The Life of the Unspoken Boy | Teen Ink

The Life of the Unspoken Boy

March 27, 2016
By khalen.wimes BRONZE, Lithonia, Georgia
khalen.wimes BRONZE, Lithonia, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"nothing is free"

Once upon a time there was a boy named Charles. He was a very unusual boy. Charles was always the kid who sat alone at lunch. He was also the smartest kid in class though too. Kids were constantly picking in him about how he always had good grades but one day that all changed and Charles’ life took a turn for the worse.
It was October when it just started getting cool in Georgia. Kids were entering the building at John F. Kennedy High School. Charles was not very excited to come back to school this Monday. He did all of his homework and knew that no one else did it. Charles was ready to be laughed at and harassed another week at school.
As Charles turned in his homework in the tray and he knew that this would not be his day. The teacher walked in the classroom as the bell rung and called attendance. She then proceeded to the tray and saw on paper in it. The teacher then paused and said “Is Charles the only person who did his homework”? Everyone took their eyes off the teacher and looked directly at Charles.
Charles said in his head once again” Today is not my day”. The teacher gave Charles extra credit since he was the only person who did his homework. After class Charles went to the restroom. When he got there he was confronted by people in his class? They started punching him and kicking him and calling him words that could not be repeated.
Charles had never felt so sad and alone. No one stepped in and tried to help him. When the boys finally let up Charles was hurt and felt very sore. Then, several minutes later the bell rang and school was over. Charles had to limp home in the rain. When he walked in the house his mother and him shared looks at each other.
Charles finally had the courage to tell his mother what had been going on for a couple months now. A couple days later Charles and his mother went up to his school to talk to the principal. Charles felt a sigh relief when he walked in with his crutches on his side. Charles and his mother had told the principal what had been going on for months now. She said that Charles is one of the smartest kids in the school and he should’ve expected something like this to happen.
Charles’ mother felt furious inside but she knew for the sake of her son that she couldn’t lose her cool. She shook the principles’ hand and said” Thanks for your help”. Charles felt furious inside by the principles ‘decision. Charles knew that it was not over yet. As Charles and his mother left the school he had a solemn grin on his face.
The next day Charles and his mother went to go see their lawyer. He said that they should sue the school for not doing anything about Charles getting harassed. They took the lawyer’s advice and sued the school. It didn’t take long for the trial to begin. Charles was very happy about getting a say on the matter but he was also nervous.
Charles was ready for any question thrown at him on the witness stand. He felt a sense of goodness inside. The jury’s deliberations took a little while to develop. After two days of deliberating the jury came to a verdict.
Charles was awake and ready for the verdict when it was about to be read. The jury said that the school was found guilty. Charles and his mom were so happy. Charles started shedding tears of joy. After that the school started giving stricter discipline for students that were harassing their peers. Charles walked into school that Monday feeling well accomplished. Charles inspired kids across the kids across the nation to speak up about their experiences.

And that was that
The End

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