed out. On our way back to my granny’s house all I could think about is what’s going to happen and change. When we walked in the house we were quiet, I went back to the room I sept in and put my things away.

     I didn’t feel like eating or talking or watching TV, all I wanted to do was sleep. I climbed in bed and slept all day. As months went by, I got better and happier. I haven’t been to school so I’m curious at what happened and what is happening. I wondered when I got home will things be different. The next day I got ready to leave. The first place was home I was so nerves to go back I actually really didn’t want to go back. I gave my granny a hug, “ thank you for letting me stay with you.” I said. “ your welcome honey you can stay with me anytime.” Granny said. I went up to the door, got my key from my pocket and opened the door.

     The house was real quiet because they were still sleeping. We don’t have to be up till 7am so I have a hour to sleep. I went to my room and laid down. When I got up it was still quiet, I got up to look around and they we all getting ready and my parents were talking normally. They couldn’t see me thought I was trying to hide. They were all sitting at the table so I walked in there. Out of joy and happiness they ran to me. “ Sarah” my younger brother said. “ we missed you.” My older brother said. “ I missed you guys too.” I said.

They all came and gave me a hug. “ so what are you going to do today.” Dad asked. “ I’m going to school.” I said. I ran back to my room and quickly got ready. I was so nerves walking into the school. Since I haven’t been there for a while I had to go to the office to see if anything had changed. Nothing had so I made my way to my locker, when I got there and started opening my locker all of my friends saw me and ran to me all loud. “ Sarah omg we missed you.” They all said. I asked them to catch me up.

     They said that after I left people started not believing her and the rumors, because the boys stud up and told everyone that it wasn’t true and that April said it to be evil. They said that everybody hates her know. “ do you guys know where josh is?” I said. No they said. “ I saw him when I walked in.” my friend crystal said. “ I think he was going to his locker.” crystal said again.  I walked and way and headed to his locker. When I got there he was there. I took a deep breath and walked over. I stud in front of him. He was binding down so he didn’t see me at first. I tapped his shoulder and he stood up. When he stood up he just stared at me and had this look on his face like wow or where have you been I missed you type look.

      After taking a minute to take it all in he reached for me and hugged me. “I love you” he said. “ I love you two” I said. After this day I hope my life will be as I hopped. Everything has changed and life is great for now.


The author's comments:

I love realistic fictions and dramas and I read a lot of story’s like that so I would have to say A piece of cake by cupcake brown and the Bulford high series inspired me to write this story. I hope that people will love it and say that I did a good job.

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